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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-m

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
ma {n} (colloquial form of mother) :: мама {f}
mañana {adv} (tomorrow) SEE: tomorrow ::
Macau {prop} (a city just west of Hong Kong) :: Макао {n}
macaw {n} (various parrots) :: ара {f}
mace {n} (weapon) :: боздоган {m}
mace {n} (ceremonial form of this weapon) :: жезол {m}, жезло {n}
Macedonia {prop} (ancient kingdom) :: Македонија {f}
Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia) :: Македонија {f}, Република Македонија {f}
Macedonia {prop} (region of northern Greece) :: Егејска Македонија {f}, Беломорска Македонија {f}, Приморска Македонија {f}
Macedonia {prop} (modern geographical region) :: Македонија {f}
Macedonia {prop} (region of Bulgaria) :: Пиринска Македонија {f}
Macedonian {adj} (of Macedonia or its people or language) :: македонски
Macedonian {n} (person from Macedonia) :: Македонец {m}, Македонка {f}
Macedonian {n} (Slavic language of Macedonia) :: македонски {m}
Macedonian {n} (language of antiquity) :: старомакедонски {m}
machete {n} (a sword-like tool) :: мачета {f}
Machiavellian {adj} (related to the philosophical system of Niccolò Machiavelli) :: макијавелистички
machine {n} (mechanical or electrical device) :: машина {f}, устројство {n} [mechanism]
machine gun {n} (type of firearm) :: митралез {m}
macrocosm {n} (the universe) SEE: universe ::
macrocosm {n} (a complex structure containing numerous smaller-scale structures) :: макрокосмос {m}
Madagascar {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Мадагаскар {m}
madam {n} (polite term of address to a woman) :: госпоѓа {f}
madder {n} (plant) :: броќ {m}
Madeira {prop} (island and autonomous region) :: Мадера {f}
madrasa {n} (madrasah) SEE: madrasah ::
madrasah {n} (school for Islamic theology) :: медреса {f}
Madrid {prop} (capital of Spain) :: Мадрид {m}
mafia {n} (a crime syndicate) :: мафија {f}
Magadan {prop} (city in Siberia) :: Магадан {m}
Magas {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Магас {m}
magazine {n} (periodical) :: списание {n}, часопис {m}
magazine {n} (ammunition storehouse) :: складиште {n}, стовариште {n}, магацин {m}
magazine {n} (ammunition clip or chamber enabling multiple rounds to be held before firing) :: магацин {m}
mage {n} (magician, wizard or sorcerer) :: маг {m}
magic {n} (use of supernatural rituals, forces etc.) :: магија {f}
magician {n} (practitioner of allegedly supernatural magic) :: магионичар {m}
magic mushroom {n} (mushroom-like fungus that has psychedelic effects) :: волшебна печурка {f}
magic wand {n} (wand used to perform magic) :: волшебно стапче {n}
magma {n} (molten matter) :: магма {f}
Magna Carta {prop} (charter granted by King John to the barons at Runnymede in 1215) :: Магна карта {f}
Magna Graecia {prop} (Ancient Greek colonies in Italy and Sicily) :: Голема Грција
magnality {n} (great or wonderful thing) SEE: miracle ::
magnanimous {adj} (noble and generous in spirit) :: великодушен
magnesium {n} (chemical element) :: магнезиум {m}
magnet {n} (piece of material that attracts some metals by magnetism) :: магнет {m}
magnify {v} (to make larger) :: увеличува, зголемува
magnifying glass {n} (instrument) :: лупа {f}
magnolia {n} (tree) :: магнолија {f}
magnolia {n} (flower) :: магнолија {f}
magpie {n} (bird of genus Pica) :: страчка {f}, сврака {f}
Magyar {adj} (Hungarian) SEE: Hungarian ::
Mahilyow {prop} (Mogilev) SEE: Mogilev ::
maiden {n} (unmarried young female) :: девојка {f}, моминско {n}
maiden {n} (female virgin) :: девица {f}
maiden {adj} (virgin) SEE: virgin ::
maiden name {n} (married woman's original last name) :: моминско презиме {n}
maieutics {n} (Socratic method) SEE: Socratic method ::
mail {n} (postal delivery system) :: пошта {f}
mailbox {n} (box into which mail is put) :: поштенско сандаче {n}
mailman {n} (post office employee) :: поштар {m}
maim {v} (to cause permanent loss of a part of the body) :: осакатува
main {adj} (chief, most important, or principal in extent, etc.) :: главен
Maine {prop} (province in France) :: Мен {m}
Maine {prop} (US State) :: Мејн {m}
maintain {v} (to maintain, to consider) SEE: hold ::
maintenance {n} (keeping a machine or system in service) :: одржување {n}
Mainz {prop} (the state capital of Rhineland-Palatinate) :: Мајнц {m}
maize {n} (corn; a type of grain of the species Zea mays) :: пченка {f}
Majesty {pron} (term of address for royalty and imperiality) :: величество {n}
majlis {n} (council, assembly, or public meeting, in some Muslim countries or territories) :: меџлис {m}
major {n} (military rank) :: мајор {m}
major {n} (person of legal age) :: полнолетник {m}
Majorca {prop} (island) :: Мајорка {f}
majordomo {n} (head servant) :: дворски управник {m}, мајордомо {m}
majorette {n} (dancer) :: мажоретка {f}
major general {n} (a military officer) :: генерал мајор {m}
majority {n} (more than half) :: мнозинство {n}
majority {n} (difference between the winning vote and the rest of the votes) :: мнозинство {n}
majority {n} (legal adulthood) :: полнолетство {n}, полнолетност {f}
make {v} (to construct) :: прави {impf}
make a decision {v} (to decide) :: носам одлука
Makedonska Kamenica {prop} (a town in the Republic of Macedonia) :: Македонска Каменица {f}
Makedonski Brod {prop} (a city in the Republic of Macedonia) :: Македонски Брод {m}
make hay while the sun shines {v} (act while an opportunity exists) :: железото се кове додека е жешко
make the bed {v} (arrange sheets, etc smoothly and neatly) :: наместување кревет
makeup {n} (cosmetics) :: шминка {f}
Makhachkala {prop} (capital of Dagestan, Russia) :: Махачкала {f}
malaria {n} (disease) :: маларија {f}
Malawi {prop} (Republic of Malawi) :: Малави {n}
Malay {adj} (of the Malay people) :: малајски
Malay {adj} (of or pertaining to Malaysia) :: малајски
Malay {adj} :: [maleziski] Малезиски
Malay {n} (Malay person) :: Малаец {m}, Малајка {f}
Malay {n} (the Malay language) :: малајски {m}
Malay {n} :: [maleziski] Малезиски; [maleziski] Малезиски
Malaysia {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Малезија {f}
Malaysian {prop} (Malay) SEE: Malay ::
Maldives {prop} (country in South Asia) :: Малдиви {f-p}
male {adj} (grammatically masculine) SEE: masculine ::
male {adj} (belonging to the sex which typically produces sperm, or the gender typically associated with it) :: машки
male {n} (human of masculine sex or gender) :: маж {m}
male {n} (animal of masculine sex) :: мажјак {m}
maledict {v} (curse) SEE: curse ::
malediction {n} (curse) SEE: curse ::
Malenko {prop} :: Маленко
malevolent {adj} (having or displaying ill will; wishing harm on others) :: злонамерен
Mali {prop} (a country in Western Africa) :: Мали {n}
malice {n} (intention to harm) :: злоба {f}, злонамера {f}, пакост {f}
malicious {adj} (Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite) :: малициозен, злобен, пакосен
malicious {adj} (Deliberately harmful; spiteful) :: недобронамерен, злонамерен
malkin {n} (cat) SEE: cat ::
mall {n} (enclosed shopping centre) :: трговски центар {m}
mallard {n} (a common and widespread dabbling duck, Anas platyrhynchos) :: дива патка
malleability {n} (the quality or state of being malleable) :: ковност {f}
malleus {n} (the small hammer-shaped bone of the middle ear) :: чеканче {n}
Malmö {prop} (city in Sweden) :: Малме {n}
malt {n} (sprouted grain used in brewing) :: слад {m}
Malta {prop} (republic) :: Малта {f}
Malta {prop} (island) :: Малта {f}
Maltese {n} (Maltese people collectively: plural) :: Малтежани {p}
