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Questions tagged [account-suspension]

Account suspension is the act of temporarily blocking the account of a specific user.

-21 votes
1 answer

Suspended for posting a comment disparaging of Discussions

I posted this comment on one of the many Meta questions asked about Discussions: It's discussions. Nobody cares. Please stop posting questions about it, so that it can die faster. and shortly later ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
  • 29.8k
16 votes
3 answers

Does the community have a right to know why a moderator was banned?

I was browsing the moderator elections and noticed one of the moderators from 2015 had a reputation of 1: I can only assume that he was banned in August 2019 for 5 years, as I see his ban is expiring ...
Addison's user avatar
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14 votes
0 answers

Shouldn't we enforce the few existing rules for Collectives?

Right now we have few rules (beyond the enforceable SO rules) specific to each Collective (for instance, rules for RM selection within r-collective). In the case of the CI/CD Collective, there are ...
M--'s user avatar
  • 28.5k
57 votes
6 answers

Recognize suspensions as being perceived as "punishment"

Something that came up quite a few times in a recent case on Meta, was that the offending user was suspended. This sparked a lot of discussion. What caught my attention, was one of the arguments ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.7k
-38 votes
8 answers

A commitment to amend and move forward

I posted ~1850 answers between March 2023 and April 2024, including ~1100 answers to bountied questions during their bounty periods. Of those 1850 answers, about two-thirds were based on generative AI ...
VonC's user avatar
  • 1.3m
54 votes
1 answer

Is there a reason that a user has been suspended/banned for two centuries instead of deleting their profile?

Stack Overflow blog post A day in the penalty box mentions that an account can be placed in a "timed suspension" from 1 to 365 days. But I recently came across a user that seems to be ...
user12002570's user avatar
17 votes
0 answers

Grammar mistake in Suspension message for Excessive discussion in comments

When visiting a profile of a user suspended for excessive discussion in comments the public suspension message on the user's profile is missing a "for" or similar to complete the sentence. ...
LW001's user avatar
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-5 votes
2 answers

Is leaving many pointless comments a bannable offense?

I recently wrote a question about hiding for me personally all comments by a user who left many irritating useless comments under posts in a tag I'm active in. I was looking for this because I assumed ...
markalex's user avatar
  • 13.2k
16 votes
1 answer

Do suspended accounts lose their non-default profile picture?

I was checking on questions I visited yesterday, some of which are by the same user. Yesterday, this user had a non-default profile picture, but today I observed that their reputation was reduced to 1 ...
machine_1's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

What is the penalty for hate speech?

I don't come across hate speech often on Stack Overflow, but today I came across a suggested edit that changed a string in the code from "Do you know?" to "Do you know that Ukraine is a ...
Michael M.'s user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

How long will the ChatGPT-ban banner (2022-12-08) be visible?

A big thank you to the SO staff for the big honking banner (and linked-to Help Center page) we now (2022-12-08) have that says: We do not currently allow content pasted from ChatGPT on Stack Overflow;...
starball's user avatar
  • 48k
20 votes
2 answers

Automatic ban for very aggressive users

Sometimes very aggressive users keep posting offending comments for quite a long time before they are suspended or banned. IMO if the system receives a series of abuse flags - it should automatically ...
0___________'s user avatar
  • 66.9k
9 votes
1 answer

Suspended users can make invisible comments on Collectives articles

I was looking at the activity tab of a suspended user and noticed that they had made a comment while suspended: The link in that activity item leads to this Collectives article, but "hello world ...
loops's user avatar
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39 votes
2 answers

What is considered promotional content?

I recently ran into a question with the [three.js] tag that asked for help with a 3D globe randomly disappearing. This question had a link to a working demo with the problem, and the code showing the ...
M -'s user avatar
  • 28.4k
0 votes
4 answers

Is suspending users for voting to delete a question while being discussed on meta reasonable?

I found this question Why is only the first case statement applied in a Google Data Studio? which is discussed on meta here Regex question was closed as lacking details, but I think it was objective ...
klutt's user avatar
  • 31.2k

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