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How can I get global input in bevy?

I am trying to make a music player with Bevy and Rust. I want to use global input to check if the play/pause button has been pressed even when the window is not in focus. I've tried using a number of ...
Mr. Sja's user avatar
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How to prioritize synchronization mechanisms working on shared data in Android?

I have an Android application with three different synchronization mechanisms that operate independently, each using its own CoroutineScope. All these synchronizations depend on the same type of data (...
Takeshi567's user avatar
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python SyncManager used by remote processes: how to identify shared objects

Using a SyncManager, if a group of processes need to share more than one dict() (say), the typical recipe is for the starting process to create them, and pass proxies to subprocesses. However, in the ...
shaunc's user avatar
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Pulse with Modulation Synchronization in TI Tiva Through Keil uVision

I am trying to actuate individual servo actuators (S51 Micro Servo) using the onboard PWM modules in a delay sequence. The Tiva datasheet states it can be done but I am unable to figure it out. I ...
Nic's user avatar
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C# Unity - High Precision Timer using TimerQueueTimer

I'm trying to execute a C# callback every 10ms with a 1ms accuracy if possible. For the moment in my project I'm simply using a spin loop and stopwatch and I did achieve the desired result with <...
Eledwin's user avatar
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Synchronization issue between video frame timestamps and sensor data (rotation vector) in Kotlin

Description: I am developing an Android application in Kotlin that performs the following tasks: Video capture: Saves the video and the current timestamp of each frame into a .csv file. Sensor data ...
Lucas Reis's user avatar
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Audio and Video out of Sync with WebRTC Rust Server and Browser Client

When building a WebRTC backend using WebRTC-rs, i have the issue, that audio and video are not in sync. The audio is encoded as Opus and the Video as H264. If i understood the library/webrtc correctly,...
milanpro's user avatar
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mySql error #2014 - SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = ON; - Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now

I have read many posts on stackoverflow regarding this error, but could not find my answer. I have created this procedure on MySQL 8.0 Standard via phpMyAdmin on a shared server : DELIMITER // CREATE ...
Dominique Delcourt's user avatar
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Syncing different audio streams for one video

So I wish to have a raspberry pi broadcasting wifi and a web server with PHP\Python cgi-bin. Th objective is to be able to receive up to 5 different short streams (up to 3 minutes) from people and ...
AlonBR's user avatar
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Need to synchronize access to two different collections exposed only through interface

(FYI I am unable to post actual code in question) I have an interface interface IEntity { List<IEntity > getChildren(); //return list of children, safe to iterate i.e. a copy List<...
user25308907's user avatar
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Can 1 SF org be linked to multiple SFMC instances (NOT BUs within 1 instance, but different SFMC logins / instances / businesses)

I've received a client request: they want to know if a single SF core org can be connected to more than one SFMC instance / different logins. The request specifies that these are not multiple ...
Luiza Zdebska's user avatar
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Is one SynchronisationContext used over multiple threads/tasks?

Is there a situation where a SynchronisationContext is used over multiple threads/tasks in Blazor? I want to determine whether a method has an components BuildRenderTree in its call stack. To do so i ...
Stevie's user avatar
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Azure/Entra and Exchange online sync issues

I have modify SMPT address on on-premises on AD and running sync but the changes are not replicating in exchange online. Whiles the changes are reflecting in entra portal, it seems there is some issue ...
Nana's user avatar
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elasticsearch mongodb connector. documents stop being added after 60 seconds

I`m use elasticsearch mongodb connector. Elasticsearch Enterprise Documents stop being added to the search index 60 seconds after synchronization starts. But the ...
Vitaliy Vita's user avatar
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iOS application to Go application synchronization

I have a project that involves running Tasks, where each task is a routine run in a Go application on a computer. The Go computer application (Supports Linux, Windows, Mac) gives users the option to: ...
Ahmed Zaidan's user avatar

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