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writing data from aws glue catalog to redshift

scenario I have glue catalog and I need to load this data from catalog to redshift. dyf = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog( database=catalog_db, table_name=f"{...
Abhi5421's user avatar
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2 answers

ERROR: permission denied for relation stl_query, how to resolve?

I am trying out Redshift and at first, I am trying to access queries I ran in the past but was hit by this error: ERROR: permission denied for relation stl_query and tried to grant access as well but ...
Visrut's user avatar
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As a SQL developer, what are the differences between RDS and redshift that I'll notice?

I have solid experience with redshift (primarily SQL development) since I've been migrating our objects from SQL Server to redshift for the past year. In a nutshell, I've had to take t-sql (in the ...
fdkgfosfskjdlsjdlkfsf's user avatar
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Make Looker Studio <> AWS Redshift use aggregate queries

I have a column called “total_revenue_earned” and another called “purchase_month”. If I try to make a bar chart summing revenue by month the query Looker Studio uses involves no aggregate functions. ...
Luke Muther's user avatar
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How can I connect Google Looker Studio with AWS Redshift?

I am trying to connect Looker Studio with Amazon Redshift but keep getting this error I had to make sure everything related to connection details was the same and also tried to connect with Basic and ...
Visrut's user avatar
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AWS Redshift spectrum not able to return data for external table where data type timestamp

I'm trying to query data through Redshift Spectrum using an external schema from the Glue catalog but encountering an issue with a column that has a timestamp data type. When I run the query SELECT * ...
Jeff A's user avatar
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boto3 redshift client .describe_statement provides no error message

I've run an sql query through boto3 redshift client's execute_statement function, and subsequently checked the status of the query with describe_statement. result = client_redshift.execute_statement(...
tonneofash's user avatar
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Redshift COPY query hangs. (Running but not submitted) (Table size just 30 rows)

I have been running COPY commands on Redshift in query editor and boto3 (programatically), successfully. However, after yesterday, neither method works. Although, cluster console shows that query is ...
Hamza E. Khan's user avatar
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Is there any way to get more detailed syntax error messages in Redshift SQL?

I am re-writing some 1000+ line queries which were written originally for a PostgreSQL DB and now have to run on near-identical data in Redshift (using Redshift Serverless and the QueryEditorV2). This ...
Indoordinosaur's user avatar
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Create table from another table, but only the primary column

From a table, how can I create another table without the data and with only the primary key columns? I am able to get the primary key columns using the following query: SELECT column_name FROM ...
jeremie bergeron's user avatar
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3 answers

fill gaps in outer join in redshift

I have a table that contains products and sales data. Unfortunately, not every month a given product was sold, and I would like unsold products in a given month to also be shown. In Oracle, the query ...
l_obr's user avatar
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Unable to create AWS Glue Connection to RedShift Serverless

I am trying to create a connection between AWS Glue and the Redshift database in Glue. Currently, I am getting an error: Connection creation is failed. Create connection failed during validating ...
Dmitri's user avatar
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Is there a SQL feature to return the max value for every column?

Background: I have a unique setup with multiple tables, each with circa 1,600 columns, which I am trying to clean up (it creates benefits upstream). I know that around 80% of these columns will always ...
David Jerome's user avatar
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in GA4,the daily exported events are about to exceed 1 million. What should I do next?

I am using the Daily Export method to export some GA events to BigQuery, but the daily event volume is about to exceed 1 million. If I switch to the Streaming method, I might lose information such as ...
Yan's user avatar
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How to Extract Nested JSON Array in Redshift and Create a Table with Specific Columns?

I have a table in AWS Redshift with a column called json, which stores a nested JSON object as a string. I need to create a new table with three columns: sid, skill_name, and skill_vdd. The json ...
nilesh1212's user avatar
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