@Kim is closest, but it's not quite there yet. I don't think adding --fail-never
is correct, even through it get's the job done.
The verify
command causes a lot of plugins to execute which is a problem (for me) - I don't think they should be executing when all I want is to install dependencies! I also have a multi-module build and a javascript sub-build so this further complicates the setup.
But running only verify
is not enough, because if you run install
in the following commands, there will be more plugins used - which means more dependencies to download - maven refuses to download them otherwise. Relevant read: Maven: Introduction to the Build Lifecycle
You basically have to find what properties disable each plugin and add them one-by-one, so they don't break your build.
# cache Maven dependencies
ADD cli/pom.xml /srv/cli/
ADD core/pom.xml /srv/core/
ADD parent/pom.xml /srv/parent/
ADD rest-api/pom.xml /srv/rest-api/
ADD web-admin/pom.xml /srv/web-admin/
ADD pom.xml /srv/
RUN mvn -B clean install -DskipTests -Dcheckstyle.skip -Dasciidoctor.skip -Djacoco.skip -Dmaven.gitcommitid.skip -Dspring-boot.repackage.skip -Dmaven.exec.skip=true -Dmaven.install.skip -Dmaven.resources.skip
# cache YARN dependencies
ADD ./web-admin/package.json ./web-admin/yarn.lock /srv/web-admin/
RUN yarn --non-interactive --frozen-lockfile --no-progress --cwd /srv/web-admin install
# build the project
ADD . /srv
RUN mvn -B clean install
but some plugins are not that easily skipped - I'm not a maven expert (so I don't know why it ignores the cli option - it might be a bug), but the following works as expected for org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin
<id>yarn install</id>
<id>yarn run build</id>
please notice the explicit <skip>${maven.exec.skip}</skip>
- other plugins pick this up from the cli params but not this one (neither -Dmaven.exec.skip=true
nor -Dexec.skip=true
work by itself)
Hope this helps