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Issue with Persistent Timer After Opening a Letter in Java [closed]

I am working on a Java application where a user can "open" a letter, and after that, a 24-hour countdown timer should start. The goal is to prevent the user from opening another letter ...
user28752277's user avatar
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Inserting id in localStorage returns null [closed]

i've been making a cart for my e commerce page, now i need to put my cart objects in localStorage, i manage that via array, then that array i insert in localStorage The array is composed of an id ...
mini1012's user avatar
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Is there any client-side storage that is safe from browser extensions?

LocalStorage, SessionStorage and IndexedDB can all be easily accessed by browser extensions through content scripts. Yes, the extensions need user permission, but users are dumb enough to give ...
Vlad Mashkautsan's user avatar
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My browser localstorage clears everytime i refresh

Welp, creating a time block app, and I want the saved timestamps/blocks to be present upon reload, written the appropriate code - I guess whenever I add a time stamp/block, it shows in the application ...
user28626641's user avatar
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Passing Client side info to Login in Blazor Web app

I have a scenario, which worked previosuly in Blazor, but not in Blazor 9 (& 8) with the new Web app template & Identity. I have a basked Id, stored on the client side in LocalStorage - at ...
Craig's user avatar
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Cookies Set After Facebook OAuth Redirect Are Stored Under Instead of My Domain

I'm implementing Facebook OAuth login in my web application and trying to set a session cookie after the OAuth callback. The flow works correctly on my local environment (localhost), but in beta and ...
Nirav Patel's user avatar
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How to identify the "latest version" of the (Browser) Local Storage & enforce it being aplied to other (idle) tabs?

Is anyone aware how to get the the extact hh:mm:ss of an object written to local storage? (which would help me troubleshooting some weird behavior I am facing) What is the right way to enforce most ...
SayMyName's user avatar
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How to Access Real-Time Data from Local Storage Files in Browser Directory?

I’m monitoring a website where news updates are displayed in real-time. I can see these updates in the LocalStorage section of my browser's Developer Tools (under I’m wondering ...
GG GG's user avatar
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Issue with Retaining Current Topic on Page Refresh in React

I’m building a programming tutorial website using React. Each content page has a sidebar and a main content section with "Previous" and "Next" buttons to navigate topics. However, ...
SAYANTAN HALDAR's user avatar
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Why does “Reduce Protections" appear in nextjs project?

I am developing a project with Nextjs. I deploy this project to Vercel and view it from my phone. When the user logs in to the admin page, I add a "token" key to localstorage and give its ...
Swanlee's user avatar
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Why can't I store data into localStorage in Javascript? [duplicate]

I am a beginner in web development, and I am working on a simple bookshelf app. I want to store the book data in localStorage using JavaScript, so the data persists even when the page is refreshed. ...
Dzy's user avatar
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How to forcefully reload and clean data in Shopify JS?

I’ve trying for a few days to solve this and couldn’t. I need my page to reload and forget about the previously set values in some functions. I tried many ways to do so but none have been working in ...
Andrew Gabriel's user avatar
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How do I set a local storage item after a form submit in a Blazor component?

I'm using the .NET8 Blazor web app template, with the Identity stuff included, and have added the Blazored.LocalStorage Nuget package. I would like to set a local storage item when the user logs in, ...
DreamingOfSleep's user avatar
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Why is my Angular signal not populating with data from localStorage?

I am using the following function to add user data to cartSignal and store the data to localStorage. It works fine. public addToCart = (item:CartItem) => { this.cartSignal.set({cartItems:[......
koque's user avatar
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Logged-in verification on Ionic

I'm trying to use ngOnInit to verify if a value is set on the app's localStorage, but it doesn't work. this is what i have now: this is the function that logs the user in the app async login() { ...
Samuel Freitas's user avatar

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