Maltese {n} (inhabitant of Malta) :: Малтежанец {m}, Малтежанка {f}
Maltese {n} (language of Malta) :: малтешки {m}
Maltese {adj} (pertaining to Malta or its language) :: малтешки
malware {n} (software developed to cause harm to a computer system) :: злонамерен софтвер {m}, штетен софтвер {m}
mama {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
mama {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
mamma {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
mamma {n} (milk-secreting organ) :: дојка {f}
mamma {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
mammal {n} (animal of the class Mammalia) :: цицач {m}
mammalian {n} (any mammal) SEE: mammal ::
mammalian {adj} :: цицачки {m}
mammary {n} (breast) SEE: mamma ::
mammary gland {n} (milk-secreting gland) :: млечна жлезда {f}
mammoth {n} (elephant-like mammal) :: мамут {m}
man {n} (adult male human) :: маж {m}, човек {m}
man {n} (human) :: човек {m}, луѓе {p}
man {n} (piece in board games) :: човече {n}
manacle {n} (fetter, restriction) SEE: fetter ::
management {n} (administration; the process or practice of managing) :: управување {n}, раководење {n}, менаџмент {m}
manager {n} (person whose job is to manage something) :: менаџер {m}
Managua {prop} (capital of Nicaragua) :: Манагва {f}
Manama {prop} (the capital city of Bahrain) :: Манама {f}
manatee {n} (any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae) :: ламантин {m}
Manchester {prop} (major city in the north-west of England) :: Манчестер {m}
Manchu {n} (member of the people) :: Манџурец {m}, Манџурка {f}
Manchu {prop} (language) :: манџурски {m}
Manchu {adj} (Manchurian, referring to the Manchu(rian) people) :: манџурски
Manchu {adj} (Manchurian, referring to the Manchu language) :: манџурски
Manchuria {prop} (historical region in Northeast Asia) :: Манџурија {f}
mandarin {n} (Chinese Imperial bureaucrat) :: мандарин {m}
mandarin {n} (fruit) SEE: mandarin orange ::
mandarin {n} (tree) SEE: mandarin orange ::
Mandarin {n} (Standard Mandarin, see also: Chinese) :: мандарински {m}
mandarin orange {n} (tree) :: мандарина {f}
mandarin orange {n} (fruit) :: мандарина {f}
mandolin {n} (musical instrument) :: мандолина {f}
mandolinist {n} (one who plays the mandolin) :: мандолинист {m}, мандолинистка {f}
mane {n} (longer hair growth on back of neck of a horse) :: грива {f}
mane {n} (longer hair growth around head of male lions) :: грива {f}
manga {n} (comic originated in Japan) :: манга {f}
manga {n} (comic done in Japanese style) :: манга {f}
manganese {n} (chemical element) :: манган {m}
mango {n} (tropical fruit tree Mangifera indica) :: манго {n}
mango {n} (fruit) :: манго {n}
manifold {n} (locally Euclidean space) :: многуобразие {n}
Manitoba {prop} (Province in western Canada) :: Манитоба {f}
mankind {n} (human race) :: човештво {n}
mannequin {n} (model of the human body used for the displaying of clothes) :: изложна кукла {f}, манекен {m}, манекенка {f}
manner {n} (way of performing or effecting; method or style) :: начин {m}
manner {n} (characteristic mode of acting or behaving; bearing) :: манир {m}
man of the world {n} (worldly man) :: светски човек {m}
mansard {n} (upper storey) :: мансарда {f}
mansard {n} (mansard roof) SEE: mansard roof ::
mansard roof {n} (a roof with a shallower slope descending into a steeper slope) :: мансарда {f}
mantis {n} (any of various large insects of the order Mantodea) :: богомолка {f}
mantle {n} (clothing like an open robe or cloak) :: мантија {f}
mantra {n} (the hymn portions of the Vedas) :: мантра {f}
mantra {n} (a phrase repeated to assist concentration during meditation) :: мантра {f}
mantra {n} (a slogan or phrase often repeated) :: мантра {f}
manual {n} (handbook or booklet that instructs) :: прирачник {m}, упатство {n}
manual {n} (musical keyboard) :: клавијатура {f}, мануал {m}
manual {n} (manual transmission) :: рачен менувач {m}
manual {adj} (performed with the hands) :: рачен
manual transmission {n} (type of transmission) :: рачен менувач {m}
manufacturer {n} (one who manufactures) :: производител {m}
manumission {n} (release from slavery, freedom, the act of manumitting) :: ослободување роб {n}, манумисија {f}
manure {v} (to apply manure) :: ѓубри
manure {n} (excrement) :: лепешка {f}, ѓубриво {n}
manus {n} (hand) SEE: hand ::
many {determiner} (an indefinite large number of) :: многу
many {pron} (an indefinite large number of people or things) :: многумина, мноштво {n}
many {n} (a collective mass of people) :: мноштво {n}, многумина
Maoism {n} (philosophy espoused by Mao Zedong) :: маоизам {m}
Mao-ming {prop} (Maoming) SEE: Maoming ::
Maoming {prop} (city) :: Маоминг {m}
Maori {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the Māori) :: маорски
Maori {n} (indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand) :: Маори {p}
Maori {n} (member of the Maori people of New Zealand) :: Маор {m}, Маорка {f}
Maori {n} (language of the Māori) :: маорски {m}
map {n} (visual representation of an area) :: карта {f}, план {m}
maple {n} (tree of the Acer genus) :: јавор {m}
marathon {n} (road race) :: маратон {m}
marble {n} (crystalline limestone) :: мермер {m}
marble {n} (spherical ball) :: џамлија {f}
March {prop} (third month of the Gregorian calendar) :: март {m}
marchioness {n} (wife of a marquess) :: маркиза {f}
mare {n} (female horse) :: кобила {f}
Margaret {prop} (female given name) :: Маргарита
margarine {n} (spread) :: маргарин {m}
margrave {n} (military officer in charge of German border area) :: маркгроф {m}
margrave {n} (hereditary prince) :: маркгроф {m}
Marie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Mary ::
marigold {n} (Calendula) :: невен {m}
marijuana {n} (the drug) :: марихуана {f}
Marina {prop} (female given name) :: Марина
mariner {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor ::
mariner's compass {n} (compass) SEE: compass ::
Mario {prop} (the given name) :: Марио
Mark {prop} (male given name) :: Марко
Mark {prop} (the Evangelist) :: Марко
Mark {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Евангелие според Марко
market {n} (spacious site for trading) :: пазар {m}
market {n} (group of potential customers) :: пазар {m}
market {n} (geographical area where a commercial demand exists) :: пазар {m}
market {n} (formally organized system of trading in specified goods or effects) :: пазар {m}
market {n} (total sum of trading) :: трговија {f}, пазар {m}
market {n} (used attributively) :: пазарен
market {n} :: пазар {m}
market {v} (to sell) SEE: sell ::
marketing {n} (the promotion, distribution and selling of a product or service) :: маркетинг {m}
marketplace {n} (open area in a town housing a public market) :: пазар {m}
marketplace {n} (the world of commerce and trade) :: трговија {f}
Marks {prop} (surname) :: Маркс {m} {f}
marksman {n} (a man skilled in shooting at a target) :: стрелец {m}
marmot {n} (rodent of the genera Marmota) :: мрмот {m}
marquess {n} (title of nobility) :: маркиз {m}
marquis {n} (nobleman) SEE: marquess ::
marriage {n} (state of being married) :: брак {m}
marriage {n} (union of two people) :: брак {m}
marriage {n} (wedding) :: свадба {f}, венчавка {f}
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a husband) :: мажена {f}, омажена {f}
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a wife) :: женет {m}, оженет {m}
married couple {n} (two people who are married to each other) :: брачна двојка {f}, брачен пар {m}
marrow {n} (substance inside bones) :: коскена срж {f}
marry up {v} (join) SEE: join ::
Mars {prop} (planet) :: Марс {m}
Mars {prop} (god of war) :: Марс {m}
