I'm new to embedded development and I'm currently trying to develop a project for a custom board based on TI's CC2538SF53 microcontroller. I've based the code on some tutorials I've seen online and on the code used in Contiki's repository in Github.
I can compile and link my project just fine, but I still can't make my program run in the board so I assume I must be mapping my memory wrong or something.
I tested the board with different binaries compiled for this it and they work just fine. I don't have access to the source code from which those binaries were compiled so I can't use them as reference.
Does anyone have any experience with this chip? Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Here's my startup and linker files:
Edit: While answering one comment I've realized that it might be useful to have the full source code and the binaries compiled from it so I'll leave here a link to a Drive folder containing those: Full Project (binaries in build subdir)
#include <stdint.h>
#include "eposInterrupts.h" // Interrupt handlers are defined here
#define FLASH_START_ADDR 0x00200000 //* Flash start address *//
#define FLASH_IMAGE_VALID 0x00000000 //* Identifies that the image in flash is valid *//
#define BOOTLOADER_BACKDOOR_ENABLE 0xFFFFFFF9 //* Enables the Bootloader Backdoor on GPIOA1 *//
#define SRAM_START 0x20000000 //* SRAM starting location *//
#define SRAM_LENGTH (16 * 1024) //* 16 kB *//
void reset_handler(void);
// Reserve space for the system stack.
__attribute__ ((section(".stack"), used))
static uint32_t stack[128];
__attribute__ ((section(".vectors"), used))
void (* const vectors[])(void) = {
(void (*)(void))((uint32_t)stack + sizeof(stack)), // 0 Stack pointer
reset_handler, // 1 Reset handler
NMI_handler, // 2 The NMI handler
hard_fault_handler, // 3 The hard fault handler
mem_manage_fault_handler, // 4 The MPU fault handler
bus_fault_handler, // 5 The bus fault handler
usage_fault_handler, // 6 The usage fault handler
0, // 7 Reserved
0, // 8 Reserved
0, // 9 Reserved
0, // 10 Reserved
sv_call_handler, // 11 SVCall handler
debug_monitor_handler, // 12 Debug monitor handler
0, // 13 Reserved
pend_sv_call_handler, // 14 The PendSV handler
systick_handler, // 15 The SysTick handler
GPIOA_handler, // 16 GPIO Port A
GPIOB_handler, // 17 GPIO Port B
GPIOC_handler, // 18 GPIO Port C
GPIOD_handler, // 19 GPIO Port D
0, // 20 none
UART0_handler, // 21 UART0 Rx and Tx
UART1_handler, // 22 UART1 Rx and Tx
SSI0_handler, // 23 SSI0 Rx and Tx
I2C_handler, // 24 I2C Master and Slave
0, // 25 Reserved
0, // 26 Reserved
0, // 27 Reserved
0, // 28 Reserved
0, // 29 Reserved
ADC_handler, // 30 ADC Sequence 0
0, // 31 Reserved
0, // 32 Reserved
0, // 33 Reserved
watchdog_handler, // 34 Watchdog timer
timer0A_handler, // 35 Timer 0 subtimer A
timer0B_handler, // 36 Timer 0 subtimer B
timer1A_handler, // 37 Timer 1 subtimer A
timer1B_handler, // 38 Timer 1 subtimer B
timer2A_handler, // 39 Timer 2 subtimer A
timer2B_handler, // 40 Timer 2 subtimer B
analog_comparator_handler, // 41 Analog Comparator 0
RF_Core_Rx_Tx_handler, // 42 RFCore Rx/Tx (Alternate)
RF_Core_error_handler, // 43 RFCore Error (Alternate)
system_control_handler, // 44 IcePick
flash_control_handler, // 45 FLASH Control
AES_handler, // 46 AES (Alternate)
PKA_handler, // 47 PKA (Alternate)
sleep_timer_handler, // 48 Sleep Timer (Alternate)
MAC_timer_handler, // 49 MacTimer (Alternate)
SSI1_handler, // 50 SSI1 Rx and Tx
timer3A_handler, // 51 Timer 3 subtimer A
timer3B_handler, // 52 Timer 3 subtimer B
0, // 53 Reserved
0, // 54 Reserved
0, // 55 Reserved
0, // 56 Reserved
0, // 57 Reserved
0, // 58 Reserved
0, // 59 Reserved
0, // 60 Reserved
0, // 61 Reserved
