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Accessing JSON's value from app metafield in liquid

Here's my sample JSON, { car: { color: 'Red' }, train: { color: 'Blue' } } I have added my JSON using metafieldsSet mutation. What I want to access is car's color or train's color ...
Abid Hasan's user avatar
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How can I make Shopify Liquid Code Colour Swatch code less squished?

I have some code that checks for a colour swatch on Shopify liquid code, it links to the silver or gold version of a product based on a custom meta field, but the text is all squished, can anyone help ...
Daniel Grosso's user avatar
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How can I get all the citation-style links in a markdown page using Liquid?

Markdown supports a citation style of linking, where you place semantic link names at the bottom of the file: Today I found a [movie][EEAAO] that [changed my life]. [EEAAO]:
Ky -'s user avatar
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Jekyll posts render fine in HTML but other collections are simply missing

I am trying to add a changelog to my website. I am using jekyll's collections feature to do so. I have found liquid to be frustratingly opaque and have not yet figured out how to view available ...
Fireye's user avatar
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Custom Liquid tags ({% liquid %}, {% section %}) not working with kalimatas/php-liquid library

I'm encountering errors while trying to implement Shopify-specific Liquid tags using the kalimatas/php-liquid library. Here's my setup: // LiquidRenderer.php class LiquidRenderer { private $...
inanc eroglu's user avatar
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How to Implement a Cross-Selling Component on a Product Page in Jumpseller with Unrelated Products

I'm working on implementing a cross-selling feature on my product pages in Jumpseller. The goal is to display unrelated products (e.g., showing Windows OS products on other product pages) and allow ...
Stas Pegov's user avatar
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How to forcefully reload and clean data in Shopify JS?

I’ve trying for a few days to solve this and couldn’t. I need my page to reload and forget about the previously set values in some functions. I tried many ways to do so but none have been working in ...
Andrew Gabriel's user avatar
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Why does using image_url in one part of my Shopify Liquid code cause a 404 error, but not in others?

I'm building a custom section in Shopify that includes an image modal for displaying product images. The issue I'm facing is that when I use image_url for the src attribute in one part of my code, I ...
user23529192's user avatar
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Unable to iterate through Shopify Metafield entry list arrays in Liquid

I'm creating a custom Shopify section to display product specifications using a metafield. My metafield named specs is set as an entry list, with each entry containing arrays for label and description....
Pizza Coding's user avatar
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How do I incude another js file from a js file where ES6 modules aren't supported?

I'm using Shopify App block Extension. There are some absurd limitations like the liquid file can't exceed 100 KB size. One can also reference a JS file from the schema of the liquid file which should ...
Wakil Ahmed's user avatar
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How to dynamically display variant metafields in Shopify Expanse theme?

I am trying to display a variant metafield that has a "predicted date of arrival" on my product pages. I have already created the variant metafield and added the values. I am also able to ...
August Palanca Jr's user avatar
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How to customize collection filters to display colors as color swatches?

I'm trying to build a Shopify theme from scratch and I am new to this. I am already filtering collections using the storefront filtering. It works fine, I want to customize the collection filters to ...
ifempty's user avatar
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Translations not working for shopify app block schema settings section

I've defined my app block schema settings and implemented the locales for them but this isn't working properly. Like the content from the default en.default.schema.json is loading but not working for ...
Wakil Ahmed's user avatar
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Severe memory leak with Hotwire Turbo and Shopify

I'm encountering a significant memory leak when integrating Turbo with my Shopify store. After each Turbo-driven navigation, the heap size increases due to detached DOM nodes being retained, leading ...
user27741775's user avatar
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How can I loop over an array and store the data in a variable in liquid?

I'm doing the following using JS with liquid: const variantsWithInventoryData = {}; // Loop through each variant and assign to the object {% for variant in product.variants %} ...
Wakil Ahmed's user avatar
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