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2 answers

Update geometry nodes input values via python but outside of Blender

I am on Windows 10 and I am using Blender 3.4.1 with a simple geometry node set-up in my blend file geonodes.blend. In this file, my render settings are set to my liking (Cycles is used and JPEG is ...
Caleb John's user avatar
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How to set an objects location and rotation to individual particles in a system

I have a particle system representing a school of fish, my goal is to render a cryptomatte of each fish in view of the camera individually so I can generate a masked dataset from it (index/semantic ...
IAmADoctorYes's user avatar
4 votes
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Use Decimate modifier as a realtime LOD generator

I have a very dense scene and I need the objects to vary their polycount in realtime based on camera distance. The idea is to keep objects about 20% (0.2000) of the original polycount when the camera ...
Utopia780's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is it possible to render modifiers at preview settings?

I have an issue where I am trying to render a very complex scene, and I need to cut on my poly count in order to fit it on my GPU. The simplest way is to change modifiers like Sub-division to a lower ...
J Sargent's user avatar
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