Mars {prop} (brand of chocolate bar) :: Марс {m}
Marseilles {prop} (city in France) :: Марсеј {m}
marshal {n} (military officer of the highest rank) :: маршал {m}
Marshall Islands {prop} (Republic of the Marshall Islands) :: Маршалови Острови {m-p}
marsupial {n} (mammal of which the female typically has a pouch) :: торбар {m}
marsupial {adj} (of or pertaining to a marsupial) :: торбарски {m}
marten {n} (mammal) :: куна {f}
martial {n} (soldier, warrior) SEE: soldier ::
martial {adj} (of or relating to the planet Mars) SEE: Martian ::
martial {n} (synonym of Martian) SEE: Martian ::
martial {adj} (of, relating to, or suggestive of war, see also: warlike) :: воен
martial art {n} (fighting style) :: боречка вештина {f}
Martian {n} (inhabitant of the planet Mars) :: Марсовец {m}
Martin {prop} (given name) :: Мартин {m}
Martinique {prop} (Department of Martinique) :: Мартиник {m}
martyr {n} (one willing to be killed for religion) :: маченик {m}, маченичка {f}
martyr {v} (torture) SEE: torture ::
marvel {n} (miracle) SEE: miracle ::
marvel {n} (wonder) SEE: wonder ::
Marx {prop} (surname) :: Маркс
Marxism {n} (philosophy) :: марксизам {m}
Marxism {n} (ideology) :: марксизам {m}
Marxism-Leninism {prop} (communist ideological stream) :: марксизам-ленинизам {m}
Mary {prop} (female given name) :: Марија {f}
Mary {prop} (biblical mother of Jesus) :: Марија {f}
Maryland {prop} (US state) :: Мериленд {m}
marzipan {n} (confection of almond paste, sugar and egg white) :: марципан {m}
mascarpone {n} (cheese) :: маскарпоне {n}
masculine {adj} (grammar: being of the masculine class, being inflected in the masculine manner) :: машки
masdar {n} (verbal noun) SEE: verbal noun ::
masjid {n} (mosque) SEE: mosque ::
mask {n} (cover for the face) :: маска {f}
mason {n} (one who builds with stone or brick) :: ѕидар {m}
masquerade {n} (party or assembly of people wearing masks and costumes) :: маскенбал {m}, маскарада {f}
masquerade {v} (to conceal with masks) :: маскира
masquerade {v} (disguise) SEE: disguise ::
Masr {prop} (Egypt) SEE: Egypt ::
mass {n} (quantity of matter cohering together to make one body) :: маса {f}
mass {n} (large quantity; sum) :: маса {f}
mass {n} (bulk; magnitude; body; size) :: маса {f}
mass {n} (physics: quantity of matter which a body contains) :: маса {f}
mass {n} (pharmacy: medicinal substance made into a cohesive, homogeneous lump) :: маса {f}
mass {n} (bodybuilding: excess body weight) :: маса {f}
mass {v} (form or collect into a mass) :: насобира
mass {n} (religion: Eucharist) :: миса {f}
mass {n} (religion: celebration of the Eucharist) :: миса {f}
Massachusetts {prop} (a state of the United States of America) :: Масачусетс {m}
massacre {n} (intentional mass killing) :: масакр {m}
massage {n} (rubbing, kneading, or hitting muscled part of a body) :: масажа {f}, трлање {n}
massage {v} (to perform a massage on somebody) :: масира, трла
masseur {n} (a person who performs massage) :: масер {m}
masseuse {n} (a female masseur) :: масерка {f}
mass media {n} (public communication that reaches a large audience) :: масовни медиуми {m-p}, медиуми {m-p}
mass spectrometry {n} (analytical tecnique) :: масена спектрометрија {f}
mast {n} (support of a sail) :: јарбол {m}, катарка {f}
mastectomy {n} (surgical procedure to remove all or part of the breast) :: мастектомија {f}
master {n} (someone who has control over something or someone) :: господар {m}, стопан {m}
master {n} (owner of an animal or slave) :: господар {m}, стопан {m}
master {n} (someone who employs others) :: газда {m}
master {n} (expert at something) :: мајстор {m}
master {n} (tradesman who is qualified to teach apprentices) :: мајстор {m}
master {adj} (main, principal or predominant) :: господарски
master {adj} (highly skilled) :: мајсторски
master {v} (to be a master) :: господари {m}
master {v} (to control) :: владее, управува, раководи
master {v} (to learn to a high degree) :: владее
master key {n} (a key that opens a set of several locks) :: калауз {m}
Master of Arts {n} (degree) :: магистер {m}
Master of Science {n} (a degree) :: магистратура {f}
masticate {v} (chew) SEE: chew ::
masturbate {v} (to masturbate) :: мастурбира {impf} {pf}, онанира {impf} {pf}
masturbation {n} (manual erotic stimulation of the genitals) :: мастурбација {f}
match {n} (sporting event) :: натпревар {m}, меч {m}
match {n} (device to make fire) :: кибрит {m}, шкорче {n}, чкорче {n}
matchmaker {n} (someone who finds suitable marriage partners) :: сводник {m}
mate {n} (checkmate) SEE: checkmate ::
maternal uncle {n} (brother of one's mother) :: вујко {m}
maternity ward {n} (hospital ward) :: породилно {n}
mathematical {adj} (of, or relating to mathematics) :: математички
mathematical statistics {n} (study of statistics from math standpoint) :: математичка статистика {f}
mathematician {n} (expert in mathematics) :: математичар {m}, математичарка {f}
mathematics {n} (field of study) :: математика {f}
matrimony vine {n} (wolfberry) SEE: wolfberry ::
matrix {n} (womb) SEE: womb ::
matrix {n} (math: rectangular arrangement of numbers or terms) :: матрица {f}
matryoshka {n} (Russian doll) SEE: Russian doll ::
matte {n} (decorative border around a picture) :: паспарту {n}
matte {adj} (not reflective of light) :: мат {n}
matter {n} (basic structural component of the universe) :: материја {f}
Matterhorn {prop} (mountain) :: Матерхорн {m}
Matthew {prop} (male given name) :: Матеј {m}
Matthew {prop} (biblical disciple) :: Матеј {m}
matting {n} (surface used for surrounding pictures) SEE: matte ::
mattress {n} (a pad on which a person can recline and sleep) :: душек {m}
maturation {n} (process of becoming mature) :: созревање {n}
Mauritania {prop} (Islamic Republic of Mauritania) :: Мавританија {f}
Mauritius {prop} (country) :: Маврициус {m}
mausoleum {n} (large tomb) :: мавзолеј {m}
maverick {adj} (showing independence in thoughts or actions) :: индивидуалист
maxim {n} (moral precept) :: начело {n}, максима {f}
May {prop} (fifth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: мај {m}
May {prop} (given name) :: Маја {f}
maybe {adv} (indicating a lack of certainty) :: можеби
May bug {n} (cockchafer) SEE: cockchafer ::
Mayo {prop} :: Мејо {m}
mayonnaise {n} (dressing) :: мајонез {m}
mayor {n} (leader of a city) :: градоначалник {m}
mayoress {n} (female mayor) :: градоначалничка {f}
Mayotte {prop} (Territorial Collectivity of Mayotte) :: Мајот {m}
may the Force be with you {phrase} (wish someone luck) :: нека Силата биде со тебе
McDonald's {prop} (fast-food restaurant) :: Мекдоналдс {m}
me {determiner} (my, see also: ) :: мој
me {pron} (myself) SEE: myself ::
me {pron} (direct object of a verb) :: ме
me {pron} (object of a preposition) :: мене
me {pron} (indirect object of a verb) :: ми
me {pron} (reflexive indirect object of a verb) :: си
me {pron} (complement of the copula) :: јас
me {pron} (subject of a verb with “and”) :: јас
me {pron} (subject of a verb without “and”) :: јас
mead {n} (alcoholic drink) :: медовина {f}
meadow {n} (field or pasture) :: ливада {f}
meal {n} (food that is prepared and eaten) :: оброк {m}, јадење {n}
mean {v} (to intend; plan on doing) :: сака
mean {v} (to convey, indicate) :: значи {impf}
mean {adj} (having the mean as its value) :: среден
meaning {n} (symbolic value of something) :: значење {n}
meaning {n} (significance of a thing, as "the meaning of life") :: смисла {f}, смисол {m}
meaning {n} (definition or connotation of a word) :: значење {n}, смисла {f}, смисол {m}
measure {n} (melody) SEE: melody ::
