I cant manage to get the reflection work as shown in the reference pictures, I've tried to use everything i could find, bump, normal, clearcoat...
clearcoat won't work bc the surface is very even right? i mean the reflection cant vary because there's no difference in bump?
i tried a displacement map with a noise jpg or generated inside blender, the displacement was too huge and not small enough, couldn't find a way to make it slightly rough or more dense...
Most tutorials show nodes that either dont exist anymore or dotn have the options they used to have, tried alternatives but the reflection is either completely distorted if i set the noise scale in the node based diplacement too high or i simply dont get the result i need...
this is how waf I've come, i made a quite similar version of the real one and projected it onto a densely subdivided circle.
i would love to use the cracked paper texture as a displacement map but the normal map I generated in photoshop has extremely harsh edges in blender even after u blurred it in photoshop...
nothing seems to work, i worked the entire day on this... this is where i ama t atm..
These are my references, see the way it reflects? and also the slight unevenness of the whole thing? it seems to be coated for preservation...
Any Help is appreciated! Sincerely Oz
EDIT Thanks Gorodon! heres the current state, i guess the rest is fine tuning, prolly adding another layer of reflection.