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C# Unity - High Precision Timer using TimerQueueTimer

I'm trying to execute a C# callback every 10ms with a 1ms accuracy if possible. For the moment in my project I'm simply using a spin loop and stopwatch and I did achieve the desired result with <...
Eledwin's user avatar
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How do non-blocking algorithms vs user mode synchronization relate to each other?

How do non-blocking algorithms¹ vs user mode synchronization² relate to each other? Usually these concepts are spoken about separately. And problem is that I don't understand it clearly, because I am ...
John's user avatar
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Daisy-chaining Semaphore/SemaphoreSlim calls?

Let's suppose I have an operation that uses a resource protected by a quota (reqs/s). Think for example any rate-limited Cloud service: public class ExternalService { public async ValueTask ...
S_Luis's user avatar
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How can I run a method Syncronously when it gets called by an concurrent method

I am using c# .net I have a POST method in my controller that gets called very quickly by a client. This method gets run concurrently by MVC nature. [HttpPost] public IActionResult PostDog(){ ...
Uuuuuumm's user avatar
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Is ManualResetEventSlim with spinCount = 0 the same as ManualResetEvent?

As far as I know, slim versions of synchronization primitives use spin waits before using resources of the kernel. Is it true that ManualResetEventSlim with spinCount = 0 is the same as the usual ...
Palindromer's user avatar
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Synchronizing data between client and API (Database) .NET 6

I am currently working on a task where I need to synchronize the data, example: Client makes a request to get data to the API (API has access to the database), client received the data and saves it to ...
DemiGod's user avatar
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Centralize millions of records from 1000+ DBs

We have 1500+ Local Servers, where we use a PostgreSQL DB where we store some sales transactions data. Each local server, would add daily about 200+ records, so that's about 300.000 daily records (...
Alex Ivan's user avatar
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Bi-Directional Data Sync

I have a query on bi-directional data sync. The scenario is, that we have ERP software running on a local network which is developed in PowerBuilder and the database is SQL Anywhere 16, Also, we have ...
Ajay AV's user avatar
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Best way to order parallel processing of commands with the same attribute

I have a queue of commands. Some of them have the same attributes, say "document id". I need to be able to process them all in parallel, but with one restriction: commands with same features ...
Kirill Sergeev's user avatar
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What is the minimum wait time to use ManualResetEventSlim instead of ManualResetEvent?

From NET 4 I can use the ManualResetEventSlim class that make a little spinning before blocking in order to get a time optimization if the blocking time is little (I have no context switch). I'd like ...
Rowandish's user avatar
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How to use FileSystemWatcher for synchronizing two folders action's

So,i have a task : Sync content of the 2 dirs in real time Given the paths of the 2 dirs,listen for changes in dir1 and synchronize the actions with dir2.This means that when i create a new file in ...
NerdyStudent's user avatar
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Azure devops pipelines - shared complex data between runs and different pipelines

I'm looking to execute some integration tests using CloudTestAgentTask@4, however these tests require a user. I do however want to avoid using the same user for every run because these runs can be ...
Vasilis Apostologlou's user avatar
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Alternatives for Monitor (Wait, PluseAll) in Async Tasks in C#

I implemented Task synchronization using Monitor in C#. However, I have read Monitor should not be used in asynchronous operation. In the below code, how do I implement Monitor methods Wait and ...
Gags's user avatar
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What is the best practice to call Async method from Sync method? [duplicate]

I know some people will argue "why don't you just make SyncMethod() to async method?". We wish, but in a real world, sometimes we have to keep SyncMethod the way it is for backwards ...
Jonas T's user avatar
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Async non-polling disposal mechanism to wait until all method calls are finished in .NET 5 C#

Often I find my component having a public async (returning Task<T>) method M and DisposeCoreAsync. Other components are using this component by calling M. The application runs and at some point ...
Wapac's user avatar
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