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getting infinite loop in shiny when trying to get value into UI through several levels of submodules

I am getting an infinite loop in the below code in shiny R application (the code is a minimal example that reproduces the issue in my bigger actual app). The code appends a namespace of the button ...
Pavel Khokhlov's user avatar
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Prevent R shiny from mistaking "configuration calls" for UI elements inside navbarPage

I have the following UI: ui <- navbarPage( title="Foo", fluid=T, # For positioning of the progress bar notification tags$head( tags$style(HTML( ".shiny-...
J. Grünenwald's user avatar
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R Shiny app connected to BigQuery cannot filter by dates

I'm working on a R Shiny app that used to load the data from a CSV file and display it on a plot. The user had the ability to do some filtering via dropdowns and dateRangeInput selectors. My goal is ...
Caligula's user avatar
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Implementing a progress bar using ambiorix with htmx

I want to implement a progress bar in my application using ambiorix + htmx This is the logic of the app: The user clicks a button, this issues a POST request which goes to the end1 endpoint inside ...
Amarullazo's user avatar
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Using shinylive to add a shiny app to the readme or an article of a pkgdown website on GitHub pages

I have some R packages on GitHub, mostly they contain small-ish datasets with a few helper functions for data preparation and plotting. I've started using GitHub pages to make the data and ...
Alex P's user avatar
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How do I enable/disable rhandsontable using radio buttons?

I am creating a shiny app that includes a table that I would like to be read only unless the user selects 'Custom' instead of 'Default' from a list of radio buttons. I first attempted this following ...
Laura's user avatar
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conditionalPanel not working in nested modules [duplicate]

Here is a working example for a conditionalPanel inside a modal dialog in a 1st level module: library(shiny) library(bslib) # Child module server function childModule <- function(id, run) { ...
eastclintw00d's user avatar
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I need help rendering the body of the menuItem "Player Select", while making the menuItem collapsable

I want the contents within menuItem "Player Select" to be collapsing, however what I have now is not rendering in the dashboard body. I am not sure if I need to change formatting, or if it ...
Jakob Garcia's user avatar
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Can't get input to update with observeEvent and actionButton in shiny [closed]

I have a shiny app that works and I want to make the functions into modules to clean up the app.R script to make it easier to read for others. I am stuck on trying to convert a block of code which is ...
Walshe_d's user avatar
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How to remember last active tabs in a multiple tabset setup?

Is there a more native way of remembering the last active tab, when changing tabsets (here in header / navbar), to return to it upon tabset change in bs4Dash? library(shiny) library(bs4Dash) library(...
Ferroao's user avatar
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Update my data in shiny using refresh button

I am trying to add a data refresh button to my shiny app so once I've inserted a new row into my sql table that will then appear in my data without fully restarting the app. Probably also worth noting ...
Joe's user avatar
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Apply tagQuery to text converted to html using the HTML functions from htmltools

I want to modify some HTML using the tagQuery function from the htmltools package, but I stumbled on the following situation: # From el <- ...
Amarullazo's user avatar
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I can't get then action button in a modular shiny app to work even in a pared back example

Could not get the action button to submit the data I need it to. Pared it back and I can't even get the action button to print a success message. New to modular shiny, so not sure if there is a ...
DS14's user avatar
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Text recommendation in Shiny

I have the below example code which applies the filtering logic given in the text input. ui <- shinyUI( fluidPage( sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( textInput("text", "...
user165673's user avatar
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Problem in using a function with a list output in R shiny

I'm making an r shiny application, based on a partially linear additive model. For this, I need to estimate some parameters, and I'm doing this from a function that acts in a practically recursive way ...
Davi Loures's user avatar

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