measure {v} (ascertain the quantity of a unit) :: мери {impf}, измери {pf}
measure {n} (dance) SEE: dance ::
measure {n} (math: number which is contained in a given number without remainder) SEE: divisor ::
measure {n} (geology: bed or stratum) SEE: bed ::
measurement {n} (act of measuring) :: мерење {n}
meat {n} (animal flesh used as food) :: месо {n}
meat {n} (any sort of flesh) :: месо {n}
meatball {n} (meatball) :: ќофте {n}
Meath {prop} (county) :: Мит {m}
Mecca {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) :: Мека {f}
mechanical pencil {n} (pencil with a retractable lead) :: тенкоминец {m}
mechanism {n} (mechanical means for the conversion or control of motion) :: механизам {m}
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania {prop} (one of the component states of Germany) :: Мекленбург-Западна Померанија
medal {n} (stamped metal disc) :: медал {m}
meddle {v} (to have sex) SEE: have sex ::
media {n} (means and institutions for publishing and broadcasting information) :: медиуми {m-p}
media {n} (the journalists and other professionals who comprise the mass communication industry) :: медиуми {m-p} {f-p}
mediaeval {adj} (medieval) SEE: medieval ::
medic {n} (doctor) SEE: doctor ::
medic {n} (paramedic) SEE: paramedic ::
medicine {n} (substance which promotes healing) :: лек {m}, лекарство {n}
medicine {n} (treatment or cure) :: лекување {n}, лек {m}
medicine {n} (field of study) :: медицина {f}
medicine {n} (ritual Native American magic) :: вражење {n}, вражба {f}
medieval {adj} (of or relating to the Middle Ages) :: средновековен {m}
Medieval Latin {prop} (language) :: средновековен латински {m}
Medina {prop} (a city in Saudi Arabia) :: Медина {f}
mediocre {adj} (having no peculiar or outstanding features) :: среден {m}, просечен {m}
mediocrity {n} (condition of being mediocre) :: медиокритет {m}, просечност {f}
Mediterranean {adj} (Of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea and the region around it) :: средоземен, средоземноморски, медитерански
Mediterranean {prop} (region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea) :: Медитеран {m}, Средоземје {n}
Mediterranean {prop} (Mediterranean Sea) SEE: Mediterranean Sea ::
Mediterranean Sea {prop} (sea between Europe and Africa) :: Средоземно Море {n}
medium {adj} (of intermediate size) :: среден
medlar {n} (tree) :: мушмула {f}
medlar {n} (fruit) :: мушмула {f}
Medvedev {prop} (transliteration of Медведев) :: Медведев {m}
meet {v} (encounter by accident) :: среќава
meeting {n} (gathering for a purpose) :: собир {m}, состанок {m}
meeting {n} (encounter between people) :: средба {f}
meeting {n} (place or instance of junction or intersection) :: меѓа {f}
meetinghouse {n} (building where people meet for a purpose) :: соборен дом {m}
meitnerium {n} (chemical element) :: мајтнериум {m}
Melanesia {prop} (part of Oceania) :: Меланезија {f}
Melbourne {prop} (city in Australia) :: Мелбурн {m}
melodrama {n} (romantic drama) :: мелодрама {f}
melody {n} (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase) :: мелодија {f}
melon {n} (fruit) :: диња {f}
melongene {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant ::
melt {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot ::
member {n} (in set theory) SEE: element ::
member {n} (one who officially belongs to a group) :: член {m}, членка {f}
Member of Parliament {n} (representative) :: пратеник {m}
membership {n} (fact of being a member) :: членство {n}
memorial service {n} (funeral) SEE: funeral ::
memory {n} (ability to recall) :: меморија {f}, сеќавање {n}, памтење {n}, помнење {n},
memory {n} (RAM or ROM) :: меморија {f}
memory card {n} (storage format) SEE: flashcard ::
men {n} (human people) :: луѓе
menagerie {n} (collection of live wild animals on exhibition; the enclosure where they are kept) :: ѕверилник {m}, менажерија {f}
mendelevium {n} (chemical element) :: менделевиум {m}
menorah {n} (seven-branch candelabrum) :: менора {f}
menstruation {n} (periodic discharging of the menses) :: менструација {f}
mentality {n} (mindset) :: менталитет {m}
mentally retarded {adj} (having an IQ below 70 and problems with basic daily living skills) :: ментално заостанат {m}
mention {v} (mention) SEE: cover ::
mention {n} (a speaking or notice of anything, usually in a brief or cursory manner) :: спомнување {n}, напомена {f}, споменување {n}
mention {v} (make a short reference to something) :: спомнува, напоменува
menu {n} (details of the food to be served at a banquet) :: мени {n}
menu {n} (printed list of dishes offered in a restaurant) :: мени {n}
menu {n} (list from which the user may select an operation to be performed) :: мени {n}
Mercedes {n} (short form of Mercedes Benz) :: Мерцедес {m}, Мечка {f}, Мерџо {n}
mercenary {n} (person employed to fight) :: платеник {m}, платеничка {f}
mercenary {adj} (motivated by private gain) :: користољубив {m}
merchant {n} (person who traffics in commodities) :: трговец {m}
merchant {n} (the owner or operator of a retail business) :: дуќанџија {m}
merchantman {n} (merchant) SEE: merchant ::
mercury {n} (element) :: жива {f}
Mercury {prop} (planet) :: Меркур {m}
Mercury {prop} (Roman god) :: Меркур {m}
mercy {n} (relenting; forbearance to cause or allow harm to another) :: милост {f}
mergirl {n} (mermaid) SEE: mermaid ::
meridian {n} (imaginary great circle on the Earth's surface) :: меридијан {m}
Merkel {prop} (surname) :: Меркел
merkin {n} (pubic wig) :: срамна перика {f}
merlon {n} (any of the upright projections between the embrasures of a battlement) :: забец {m}
mermaid {n} (mythological woman with a fish's tail) :: сирена {f}, морска самовила {f}, морска вила {f}
merry {adj} (jolly and full of high-spirits) :: весел
Merry Andrew {n} (person who clowns publicly) SEE: clown ::
merry Christmas {phrase} (good wishes at Christmas time) :: Среќен Божиќ, Христос се роди [greeting], Навистина се роди [reply]
merry-go-round {n} (carousel) :: рингишпил {m}, вртелешка {f}
mesencephalon {n} (midbrain) SEE: midbrain ::
mesentery {n} (the membrane that attaches the intestines to the wall of the abdomen) :: мезентериј {m}
Mesopotamia {prop} (region between Euphrates and Tigris) :: Месопотамија {f}, Меѓуречје
message {n} (communication, concept or information conveyed) :: порака {f}
Messiah {prop} ((Christianity) Jesus) :: Месија {m}
metal {n} (atomic element or material made of such atoms) :: метал {m}
metal {n} (certain category of rock music) :: метал
metalworker {n} (a person who shapes metal) :: металец {m}
metamorphic rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) :: метаморфна карпа
metaphor {n} (uncountable: figure of speech) :: метафора {f}
metaphysics {n} (branch of philosophy that studies first principles) :: метафизика {f}
meteor {n} (streak of light) :: метеор {m}
meteorite {n} (remains of a meteor) :: метеорит {m}
meteorology {n} (science) :: метеорологија {f}
meter {n} (measuring instrument) :: мерач {m}
meter {n} (rhythm of poetry) :: метар {m}
meter {n} (unit of length) SEE: metre ::
meter {v} (to measure) SEE: measure ::
methinks {contraction} (it seems to me) :: ми се чини
method {n} (process by which a task is completed) :: метод {m}, метода {f}, начин {m}
Methodism {n} (Methodist Christian movement founded by John Wesley) :: методизам {m}
Methuselah {prop} (Biblical character) :: Матусал {m}, Метузалем {m}
meticulous {adj} (characterized by very precise, conscientious attention to details) :: акрибичен
metonym {n} (word that names an object from a single characteristic of it) :: метоним {m}
metonymic {n} (metonym) SEE: metonym ::
