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At what points in the control flow of an inner function can an outer event listener be triggered [duplicate]

Take the following function: export function repeater(): void { let timeout: number | undefined = undefined; const repeat = () => { some_slow_func(); timeout = setTimeout(repeat, 100); ...
Inertial Ignorance's user avatar
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How to catch one of many exceptions in the code and keep the original message?

I have an azure function that is currently listening to a topic in event hub. We receive several json as events, and we need to implement a decorator to wrapp all the possible exceptions that can ...
BelgratoSystem's user avatar
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How to add li items into jQuery UI Autocomplete so the native click handler works

I'm using jQuery UI Autocomplete widget with an AJAX source. I have a list item at the bottom of the menu to load and append more results, from the same AJAX source with an added parameter. I add ...
g-ulrich's user avatar
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How to Track and Detect When All Obstacles Are Destroyed in a Brick Breaker Game? [closed]

In my brick breaker game, I need a way to track all the obstacles. Once all the obstacles are destroyed, I want to display a 'Level Complete' panel. What is the best and most efficient method to track ...
Sojitra Manav's user avatar
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React js 'beforeunload' event does not work when closing tab or browser

In React.js when I close the form page either by selecting on nav menu(redirect using hyperlink) or back arrow or others, I need send a request to server that current login user is not working on this ...
ayush jain's user avatar
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Laravel 10 event handle runes two times

Laravel 10 event handle runes two times. $reference = "ABCD1234"; event(new \App\Events\RewardOnBooking($reference)); when i fire this event then every thing is fine but it's handle ...
Aimless's user avatar
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js on focusable element does not shift focus to that element

I stumbled across this behaviour. I want that an input element receives focus, if you click it, so that it becomes the documents' active element. The click is generated programmatically via javascript ...
Hatatister's user avatar
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Dependency life cycles are weird in Blazor WebAssembly Standalone app

I have setup an event broker which is shared between a DelegatingHandler and the AuthenticationStateProvider of the wasm app. class LogoutBroker { // For debugging purpose. public Guid Id = Guid....
Big Square's user avatar
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How to implement a pause menu in my javascript canvas animation?

I'm adding menu states to an interactive canvas animation based on my edits to this MDN exercise. I want to pause the animation when I press esc (not hide it under an opaque overlay) and resume when I ...
touchofstatic's user avatar
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Click event handler on bar chart in PowerBI embed

I am able to embed Power BI report in Angular app using npm's power-bi-embed package. I have a bar chart where I have count in Y axis and region in X axis. How do I know user is clicking on bar of ...
Bopsi's user avatar
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Event Hub received more messages than we sent

We are using Azure Event Hub (EH). We were testing a retry policy, to see what happens when EH doesn't have enough TUs to handle the load (both receiving and sending). We sent 3M events (in batches of ...
Almantas's user avatar
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keyboard_trigger = Event() returns "NameError: name 'Event' is not defined"

I am trying to write a simple "Object avoidance" program for my robot. The initial version works, but when I try to exit with a Ctrl-C, the program halts but the robot keeps moving until I ...
Jim JR Harris's user avatar
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How to Implement a Custom Observer Pattern in Java Without Using Built-in Libraries?

I am trying to implement the Observer design pattern in Java without using built-in libraries like java.util.Observer or PropertyChangeSupport. I want to create a simple system where observers (...
Sadeem's user avatar
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Problem writing to a Control from another class and another thread

I have code that, using UDP, broadcasts the letter "P" to an Arduino WiFi. It should broadcast 3 times with 3 seconds interval and then stop. To monitor this, I want to see the broadcast ...
JensM's user avatar
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In my Blazor Server side app: How can I fire an action when anywhere on the razor page's body is clicked (except a button)?

In my blazor server side app I want to listen to the mouseclick event on a razor page, and when mouseclick occurs (except on a button), I want to run a method. I have tried following with JavaScript ...
Mdarende's user avatar
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