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Questions tagged [performance]

Performance is a subset of Optimization: performance is the goal when you want the execution time of your program or routine to be optimal.

7 votes
3 answers

Optimizing Masked Bit Shifts of Gray Code with AND Operation and Parity Count

I am trying to determine the parity of the result of a complex calculation involving two uint64_t variables, value_a and ...
wepajakeg's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

I have a pytorch module that takes in some parameters and predicts the difference between one of it inputs and the target

One instance of the following module uses up to almost 75% of my vram. So, I was wondering how I could improve that without slowing down runtime too much. The code is below: ...
Noah Lott's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Multiplication game: user inputs answers to questions

This code asks the user how many multiplication questions they want to answer and then asks the requested amount of questions. When all of the questions are answered, it prints the percentage the ...
LMays's user avatar
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0 answers

MIDI router in Rust

I am working on a small MIDI router application for the Jack audio connection kit in Rust. The goal of the application is to route MIDI signals from an instrument to one or multiple applications in ...
Green grün 绿色 vert зеленый's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Infinite 2d block world (2d minecraft) with chunk system, physics and slower loading

Follow up from this question. I have added a slower loading system that allows the main game to run faster but I still get under 30 fps with caves even if I allow the player to outrun the loading. I ...
coder's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Cmake build system for the GenericDictionary

The 3 cmake files presented here are the CMakeLists.txt files used to build the testing for the Generic Dictionary. The builds and ctest work on Ubuntu 22.04. The builds previously worked on Windows ...
pacmaninbw's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Calculate optimal game upgrades, v2

This is the second iteration of the code I originally posted here: Calculate optimal game upgrades. Based on the feedback there, I chose to change the code to use a dynamic programming approach with ...
ayaan098's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Infinite 2D block world chunk system with physics

I am coding an Infinite 2D block world chunk system with physics for fun. I am worried mainly about performance and code structure. I found that when I added more Perlin noise it made the performance ...
coder's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Java BigInteger alternative for Arbitrarily Large Integers with Summation method

(This post has a continuation A Java class for representing big integers with arbitrary number of digits and summation method - take II.) Intro Now I have this rather simplistic ...
coderodde's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Infinite 2D block world chunk system

I am coding an infinite 2D block world chunk system for fun. I would like to improve performance, but I'm not that worried. ...
coder's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Optimizing C System Design for Sensor Data Handling

I am developing a system in C for a device running Yocto Linux (Posix compatible, libc, etc.) on a microprocessor. The Yocto build is "quite generalized", as it's supposed to run several ...
Magnus Gjerstad's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Optimizing MJPEG stream handling in Service Worker

Background: I'm implementing a small react app in which an MJPEG stream transmitted by HTTPS is displayed. The stream is only accessible if the user is authorized (using Basic Auth). Therefore, I can ...
nimrod42's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Video Frame-by-Frame Deraining with MFDNet

After checking the repository of MFDNet, single image rain streaks removal with the provided model is given in I am trying to modify the code to process frame-by-frame rain streaks removal in ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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Basic Hybrid Logical Clock in Rust Performance Improvements?

I needed a very basic hybrid linear clock implementation for a project implementing MVCC. It gives me a perfectly incrementing clock that I can use to compare timestamps that can handle high load ...
Sienna's user avatar
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Combinator Expression Parser in Rust

I am writing a parser/evaluator for combinator expressions. My end goal with this project is (attempt to) solve AoC 2024 using only combinatory logic. I am representing combinator expressions as ...
flakpm's user avatar
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