metonymy {n} (metonym) SEE: metonym ::
metre {n} (unit of length) :: метар {m}
metric {adj} (relating to metric system) :: метрички
metric {n} (measure for something) :: метрика {f}
metric {n} (notion in mathematics) :: метрика {f}
metro {n} (underground railway) SEE: subway ::
metro {n} (train of underground railway) SEE: subway ::
metrological {adj} (of or pertaining to metrology) :: метролошки {m}
metrology {n} (science of measurement) :: метрологија {f}
metrology {n} (system of weights and measures) :: метрологија {f}
metronome {n} (a device used in music) :: метроном {m}
metropolis {n} (metropolitan archbishop) SEE: archbishopric ::
mettle {n} (metal) SEE: metal ::
Mexican {n} (Nahuatl language) SEE: Nahuatl ::
Mexican {adj} (of or pertaining to Nahuatl language) SEE: Nahuatl ::
Mexico {prop} (country) :: Мексико {n}
mezzanine {n} (a floor under the stage, from which contrivances such as traps are worked) :: меѓуспрат {m}, меѓукат {m}, мезанин {m}
Michael {prop} (male given name) :: Михаил {m}
Michael {prop} (archangel) :: Михаил
Michelangelo {prop} (Italian artist) :: Микеланџело {m}
Michigan {prop} (US state) :: Мичиген {m}
microbe {n} (microorganism) :: микроб {m}
microblogging {n} (writing or publishing a microblog) :: микроблогирање {n}
microcosm {n} (smaller system as representative of a larger one) :: микрокосмос {m}
Micronesia {prop} (country) :: Микронезија {f}
microphone {n} (transducer of sound waves to electricity) :: микрофон {m}
microscope {n} (an optical instrument) :: микроскоп {m}
microscopize {v} (microscope) SEE: microscope ::
Microsoft {prop} (Transliterations and translations) :: Микрософт {m}
microwave {n} (microwave oven) SEE: microwave oven ::
microwave {n} (electromagnetic wave) :: микробран {m}
microwave oven {n} (oven using microwave energy) :: микробранова печка {f}, микробранова {f}
midbrain {n} (part of brain) :: среден мозок
midday {n} (12 o'clock during the day) SEE: noon ::
middle {n} (centre, midpoint) :: средина {f}, средиште {n}
middle {n} (part between beginning and end) :: средина {f}
middle {n} (central part of human body) :: половина {f}
middle {adj} (located in the middle; in between) :: среден, средишен
middle {adj} (central) :: средишен
Middle Ages {prop} (historical period) :: среден век {m}, средновековие {n}
middle class {n} (social and economic class) :: средна класа {f}
middle-class {adj} (between the upper class and working class) :: среднокласен {m}
Middle Earth {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth ::
Middle East {prop} (region comprising southwest Asia and northeast Africa) :: Близок Исток {m}, Среден Исток {m}
middle finger {n} (finger between the forefinger and the ring finger) :: среден прст {m}
middleman {n} (intermediate dealer between manufacturer and the retailer or customer) :: препродавач {m}
middleman {n} (intermediary) SEE: intermediary ::
middle name {n} (name between given name and surname) :: средно име {n}
middle school {n} (school contain both primary and secondary students) :: средно училиште {n}
Midgard {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth ::
midget {n} (person of small stature of adult height less than 4'10") :: џуџе {n}, кепец {m}
midget {n} (derogatory: any short person) :: џуџе {n}, кепец {m}
midnight {n} (12 o'clock) :: полноќ {f}
midwife {n} (person who assists women in childbirth) :: бабица {f}, акушерка {f}
mielie {n} (maize) SEE: maize ::
might {n} (personal power) :: моќ {f}
might {n} (physical strength) :: сила {f}
might {n} (ability) :: можност {f}
might {v} (indicator of conditional or possible actions) :: може
migrant worker {n} (guest worker) SEE: guest worker ::
migration {n} (moving a place to live to another) :: преселба {f}, селидба {f}, миграција {f}
migration {n} (seasonal moving of animals, birds or fish) :: преселба {f}, миграција {f}
Milan {prop} (province) :: Милано {n}
Milan {prop} (city and capital) :: Милано {n}
Milan {prop} (male given name) :: Милан {m}
mild {adj} (gentle; pleasant; kind; soft) :: благ {m}, кроток {m}
mildew {n} (growth of minute fungi) :: мувла {f}
mile {n} (measure of length) :: милја {f}
milestone {n} (one of a series of numbered markers placed along a road at regular intervals) :: милјоказ {m}
milestone {n} (important event) :: пресвртница {f}
milieu {n} (medium) SEE: medium ::
military {adj} (characteristic of members of the armed forces) :: воен
military exercise {n} (war game) :: воена вежба
militia {n} (army of trained civilians called upon in time of need) :: милиција {f}
militsia {n} (police) SEE: police ::
militsia {n} (militia) SEE: militia ::
militsia {n} ((Soviet Union) the police in the Soviet Union and related states) :: милиција {f}
milk {v} (to express milk from mammal) :: молзе
milk {n} (semen) SEE: semen ::
milk {n} (liquid) :: млеко {n}
milkmaid {n} (a young woman who milks the cows on a farm) :: млекарка {f}
milkman {n} (man who delivers milk early in the morning) :: млекар {m}
milkshake {n} (milk and ice cream beverage) :: милкшејк {m}
milk tooth {n} (tooth of the first set of teeth) :: млечен заб {m}
Milky Way {prop} (galaxy) :: Млечен Пат {m}, Кумова Слама {f}
Milky Way {prop} (light in night sky) :: Млечен Пат {m}, Кумова Слама {f}
mill {n} (grinding apparatus) :: млин {m}, мелница {f}
mill {n} (building housing a grinding apparatus) :: млин {m}, мелница {f}
mill {n} (manufacturing plant) :: фабрика {f}, погон {m}, работилница {f}
mill {v} (grind or process using a mill or other machine) :: меле {impf}, сомелува
mill {v} (shape, polish, etc, using a machine) :: струга, струже
miller {n} (person) :: мелничар {m}
millet {n} (any of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food) :: просо {n}
milliard {num} (10^9) SEE: billion ::
millimeter {n} (unit of measure) :: милиметар {m}
millimetre {n} (millimeter) SEE: millimeter ::
million {n} (cardinal number) :: милион {m}
millionaire {n} (somebody whose wealth is greater than one million) :: милионер {m}
millipede {n} (elongated arthropod) :: стоногалка {f}
milt {n} (the organ spleen) SEE: spleen ::
minaret {n} (mosque tower) :: минаре {n}
mince {n} (finely chopped meat) :: мелено месо {n}
mince {v} (chop fine) :: меле
mind {n} (ability for rational thought) :: ум {m}, разум {m}
mind {v} (to remember) SEE: remember ::
mine {pron} (that which belongs to me) :: мој {m}
mine {n} (excavation from which ore is extracted) :: рудник {m}, јама {f}, коп {m}
mine {n} (military: exploding device) :: мина {f}
mine {v} (to remove ore from the ground) :: рудари, копа
mine {v} (to sow mines in) :: минира
mine {v} (to damage with a mine) :: минира
mine {v} (to pick one's nose) SEE: pick one's nose ::
miner {n} (person who works in a mine) :: рудар {m}
miner {n} (operator of mines and other explosives) :: минер {m}
mineral {n} (in geology) :: минерал {m}, руда {f}
mineral {n} (as opposed to animal and vegetable) :: минерал {m}
mineral {n} (in nutrition) :: минерал {m}
mineral {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water ::
mineral water {n} (water containing dissolved minerals) :: кисела вода {f}, минерална вода {f}
minibus {n} (a small bus) :: минибус {m}
minimum wage {n} (lowest rate of pay that an employer can legally pay) :: минимална плата {f}
minimus {n} (the fifth digit) SEE: little finger ::
minister {n} (politician who heads a ministry) :: министер {m}
ministry {n} (government department) :: министерство {n}
Minnesota {prop} (a state of the United States of America) :: Минесота {f}
Minorca {prop} (An island of Spain) :: Менорка {f}
minority {n} (subgroup that does not form a numerical majority) :: малцинство {n}
