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Questions tagged [antimatter]

Analogous to matter, but with charge of the particles opposite to their ordinary matter counterparts.

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What is the Longest Life Positron Emitter Isotope? [closed]

I was asking if there is any isotope that emits positrons with a half-life of more than one year?
George Ramzi's user avatar
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Is it possible to produce protons from vacuum polarization?

Is it possible, according to the standard model, to create proton-antiproton pairs from the vacuum? I know it is possible to do it with photons and electrons, but is it theoretically possible in the ...
sakurashinken's user avatar
-3 votes
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Can antimatter create antigravity? [duplicate]

CERN's scientists have discovered that antimatter does not create antigravity, they have dropped , or observed an antimatter particle with the help of a magnetic field and after making this discovery ...
Man Jeet's user avatar
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Why is there more matter than antimatter in the universe?

Even if we assume that the electron, due to its negative charge, is an antimatter particle, why did matter as we know it form from protons, neutrons, and electrons, and not from antiprotons, ...
Dema Cawr's user avatar
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Spinor components in Dirac Equation are 'coupling'?

I'm studying the Weyl's Equations from Section 1.5 of Perkins' Introduction to High Energy Physics. This is the Dirac Equation: \begin{equation} E\psi=(\alpha.p+\beta m)\psi \end{equation} where $\...
Ambica Govind's user avatar
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Is antimatter a result of $C$ inversion, or $CPT$ inversion?

This is something I'm struggling to get a clear answer on.... So on the one hand we say $C$ is the charge inversion operator and describes a particle turning into its antiparticle. However if this is ...
lukygee's user avatar
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Is an Anti-neutron electric dipole moment also predicted by the standard model?

The neutron electric dipole moment is predicted by the standard model as follows (taken from Wikipedia and a paper [2]) : As it is depicted above, in order to generate a nonzero nEDM one needs ...
fermionicplants's user avatar
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Why does $E=mc^2$ allow for the creation of particle-antiparticle pairs?

This is a line from Chapter 2 of Peskin: "We have no right to assume that any relativistic process can explained in terms of a single particle, since the Einstein relation $E = mc^2$ allows for ...
rithika's user avatar
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The Dirac equation negative solutions resolution

I've revisiting the problem of the negative solutions of the Dirac equation. I get the problem with the Dirac sea. The interpretation of the positron going back in time can work as a mnemonic math ...
1 vote
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What is the status of Wheeler’s ‘one-electron universe’ idea? [duplicate]

I'd like to ask the experts about the following: Sometime ago, I read about the One-electron universe postulate by Wheeler, and I found the concept fascinating. I wonder if it is a line of work that ...
user1543's user avatar
-7 votes
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Does matter-anti-matter burning happen in stars?

I asked ChatGPT at what temperature anti-matter can spontaneously be created and I was told that a billion kelvin would be enough, which puts it into the temperatures at the cores of stars. That seems ...
John's user avatar
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Do muons and antimuons have different penetration depth in matters?

Muons are an ideal tool to study the interaction between charged particles and condensed matters. Besides electromagnetism, muons have very weak interactions with matters (unlike protons). Muons and ...
哲煜黄's user avatar
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What would happen if all the matter and antimatter in the universe annihilated? [closed]

Assuming matter and antimatter in the universe are in equal amount, if they would annihilate,would the universe be left filled only with photons, resembling the state of the early universe? ...
Andri Nic's user avatar
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Can antihydrogen ions be mixed with liquid xenon stably?

Inspired partly by this article which claims positronium in liquid helium is substantially more stable than one might expect due to formation of "bubbles" and and a "repulsive force&...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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Can antimatter be changed into matter by bosons like $Z$ and $W$?

Can antimatter be changed into matter by W and Z bosons adding or subtracting electric charge? Perhaps this was going on in the early universe and explains the missing antimatter?
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