I want to import a MySQL schema into a db in Microsoft Azure, I have read I need to have the file with the schema in BACPAC format, after that the file can be uploaded and imported in MS Azure.

How can a .sql file be converted into BACPAC format?


1 Answer 1


I typed mysql to azure into Google and found this:

Migrating from MySQL to SQL Azure Using SSMA

In this blog post, I will describe how to setup your trial SQL Azure account for your migration project, create a “free” database on SQL Azure and walkthrough differences in the process of using SSMA to migrate the tables from the MySQL Sakila sample database to SQL Azure.





You can download Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL from here.

  • But if my web application is accessing MySQL at the moment, then it won't work on Azure, as now the db has been converted to SQL Server
    – Rafael
    Commented May 16, 2013 at 13:30
  • Savior! If you don't get it to work at first, right click on your MySQL database and "Convert Schema". You'll see a new schema in the SQL Azure database -- right click and "Synchronize with Database". Then back up to MySQL database to right click on it and "Migrate Data" :))
    – Bloke
    Commented May 16, 2013 at 23:19

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