minority {n} :: малцинство {n}
minotaur {n} (monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man) :: минотаур {m}
Minsk {prop} (capital of Belarus) :: Минск {m}
mint {n} (plant) :: нане {f}, мента {f}
minuet {n} (dance) :: менует {m}
minuet {n} (music accompanying the dance) :: менует {m}
minus {n} (minus sign) SEE: minus sign ::
minus {prep} (mathematics: less) :: минус
minus sign {n} (symbol used to denote the operation of subtraction and to indicate that a number is negative) :: минус {m}
minute {n} (unit of time) :: минута {f}
minute {n} (short but unspecified period of time) :: момент {m}, минута {f}
minute {n} (unit of angular measure) :: минута {f}
minute {n} (record of meeting) :: записник {m}
minute {n} (minute of use of telephone network) :: минута {f}
minute {v} (to write the minutes of) :: води записник
minute {adj} (very small) :: малечок {m}, ситен {m}, дребен {m}
minute {adj} (very careful and exact, giving small details) :: подробен {m}, детален {m}, прецизен {m}
Mir {prop} (an international space station) :: Мир {m}
miracle {n} (wonderful event attributed to supernatural powers) :: чудо {n}
mirage {n} (an optical phenomenon) :: привидение {n}
mirror {n} (smooth reflecting surface) :: огледало {n}, ѕрцало {n} [archaic or dialectal]
mirror {n} (computing: exact copy of a data set) :: дупликат {m}
mirror {v} (of an event, activity, behaviour.. to be identical to, be a copy of, to reflect) :: одразува, отсликува
misanthropy {n} (hatred or dislike of people or mankind) :: мизантропија {f}
misbegotten {n} (one born out of wedlock) SEE: bastard ::
miscarriage {n} (termination of pregnancy) :: пометнување {n}, спонтан абортус {m}
miscellaneous {adj} (consisting of a variety of ingredients or parts) :: разновидно {n}
miser {n} (skinflint or scrooge) :: циција, скржавец {m}
misery {n} (great unhappiness) :: несреќа {f}
misfortune {n} (bad luck) :: несреќа {f}
misogynist {n} (hater of women) :: женомразец {m}
misogyny {n} (hatred or contempt for women) :: женомрзство {n}, мизогинија {f}
miss {n} (a failure to hit) :: утка {f}, промашување {n}, пропуст {m}
miss {n} (unmarried woman) :: госпоѓица {f}
miss {n} (Miss) SEE: Miss ::
Miss {n} (title) :: госпоѓица {f} (г-ѓица)
missile {n} (self-propelled, guidable projectile) :: ракета {f}
mission {n} (set of tasks that fulfills a purpose) :: мисија {f}
missionary {n} (person traveling to spread a religion) :: мисионер {m}
missionary {n} (missionary position) SEE: missionary position ::
missionary position {n} (position for sexual intercourse) :: мисионерска поза {f}
Mississippi {n} (state) :: Мисисипи
Mississippi {n} (river) :: Мисисипи
Missouri {prop} (US state) :: Мисури {n}
Missouri {prop} (river) :: Мисури {n}
missus {n} (wife) SEE: wife ::
mistake {n} (an error) :: грешка {f}
mister {n} (title of adult male) :: господин {m}
mistletoe {n} (any of several hemiparasitic evergreen plants of the order Santalales) :: имела {f}
mistress {n} (woman of authority) :: господарка {f}, газдарица {f}, стопанка {f}
mistress {n} (female teacher) :: наставничка {f}, учителка {f}
mistress {n} (woman in extramarital relationship) :: љубовница {f}, швалерка {f}
mistress {n} (dominatrix) :: господарка {f}
misunderstanding {n} (mistake) :: недоразбирање {n}
mitochondrion {n} (respiratory organelle) :: митохондрија {f}
mitre {n} (a covering for the head, worn on solemn occasions by church dignitaries) :: митра {f}
mixed-race {adj} (having genetic characteristics of two or more different races) :: мелез {m}
Münster {prop} (city in North Rhine-Westphalia) :: Минстер {m}
moan {v} (to make a moan or similar sound) :: стенка
moat {n} (defensive ditch) :: шанец {m}
mob {n} (mafia) SEE: mafia ::
mobile {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
mobile phone {n} (portable telephone) :: мобилен телефон {m}, мобилен {m}
mobile telephone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
mobility {n} (ability to move) :: подвижност {f}
moccasin {n} (traditional native North American shoe) :: мокасина {f}
moccasin {n} (modern shoe) :: мокасина {f}
modal {n} (modal verb) SEE: modal verb ::
modal logic {n} (formal system) :: модална логика {f}
modal verb {n} (a kind of verb) :: модален глагол {m}
mode {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood ::
model {n} (person) :: модел {m}
model {n} (simplified representation) :: модел {m}
modem {n} (device that encodes digital computer signals into analog/analogue telephone signals) :: модем {m}
modern {adj} (pertaining to the current time and style) :: модерен, современ
modernity {n} (quality of being modern) :: современост {f}, модерност {f}
modernity {n} (modern times) :: совремие {n}
modernization {n} (process of modernizing) :: осовременување {n}, модернизација {f}
modernize {v} (bring something up to date) :: осовременува, модернизира
modernize {v} (become modern) :: се осовременува, се модернизира
modest {adj} (not bragging or boasting about oneself or one's achievements) :: скромен
modesty {n} (the quality of being modest) :: скромност {f}
modulation {n} (Applying a signal to a carrier) :: модулација {f}
Moesia {prop} (an ancient region and later Roman province situated in the Balkans) :: Мезија
Mogilev {prop} (city) :: Могилев {m}
Mohammad {prop} (male given name) SEE: Muhammad ::
Mohammad {prop} (prophet) SEE: Muhammad ::
moiety {n} (half) SEE: half ::
moisture {n} (a moderate degree of wetness) :: влага {f}
molar {n} (back tooth) :: катник {m}
molar {adj} (containing one mole of solute per litre of solution) :: моларен
molar {adj} (relating to a complete body of matter) :: моларен
mold {n} (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi) :: мувла {f}
Moldavia {prop} (Moldova) SEE: Moldova ::
Moldavian {adj} (relating to Moldova) :: молдавски
Moldova {prop} (country) :: Молдавија {f}
Moldovan {n} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian ::
Moldovan {prop} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian ::
Moldovan {adj} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian ::
mole {n} (dark spot on the skin) :: бенка {f}
mole {n} (burrowing insectivore) :: крт {m}, кртица {f}
molecule {n} (group of atoms held together by chemical bonds) :: молекула {f}
molinology {n} (study of mills) :: млинарство {n}
molybdenum {n} (chemical element) :: молибден {m}
mom {v} (mother) SEE: mum ::
moment {n} (very brief period of time) :: момент {m}, миг {m}
mommy {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
Momus {prop} (personification of satire and mockery) :: Мом {m}
Monaco {prop} (country in Europe) :: Монако {n}
Monaco {prop} (capital city) :: Монако {n}
Monaghan {prop} (county) :: Монахан {m}
Monaghan {prop} (town) :: Монахан {m}
Mona Lisa {prop} (painting by Leonardo da Vinci) :: Мона Лиза {f}, Џоконда {f}
monarch {n} (ruler) :: монарх {m}, владетел {m}
monarchy {n} (form of government with a hereditary head of state) :: монархија {f}
monasterial {adj} (Relating to a monastery) :: манастарски
monastery {n} (building for monks) :: манастир {m}
Monastir {prop} (former name of Bitola in Macedonia) :: Битола
Monday {n} (day of the week) :: понеделник {m}
Monday {adv} (on Monday) :: во понеделник, понеделнички
money {n} (means of exchange and measure of value) :: пари {p}
money {n} (currency) :: валута {f}, пари {p}
money {n} (cash) :: готовина {f}
money {n} (wealth) :: богатство {n}
money {n} (item of value used as payment) :: платежно средство {n}
money box {n} (tin with a slot in the top for depositing coins) SEE: piggy bank ::
money plant {n} (Lunaria annua) SEE: honesty ::
