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Questions tagged [notation]

For questions about visual representation of music and its uses. If the question is about a specific type of notation like tablature, that should also be tagged. Questions about how to input specific notation are best served with the engraving tag.

8 votes
4 answers

What to do with a tenuto pizzicato note?

This excerpt from the violin part for "Strike That Reverse It" from the musical Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has a tenuto on a pizzicato note: I can think of a few possible ...
Jakob's user avatar
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4 answers

What are the cons and pros of giving a name to each of the 12 notes rather than having sharps and flats? [duplicate]

I've been messing aroung the keyboard, the musical software, the notation and came to a conclusion that if we had names for all 12 notes then reading music and writing music would be much easier. ...
SovereignSun's user avatar
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1 answer

Notation for Organ Registration in Bach/Árpád Kommt Ihr Töchter

Could you help me with the organ notation for moving the hands up and down between keyboards? (And what's the proper term for that?) In particular what's confusing me: Do the square brackets missing ...
Gabi's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Various groupings of 8th, 16th, 32nd, etc. notes with beams

In the book Music Theory for Dummies it was mentioned: These three groups of sixteenth (semiquaver) notes, written in three different ways, all sound alike when played. However, when I look at some ...
User's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Writing rhythm/slash notation on a single line staff?

Slash and rhythm notation are common in jazz: The use of the standard 5-line staff is perfect if you want to mix traditional and slash notation. However, if there is no need to spell out notes, it ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Changing from 4/4 to 6/8 note value vs beat [duplicate]

Often, when a time signature changes from 4/4 to 6/8 (or 4/4 to 12/8, etc.) there is a marking above the staff signifying that the quarter note = dotted quarter note. Sometimes, this marking is not ...
Jared Forth's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Do accidentals have other meanings, or is their usage in this hymn all wrong?

A Setup for This Question: the 99% I’m pretty sure that a handful of rules covers 99% of the usage of accidentals, especially in notation from the last hundred or more years. Let’s say 95% of their ...
Neal's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a term for a solo break without the rest of the band stopping?

In jazz, a soloist often takes over after another soloist at the end of the previous chorus, rather than wait until the first measure of their own chorus. Essentially this is a pickup bar (or several ...
Ivan's user avatar
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3 answers

On a sheet of choir music, how do you interpret two notes represented by two heads on a single stem?

On a sheet of choir music, how do you interpret a stem with 2 heads? For example, on the bass clef staff, who sings the note represented by the top notehead on the stem, and who sings the bottom one? ...
Mark Dulle's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

When to start playing the chord when a measure starts with a rest symbol?

When a measure starts with a rest symbol should I start playing the measure's chord right when I get to the measure (so there will be a brief period of hearing only the chord without any note) or ...
BornToCode's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What are the natural and sharp signs between the repeat signs for?

What do the natural and sharp signs in the middle of the repeat symbols mean?
William Vandrake's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Strange Brackets in String Writing

I was arranging a piece and was wondering what these four notes inside a bracket on the Violin part mean. I'm not a string player, but I was assuming something weird, like retuning the strings, but ...
mrpenguin2467's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is it a Db9 with a #11 or a D with a b9 and a #11?

I don't know why I haven't gotten stuck on this before, but it being the season here I am playing Having Yourself a Merry Little Christmas with the 4th measure transitioning D-7 to Db9#11 to Cmaj7, ...
Kevin G.'s user avatar
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Meaning of a sign composed of forward slashes with dots

Can someone tell me what the sign (in the middle of the pic) means. The sign with 2 forward slashes and 4 dots.
Patrick 's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

D.S.S. appeared before D.S. Should the D.S.S. be ignored in the first repeat?

I'm making lead sheet with the following form: Intro-A-B-C/ Instrumental-A-B-C/ A-B-Outro The picture below is my interpretation, assuming D.S.S al Coda ignored in the first repeat. Would the solution ...
will's user avatar
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