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Mint Nft solana RUST langauge

I wrote this code but it isnt working :) Im confused, I dont know what problem with it ** **Here is example of transaction what i need ****
user25585803's user avatar
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Collection being made but when adding nfts to the collection i get 'Program log: Collection Not Found on Metadata'

Error Error Proof That the collection exists What I did: Correctly created a collection. What was expected: I tried to add a test NFT to the collection, though the collection exists, it says "...
Rahul Mishra's user avatar
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How to categorise the assets for Candymachine?

I am making an NFT collection using Solana Metaplex candy machine. Here, I want to release the collection in 8 categories . So when I release the collection, the user are eligible to mint throughout ...
Hemang Joshi's user avatar
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Accept payment, mint specific NFT to user's wallet using Metaplex (but not candymachine)

I am trying to setup a simple operation for a user to pay X amount to mint a specific NFT. Have it working on the client only with different code but dont like that the user could just change values ...
mstelz's user avatar
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I have a problem with minting using a Candy Machine v3 + Sugar

I have a problem with minting using candy machine + sugar I use: Sugar Solana CLI I successfully create a config file, do upload and deploy, and ...
Demonik 4052's user avatar
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Extend cNFTs with associated PDAs to store extra information

Currently i'm participating in the hackathon and my solana skills are quite limited. My current stack mints cNFTs and i would like to create PDAs to store some extra information which it's not ...
voidpixel's user avatar
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How to freeze a Solana nfts with React?

I did a lot of research on this subject but could not reach a conclusion. What I want to do is this; I list and display the NFTs in my user's wallet using a specific collectionKey (my own ...
exortek's user avatar
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I am having ParsedProgramError whlie mint programmable NFT

I am using below code to mint pNFT on Solana using Metaplex const transactionBuilder = await METAPLEX .nfts() .builders() .create({ uri: metadataUri, name: name, ...
Alchemist's user avatar
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I need to get the metadata of a CNFT from Solana to React

I'm working on a React app that displays metadata for Compressed Non-Fungible Tokens (CNFTs) on the Solana blockchain. I've encountered an issue while trying to fetch metadata using the Solana ...
Tadeo's user avatar
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Solana transfer instruction for programmable NFTs

Using the following transfer instruction, I get Error: Account is frozen when transferring programmable NFTs. Is there another method on the spl-token library or do I need to manually create the ...
Hyetigran's user avatar
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"Error: failed to post funding tx" on metaplex

I am trying to upload solana NFT metadata to I tried below code. await METAPLEX .nfts() .update({ name: newName, nftOrSft: nft, ...
Alchemist's user avatar
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How to handle cors error using Magic Eden API?

I recently tried to fetch NFT attributes from Magic Eden using their api. These are attributes I would like to fetch. const nftData = await axios.get( `
Alchemist's user avatar
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I'm trying to create mintable NFT and while I was using metaplex sugar i see only one thing when using command "yarn start": opensslErrorStack: [ 'error:03000086:digital envelope routines::...
Yung Lord's user avatar
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Retrieve NFT data and transfer to another account using phantom wallet

I'm developing a NFT donation application for a non profit organization. Once user login to the web application users can connect their phanthom wallet.Once it connect have to retrieve connected ...
Delon's user avatar
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Trying adjust displayed info on OpenSea of Solana NFT collection

I created a Solana NFT collection using Candy Machine v2 (CM) and OpenSea automatically found and displayed the collection. Their documentation states that one should be able to adjust the info ...
peter7000's user avatar

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