Mongol {n} (A person from Mongolia; a Mongolian) SEE: Mongolian ::
Mongolia {prop} (East Asian country) :: Монголија {f}
Mongolian {adj} (of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures) :: монголски
Mongolian People's Republic {prop} (Mongolia) SEE: Mongolia ::
mongrel {n} (someone of mixed kind) :: мелез {m}, џукела {f}, лангач {m}
moniker {n} (signature) SEE: signature ::
monition {n} (caution or warning) :: предупредување {n}
monitor {n} (monitor lizard) SEE: monitor lizard ::
monitor lizard {n} (lizard of the genus Varanus) :: варан {m}
monk {n} (slang: judge) SEE: judge ::
monk {n} (male member of monastic order) :: калуѓер {m}, монах {m}
monkey {n} (primate) :: мајмун {m}
monkey {n} (mischievous child) :: мајмунче {n}
monkey-house {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
monkshood {n} (herbs of the genus Aconitum) SEE: aconite ::
Monmouth {prop} (town) :: Монмут {m}
Monmouthshire {prop} (traditional county of Wales) :: Монмутшир {m}
monocle {n} (a single lens) :: монокл {m}
monogamy {n} (permanent pair bond between two beings) :: еднобрачност {f}, моногамија {f}
monoglottism {n} (condition of being able to speak only a single language) SEE: monolingualism ::
monolingual {adj} (only knowing or spoken in one language) :: еднојазичен {m}
monolingualism {n} (condition of being able to speak only a single language) :: еднојазичност {f}
monophthong {n} (vowel that has same sound throughout its pronunciation) :: монофтонг {m}
monopoly {n} (situation of exclusive supply) :: монопол {m}
monorail {n} (a railroad system where the trains run on one rail) :: едношинка {f}
monorail {n} (a train running on a single rail) :: едношинец {m}
monotheism {n} (belief in one God) :: монотеизам {m}
monozygotic {adj} (of an identical twin) SEE: identical ::
monster {n} (terrifying dangerous creature) :: чудовиште {n}
Montana {prop} (US state) :: Монтана {f}
Mont Blanc {prop} (the highest mountain in Europe) :: Монблан {m}
Montenegrin {adj} (relating to Montenegro) :: црногорски
Montenegrin {n} (person from Montenegro) :: Црногорец {m}, Црногорка {f}
Montenegrin {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: црногорски {m}
Montenegro {prop} (country in Europe) :: Црна Гора {f}
month {n} (period into which a year is divided) :: месец {m}
Montpellier {prop} (a city in France) :: Монпелије
Montreal {prop} (a city in Quebec) :: Монтреал {m}
Montserrat {prop} (island) :: Монсерат {m}
monument {n} (structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons) :: споменик {m}
monumental {adj} :: величествен, монументален
mood {n} (mental state) :: расположение {n}, настроение {n}
mood {n} (bad mood) :: нерасположеност {f}, нерасположение {n}
mood {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood ::
moon {n} (largest natural satellite of planet Earth) :: месечина {f}
Moon {prop} (sole natural satellite of the Earth) :: Месечина {f}, месечина {f}
moose {n} (largest member of the deer family (Alces alces)) :: лос {m}
moot {n} (debate) SEE: debate ::
moot {n} (discuss) SEE: discuss ::
moped {n} (two-wheeled vehicle) :: мопед {m}
moraine {n} (accumulation of rocks and debris) :: морена {f}
Moravia {prop} (historical region) :: Моравија {f}
more {determiner} (comparative of many) :: повеќе
more {adv} :: повеќе, уште, по-
more and more {adv} (progressively more) :: повеќе и повеќе, сѐ повеќе, сѐ повеќе и повеќе
morel {n} (genus Morchella) :: смрчак {m}
Morgan le Fay {prop} (half sister of King Arthur) :: Моргана {f}, Морган ле Феј {f}, Морган ле Фаје {f}
morgue {n} (place for dead people) :: мртовечница {f}
morgue {n} (haughty attitude) SEE: arrogance ::
Mormon {prop} (ancient prophet) :: Мормон
morning {n} (part of the day between dawn and midday) :: утро {n}, претпладне {n}
morning {n} (the part of the day after midnight and before midday) :: утро {n}
morning after {n} (hangover) SEE: hangover ::
morning person {n} (early bird) SEE: early bird ::
morning star {n} (planet Venus as seen around dawn) :: Деница {f}, Зорница {f}
Morocco {prop} (country) :: Мароко {n}
moron {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot ::
morpheme {n} (smallest linguistic unit) :: морфема {f}
Morse code {prop} (character code) :: Морзеова азбука {f}
morsel {n} (small fragment) :: трошка (tróška) {f}, ронка (rónka) {f}, парченце (párčence) {n}, залак (zálak) {m}
mortar {n} (short large-bore cannon) :: минофрлач {m}
mortar {n} (vessel used to grind ingredients) :: аван {m}
mortuary {n} (morgue) SEE: morgue ::
mosaic {n} (artwork) :: мозаик {m}
moscovium {n} (115th element) :: московиум {m}
Moscow {prop} (capital city of Russia) :: Москва {f}
Moses {prop} (the biblical patriarch) :: Мојсеј
mosque {n} (a place of worship for Muslims) :: џамија {f}
mosquito {n} (small flying insect of the family Culicidae, known for biting and sucking blood) :: комарец {m}
moss {n} (plants of the division Bryophyta) :: мов {m}
moss {n} (a kind or species of such plants) :: маховина {f}
moss-grown {adj} (old; old-fashioned, out of date) SEE: old ::
most {adv} (forming the superlative) :: нај-
most {adv} (almost) SEE: almost ::
Most High {prop} (title of God) :: Севишен {m}
motel {n} (type of hotel) :: мотел {m}
moth {n} (insect similar to a butterfly) :: молец {m}
mother {n} (hysterical passion) SEE: hysteria ::
mother {n} (female (human) who parents a child, gives birth to a baby, or is pregnant) :: мајка {f}
mother {n} (one’s female parent) :: мајка {f}
motherhood {n} (state of being a mother) :: мајчинство {n}
mother-in-law {n} (spouse’s mother) :: свекрва {f} [husband's mother], тешта {f}, баба {f} [wife's mother]
motherland {n} (the country of one's ancestors) :: дедовина {f}, татковина {f}, родина {f}
motherland {n} (the country of one's birth) :: родина {f}, татковина {f}
motherland {n} (country of origin) :: татковина {f}, родина {f}
motherland {n} (mother country in contrast to its colonies) :: матична земја {f}
mother-of-pearl {n} (pearly layer) :: седеф {m}
mother tongue {n} (one's native tongue) :: мајчин јазик {m}
motion {n} (state of progression from one place to another) :: движење {n}
motion picture {n} (movie) SEE: movie ::
motivation {n} (willingness of action especially in behavior) :: мотивација {f}
motive {n} (a cause to commit a crime) :: мотив {m}
motor {n} (machine that converts other energy forms into mechanical energy) :: мотор {m}
motorbiker {n} (motorcyclist) SEE: motorcyclist ::
motorboat {n} (boat driven by an engine) :: моторен чамец {m}
motorcar {n} (enclosed passenger vehicle powered by engine) SEE: automobile ::
motorcycle {n} (open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars instead of a steering wheel) :: мотоцикл {m}, мотор {m}
motorcyclist {n} (someone who rides a motorcycle) :: моторциклист (motorciklíst) {m}, мотоциклист (motociklíst) {m}
motto {n} (sentence, phrase or word forming part of an heraldic achievement) :: мото {n}, гесло {n}
mouflon {n} (sheep) :: муфлон
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mouldwarp {n} (mole) SEE: mole ::
mound {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
mount {n} (mountain) SEE: mountain ::
mountain {n} (large mass of earth and rock) :: планина {f}, гора {f}
mountain {n} (large amount) :: куп {m}
mountain climbing {n} (mountaineering) SEE: mountaineering ::
mountaineering {n} (sport) :: планинарство {n}
mountainous {adj} (having many mountains) :: планински
mountain range {n} (line of mountains) :: планински венец {m}, планинска верига {f}
mountain range {n} (series of mountain lines) :: планински венец {m}, планинска верига {f}
