I have a parent component (CategoryComponent), a child component (videoListComponent) and an ApiService.
I have most of this working fine i.e. each component can access the json api and get its relevant data via observables.
Currently video list component just gets all videos, I would like to filter this to just videos in a particular category, I achieved this by passing the categoryId to the child via @Input()
<video-list *ngIf="category" [categoryId]="category.id"></video-list>
<video-list *ngIf="category" [categoryId]="category.id"></video-list>
This works and when the parent CategoryComponent category changes then the categoryId value gets passed through via @Input()
but I then need to detect this in VideoListComponent and re-request the videos array via APIService (with the new categoryId).
In AngularJS I would have done a $watch
on the variable. What is the best way to handle this?