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Error with ffmpeg_kit_flutter_https_gpl in Flutter: "Namespace not specified. Specify a namespace in the module's build file"

I'm using the render: ^0.0.8 library in my Flutter project. I've added this dependency to my pubspec.yaml file. However, whenever I run my project, I encounter the following error: A problem occurred ...
Jay Parmar's user avatar
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Flutter Error: The getter 'popDisposition' isn't defined for the class 'PageRoute<T>'

I'm having a problem. I'm working in a flutter project since many month and it run without any problem. But since few times, i'm getting the following problem in console every times that i run "...
Franck Dossou's user avatar
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Flutter 2.8.0 iOS Build Fails with CocoaPods Invalid Lockfile Error, Works Fine on Android

I'm encountering a specific issue while running pod install on a Flutter 2.8.0 project for iOS. This problem does not occur on the Android version of the same project. Below is the detailed error ...
riki's user avatar
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Unhandled Exception: Unable to load asset: "assets/asset/sound/beep.mp3"

I'm trying to use audioplayers plugin in flutter (Android), functionality is that once user scan the barcode, beep sound should play after that. Here is my pubspec.yml code: dependencies: flutter: ...
Anamika Singh's user avatar
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Flutter: when I try to hot reload to run the app I get this error when using carousel slider "Error: Couldn't resolve the package 'carousel_slider "

I have been using a listview to display my images, and everything works fine, but when I tried to switch to carousel slider package, the moment I installed it, I got these errors Launching lib\main....
DEGUIDER's user avatar
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separate the version by flavor in pubspec.yaml

I'm doing a project with different ones that have different versions for each flavor in pubspec.yaml I looked and this could be a solution but when I tested it it didn't work Solution: versios_gold: 2....
user121212121's user avatar
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How to fix [!] No podspec found for `get_thumbnail_video` in `.symlinks/plugins/get_thumbnail_video/ios`

I have this error on IOS for this flutter package 'get_thumbnail_video' that is normaly compatible IOS. I tried a lot of things but not working. Is there a problem on the package ?
Baptiste Coulon's user avatar
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Can't Import Font for Flutter in Visual Studio Code

I'm trying to import the Roboto Slab font from Google Fonts but I keep getting an error. I'm using Visual Studio Code. The directory location for the font is lib/fonts/Robo_Slab Here is the file i'm ...
John Brown's user avatar
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java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Class 'android.content.res.XmlBlock$Parser' does not implement interface 'la.a'

I have a flutter app which I have recently upgraded to Gradle 8. Ever since I have upgraded my app crashes on startup but only in release mode. I believe it is one of my packages causing the problem ...
rednaxela's user avatar
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shared_preferences in Flutter. 10 packages have newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints

When installing shared_preferences I get an error in the terminal that says 10 packages have newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints. Now I can't save data. How do I fix it? thanks.
John Brown's user avatar
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Why is "flutter pub get" command suggesting to update internal dependencies?

Why is flutter pug get command showing and suggesting updating some internal dependencies which I directly do not use in my pubspec.yaml file? Below is the result of flutter pug get command. Resolving ...
jack wilson's user avatar
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Flutter Mp3 audio file not detetcted

My android studio is not able to understand the file extension(.mp3). it gives (The asset does not exist or has empty data.) error even though files are present and path is correct . i rechecked the ...
Aditya Verma's user avatar
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how to change default messages in upgrader in flutter

UpgradeAlert( upgrader: Upgrader( canDismissDialog: false, showLater: true, showIgnore: false, showReleaseNotes: false, dialogStyle:Platform.isAndroid?UpgradeDialogStyle.material: UpgradeDialogStyle....
Mathan Tr's user avatar
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importing controller in flutter causes could not resolve package error

New to flutter, migrating existing flutter 2.7 code to 3, for this, I created new app from the scratch in flutter 3 and then copy pasted all the files under /lib folder from existing 2.7 code and then ...
Naga's user avatar
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My app is failing to run carousel package in flutter

I have added "carousel_pro: ^1.0.0" under dependencies in my pubspec.yaml file and imported in my desired file using "import 'package:carousel_pro/carousel_pro.dart';". Heres the ...
She Coder's user avatar

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