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Questions tagged [science]

This tag is for questions on academia specifically applicable to students, researchers, and faculty in scientific disciplines.

1 vote
2 answers

Will bad english grades in high school severely effect my chances of becoming a scientist [closed]

I have got bad grades in high school English (Ds and Cs) but if I'm interested in something and have a good idea of the writing style and subject I can write well enough. so I want to know how ...
Chloe Olina's user avatar
1 vote
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protect full paper by preprint

through some research that I have conducted shows that: preprint is a version of a scientific article that precedes its acceptance by the editorial board of a scientific journal. It therefore does not ...
emile nana's user avatar
0 votes
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How to write a compound name as an author in a scientific paper? [duplicate]

My name is (Basma) (Elamir Alaa)(Ahmed). We can see that my father name is compound of two words . If I want my name and my father name to be both included as my author name , can I get some help of ...
Basma El Amir's user avatar
1 vote
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How to Develop a Daily Habit of Critical Thinking and Writing During PhD? [closed]

StackExchange community! I'm currently in my third year of a PhD program focused on geometrical fluid dynamics. As my research often involves complex coding and theoretical work, I face frequent ...
Dina Soltani Tehrani's user avatar
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How do I chase down this old PubMed article? [duplicate]

I found this interesting article and would like to read it: I have a title and author and PubMed ID, but no DOI and not much else to go off. Also the author ...
imrobert's user avatar
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5 votes
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Do you still cross out and redo the page numbers if you do it wrong in your scientific notebook?

I recently started my science notebook/diary/journal in preparation for a local science fair. I accidentally realized my issue into numbering the pages on the left side TOO. Do I cross it out or redo, ...
SuperByte's user avatar
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What are the platforms to monitor for academic job search (Tenure Track/ Long-Term Positions) in the Sciences? [closed]

Apart from common websites, like Chronicle of Higher Education or Higher Ed Jobs, what are other platforms where academic positions are posted? I recently missed out on some opportunities by not being ...
Shreya Kanakiya's user avatar
-7 votes
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Academic careerism: How can there be biased research or dishonest inquiry in theoretical hard sciences? [closed]

From Wikipedia: (emphasis added) Academic careerism is the tendency of academics (professors specifically and intellectuals generally) to pursue their ...
BCLC's user avatar
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How does research in academic science differ from that in academic engineering

Personally I come from science (theoretical physics) and know numerous people in Engineering. Speaking to them I see that the kinds of things I tend to be interested in and what they are interested in ...
N A McMahon's user avatar
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11 votes
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Do mathematicians really publish less often than (other) scientists?

I have heard from at least two mathematicians now, that mathematicians in general publish less per person per year than (other) scientists. This is anecdotal, so I looked around online and all I ...
Shaun's user avatar
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Evasive and non-communicative co-authors on a scientific paper [closed]

Apologies for the length, but all this context might matter. In 2019, I collaborated with an MD at a local hospital to write my thesis for a postgraduate degree. In my field, there is an expectation ...
jserv's user avatar
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How often is a paper, that once had been forgotten and rarely referenced or regarded, rediscovered many years later and referenced heavily?

Before the internet, especially a few centuries ago, it was quite common to rediscover a work even post-mortem. Some authors were unfortunate and didn't get to see recognition of their contributions. ...
Moon's user avatar
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Can I publish a part of my master thesis without having my master thesis supervisor as a co-author?

I completed my master degree at one of the top universities in Europe more than 5 years ago. Me and my supervisor had some conflicts at the end of my thesis submission and then he was not interested ...
Anonymous's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to deal with author's extensive self-citation? [duplicate]

As a scientific journal reviewer, how can I deal with a manuscript where the authors cited their own works extensively (14 times) in the manuscript?
David's user avatar
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What does "Awaiting Reviewers Selection" in scholarone means [duplicate]

I submitted a paper to a journal that used scholarone and the reviewers recommended a major revision. I addressed every single comment of reviewers and made all the suggested changes. Now, it is in ...
john tizzile's user avatar

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