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How to save data of my screen on iOS simulator to local storage (react-native)

I am using react-native and expo. I have some data that is displayed on the screen (this is my second screen) such as: updated: const x ="key"; const storeData = async (value) => { try { ...
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localStorage works on desktop but not mobile (iOS version 12.2)

I have created a simple Todos app using React, and have implemented localStorage in order to persist data between page refreshes. The implementation is something like this: loadStateFromLocalStorage()...
James Whiteley's user avatar
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React Native: storage only works in simulator

I've tried AsyncStorage, react-native-store, and react-native-simple-store, and they all work in the simulator, but not on a device. I'm using redux and redux-thunk to load the stored state. I call ...
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