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realm swift takes too much time to deleteAll(). i generally have around 6k-7k Objects to be deleted using deleteAll

I'm using Realm Swift in my iOS application, and I'm facing performance issues when trying to delete a large number of objects from the database. Specifically, I have around 6,000 to 7,000 objects ...
kunj Barvaliya's user avatar
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Capacitor 5 Duplicate submission issue while using interval in iOS

I have a Capacitor 5/Angular app that seems to have an issue with using intervals and creating duplicate submissions in iOS. The idea is that when a user is in patchy cell service they can report a ...
user24471980's user avatar
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Losing a Webapp's Stored Data Completely on iOS15 and iOS16

Our app is a hybrid app, using WKWebView.We seem to lose stored data on both localStorage and IndexedDB on iOS devices.About 100 of 25000 unique users are affected and it seems that some devices lose ...
armin's user avatar
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Why is my flutter app using so much storage in 'Documents & Data'?

I am currently perplexed as to why my app is using so much storage, as displayed in iPhone Storage settings. I ran the following method to get an approximation of how much storage im using in my app: ...
N.K.'s user avatar
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Can I access and read the local storage of an old iOS/Android app with a new rewritten Flutter app with the same BundleID?

I have an old iOS and Android app and there users can favorite products. The favorites of a user are always stored locally on the device, but are not synchronized with the server. I have now written a ...
esen's user avatar
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How to persist data form page to page for apple devices - Google tag manager

I am having a problem tracking conversions on Apple devices. This is the simplified scenario: After login. User lands on page 1, behind the scenes, we push-piece of information into local storage ...
user3191724's user avatar
2 votes
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How to hide Documents and Data for iOS app in iPhone Storage

does anyone know how I can hide the documents and data for my iOS app in iPhone Storage? I see none of the apps in AppStore showing it but somehow my app is showing it to the user. To view this screen,...
janice chau's user avatar
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How do I use Realm swift to store assets on device locally?

I am trying to make a simple iOS app that has loads of text, video links, etc. I want to store this data using realm .I'm not trying to store user data but assets like text, thumbnails and even some ...
Kushagra Sharma's user avatar
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iOS Swift Parse Local Data Store unpin doesn't work when offline

This is not a pointer object issue the unpin seems to only fail when device is offline (not connected to internet) Query: let query = PFQuery(className: "Test") query.fromLocalDatastore() ...
robotos's user avatar
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Where does Flutter store the assets in the assets folder on the phone?

I am interested in finding out the path where Flutter stores local files, the ones defined in the pubspec.yaml file. Is it a private location that only the app can access, or can I manually find it on ...
Mad World's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Why is localStorage sometimes null in MacOS/iOS devices right after availability check?

I am experiencing a problem, which is not very frequent but still occurs on a regular basis, in a web application that makes use of local storage. The problem is only occurring in iOS/macOS devices, ...
ProgrammerPer's user avatar
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Cordova load resource from documents issue (WKwebview)

We have a very simple Cordova application that downloads all the App's content to the /Documents/ folder. Here we store html, images, css and javascripts. We recently moved to the WKWebview because ...
Robin Oven von's user avatar
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iOS data storing mechanisms [closed]

From my understanding, following are the data storing mechanisms: UserDefaults - store small amount of data Keychain - store sensitive data Coredata - Framework built on top of SQLite for convenience ...
Asha's user avatar
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Can local storage options such as LocalStorage, IndexedDB, and WebSQL be used for Android/IOS apps?

I'm looking for a local storage option for an Android/IOS app I'm making for an offline mode. However, I'm confused on whether or not these options require the use of a browser. Reading up on ...
bpick12's user avatar
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How to save data of my screen on iOS simulator to local storage (react-native)

I am using react-native and expo. I have some data that is displayed on the screen (this is my second screen) such as: updated: const x ="key"; const storeData = async (value) => { try { ...
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