uDMA_handler, // 62 uDMA
uDMA_error_handler, // 63 uDMA Error
0, // 64 Unused
0, // 65 Unused
0, // 66 Unused
0, // 67 Unused
0, // 68 Unused
0, // 69 Unused
0, // 70 Unused
0, // 71 Unused
0, // 72 Unused
0, // 73 Unused
0, // 74 Unused
0, // 75 Unused
0, // 76 Unused
0, // 77 Unused
0, // 78 Unused
0, // 79 Unused
0, // 80 Unused
0, // 81 Unused
0, // 82 Unused
0, // 83 Unused
0, // 84 Unused
0, // 85 Unused
0, // 86 Unused
0, // 87 Unused
0, // 88 Unused
0, // 89 Unused
0, // 90 Unused
0, // 91 Unused
0, // 92 Unused
0, // 93 Unused
0, // 94 Unused
0, // 95 Unused
0, // 96 Unused
0, // 97 Unused
0, // 98 Unused
0, // 99 Unused
0, // 100 Unused
0, // 101 Unused
0, // 102 Unused
0, // 103 Unused
0, // 104 Unused
0, // 105 Unused
0, // 106 Unused
0, // 107 Unused
0, // 108 Unused
0, // 109 Unused
0, // 110 Unused
0, // 111 Unused
0, // 112 Unused
0, // 113 Unused
0, // 114 Unused
0, // 115 Unused
0, // 116 Unused
0, // 117 Unused
0, // 118 Unused
0, // 119 Unused
0, // 120 Unused
0, // 121 Unused
0, // 122 Unused
0, // 123 Unused
0, // 124 Unused
0, // 125 Unused
0, // 126 Unused
0, // 127 Unused
0, // 128 Unused
0, // 129 Unused
0, // 130 Unused
0, // 131 Unused
0, // 132 Unused
0, // 133 Unused
0, // 134 Unused
0, // 135 Unused
0, // 136 Unused
0, // 137 Unused
0, // 138 Unused
0, // 139 Unused
0, // 140 Unused
0, // 141 Unused
0, // 142 Unused
0, // 143 Unused
0, // 144 Unused
0, // 145 Unused
0, // 146 Unused
0, // 147 Unused
0, // 148 Unused
0, // 149 Unused
0, // 150 Unused
0, // 151 Unused
0, // 152 Unused
0, // 153 Unused
0, // 154 Unused
0, // 155 Unused
USB_handler, // 156 USB 2538
RF_Core_Rx_Tx_handler, // 157 RFCore Rx/Tx
RF_Core_error_handler, // 158 RFCore Error
AES_handler, // 159 AES
PKA_handler, // 160 PKA
sleep_timer_handler, // 161 Sleep Timer
MAC_timer_handler, // 162 MacTimer
// Customer Configuration Area in Lock Page
typedef struct {
uint32_t bootloaderCfg; // Bootloader backdoor
uint32_t imageValid; // Image valid bytes
uint32_t vectorAddr; // Vector table located at flash start address
uint8_t pageLockBits[32]; // Unlock all flash pages and debug access
} lockPageCCA_t;
const lockPageCCA_t cca_lock_page =
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
extern int main(void);
extern uint32_t _etext;
extern uint32_t _sdata;
extern uint32_t _edata;
extern uint32_t _sbss;
extern uint32_t _ebss;
void reset_handler (void) {
uint32_t* source;
uint32_t* destination;
// Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM.
source = &_etext;
for(destination = &_sdata; destination < &_edata; ) {
*destination++ = *source++;
// Zero fill the bss segment.
for(destination = &_sbss; destination < &_ebss; ) {
*destination++ = 0;
// Call the application's entry point.
// End here if return from main()
FLASH(rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00200000, LENGTH = 512K - 44
SRAM_NON_RETENTION(rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 16K
SRAM_RETENTION(rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20004000, LENGTH = 16K - 512
/* Section in which code is placed */
.text : {
_stext = .;
_etext = .;
/* Section in which initialized data is placed */
.data : {
_sdata = .;
_edata = .;
/* Section in which uninitialized data is placed */
.bss : {
_sbss = .;
_ebss = .;
/* Program stack */
.stack : {
/* Program heap is placed entirely on the non retention SRAM */
.flashcca : {
. I would suggest you start with that rather than extracting it from other projects. This code certainly does not look "standard".uint64_t
? That's really strange and will cause all manner of undefined behavior problems in case you use gcc with strict aliasing enabled. Usually, the stack is not a declared type at all.