Mount Everest {prop} (world’s highest mountain, located in the Himalayas) :: Монт Еверест {m}
Mount Fuji {prop} (the highest mountain in Japan) :: Фуџи {m}
Mount Kilimanjaro {prop} (Kilimanjaro) SEE: Kilimanjaro ::
Mount Mayon {prop} (the most active volcano in the Philippines) :: Мајон
mouse {n} (rodent of the genus Mus) :: глушец {m}, глувче {n}, миш {m} [dialectal]
mouse {n} (shy person) :: глушец {m}
mouse {n} (computing: input device) :: глувче {n}
mouse mat {n} (mouse pad) SEE: mouse pad ::
mouse pad {n} (mouse pad) :: подлога за глувче {f}
mousepad {n} (mouse pad) SEE: mouse pad ::
moussaka {n} (baked dish) :: мусака {f}
moustache {n} (hair on upper lip) :: мустаќ {m}, мустаќи {p}
mouth {n} (the opening of a creature through which food is ingested) :: уста {f}
mouth {n} (an outlet, aperture or orifice) :: отвор {m}
mouth {n} (the end of a river out of which water flows) :: устие {n}
mouthful {n} (amount that will fit in a mouth) :: залак {m}
mouthly {adj} (oral) SEE: oral ::
mouth organ {n} (mouth organ) SEE: harmonica ::
move {v} (to change place or posture; to go) :: се движи {impf}
move {n} (the act of moving) SEE: movement ::
movement {n} (physical motion) :: движење {n}
movie {n} (motion picture) :: филм {m}
movie {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
moviehouse {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
movie theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
mow {v} (to cut down) :: коси {impf}
mower {n} (lawnmower) SEE: lawnmower ::
Mozambique {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Мозамбик {m}
mozzarella {n} (soft Italian cheese) :: моцарела {f-d}
Mr {n} (abbreviation of mister) SEE: Mr. ::
Mr. {n} (abbreviation of mister) :: Г-дин, господин {m}
Mrs {n} (title before woman's name) :: Г-ѓа {f}, госпоѓа {f}
much {determiner} (a large amount of) :: многу
much {adv} (to a great extent) :: многу
much obliged {interj} (thank you) SEE: thank you ::
much obliged {adj} (grateful) SEE: grateful ::
mucus {n} (slippery secretion) :: слуз {m}
mud {n} (mixture of soil and water) :: кал {f}
muesli {n} (breakfast dish) :: мусли {n}, житарици {f-p}
muff diving {n} (cunnilingus) SEE: cunnilingus ::
muffler {n} (scarf) SEE: scarf ::
mufti {n} (Muslim scholar) :: муфтија {m}
mug {n} (large cup) :: кригла {f}
Muggle {n} (person who lacks a particular ability or skill) SEE: amateur ::
Muggle {n} (person who has no magical abilities) :: магл {m}
Muhammad {prop} (the prophet who introduced Islam) :: Мухамед {m}
Mukden {prop} (Shenyang) SEE: Shenyang ::
mukhtar {n} (head of a village) :: муктар {m}
mulatto {n} (person of mixed black and white descent) :: мулат {m}
mulberry {n} (the tree) :: црница {f}, дуд {m}
mulberry {n} (the fruit) :: црница {f}, дудинка {f}
mulct {n} (pecuniary penalty) SEE: fine ::
mule {n} (offspring of male donkey and female horse) :: муле {n}
Mulhouse {prop} (a city in France) :: Милуз {m}
mullein {n} (plants of the genus Verbascum) :: дивизма {f}
multilingual {adj} (pertaining to multiple languages) :: повеќејазичен {m}
multilingual {adj} (able to communicate fluently in multiple languages) :: повеќејазичен {m}
multilingualism {n} (ability to speak several languages) :: повеќејазичност {f}
multimillionaire {n} (person worth many millions) :: мултимилионер {m}
multiplicand {n} (number that is to be multiplied by another) :: множеник {m}
multiplication {n} (process) :: множење {n}
multiplication {n} (calculation) :: множење {n}
multiplication table {n} (in arithmetic) :: таблица множење {f}
multiplier {n} (number) :: множител {m}
multiply {v} (transitive: perform multiplication on (a number)) :: множи {impf}
mum {n} (mother (informal, familiar)) :: мама {f}
mumble {v} (to speak unintelligibly) :: мумла
mummy {n} (embalmed corpse) :: мумија {f}
mummy {n} (child's term for mother) :: мама {f}
mumps {n} (contagious disease) :: заушки {p}
Munich {prop} (capital of Bavaria) :: Минхен {m}
municipal {adj} (pertaining to city) :: градски
Munster {prop} (province in Ireland) :: Манстер {m}
murder {n} (an act of deliberate killing) :: убиство {n}
murderer {n} (person who commits murder) :: убиец {m}, катиљ {m} [colloquial]
Muriel {prop} (female given name) :: Мириел {f}
murky {adj} (cloudy, indistinct, obscure) SEE: obscure ::
Murmansk {prop} (city) :: Мурманск {m}
murrey {n} (mulberry) SEE: mulberry ::
murrey {n} (red colour) :: дудинка
muscle {n} (contractile tissue) :: мускул {m}
museum {n} (building or institution) :: музеј {m}
mushroom {n} (fruiting body of a fungus) :: печурка {f}
mushroom {adj} (resembling a mushroom) :: печуркаст {m}
mushroom {v} (to gather mushrooms) :: печуркари
mushroom {n} (champignon) SEE: champignon ::
music {n} (sound, organized in time in a melodious way) :: музика {f}
music {n} (any pleasing or interesting sounds) :: музика {f}
music {n} (sheet music) :: ноти {f-p}, партитура {f}
music {n} :: музика {f}
musical {n} (stage performance, show or film) :: мјузикл {m}
musical instrument {n} (a device, object, contrivance or machine used to produce musical notes or sounds) :: музички инструмент {m}
music hall {n} (vaudeville or variety theatre) :: вариете {n}
musician {n} (person who performs or writes music) :: музичар {m}
music video {n} (motion picture accompanying a song) :: музичко видео {n}
musket {n} (firearm) :: мускета {f}
musketeer {n} :: мускетар {m}
muskrat {n} (Ondatra zibethicus) :: бизамски стаорец {m}
Muslim {n} (believer of Islam) :: Муслиман {m}, Муслиманка {f}
Muslim {adj} (relating to believers of Islam) :: муслимански
muslin {n} (very different styles of fabric) SEE: fabric ::
musquash {n} (Ondatra zibethicus) SEE: muskrat ::
mussel {n} (any small edible bivalve shellfish, see also: clam; oyster; mollusc) :: мушула {f}, школка {f}
must {v} (be required to) :: мора
Mustafa {prop} (male given name) :: Мустафа
mustard {n} (plant) :: синап {m}
mustard {n} (condiment) :: сенф {m}
muster {v} (to show, exhibit) SEE: show ::
mute {adj} (not having the power of speech) :: нем
muteness {n} (characteristic of being mute) :: немост {f}
mutilate {v} (To physically harm as to impair use) :: осакатува
mutilate {v} (To destroy beyond recognition) :: обезличува
mutilate {v} (To render imperfect or defective) :: оштетува
mutt {n} (a mongrel dog) :: ’ртка {f}, џукела {f}
mutton {n} (the flesh of sheep used as food) :: овчо {n}
mutual {adj} (having the same relationship, each to each other) :: заемен {m}, меѓусебен {m}
mutual {adj} (reciprocal) :: заемен {m}, меѓусебен {m}
mutual {adj} (possessed in common) :: заеднички {m}
muzzle {n} (part of animal's head) :: муцка {f}, рилка {f}
muzzle {n} (device to stop an animal from biting) :: нарилник {m}
muzzle {v} (to restrain from speaking or acting) :: затнува
my {determiner} (belonging to me) :: мој
Myanmar {prop} (Southeast Asian country, see also: Burma) :: Мјанмар {m}, Бурма {f}
my ass {interj} (Indicates disapproval, disagreement, or disbelief) :: жими газов
Mycenae {prop} (city) :: Микена {f}
Mycenaean {adj} (relating to Mycenae) :: микенски
Mycenaean {n} (a native of Mycenae) :: Микенец {f}, Микенка {f}
Mykolaiv {prop} (a city in Ukraine) :: Николаев {m}
my name is {phrase} (a way to identify oneself) :: се викам..., моето име е..., јас сум...
myocardial infarction {n} (heart attack) SEE: heart attack ::
myrrh {n} (dried sap of the myrrha tree) :: измирна {f}
myrtle {n} (evergreen shrub) :: мирта {f}
myself {pron} (me, reflexive form of me) :: ме, себе, се
mystery {n} (something secret or unexplainable) :: мистерија {f}
myth {n} (divine story) :: мит {m}