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How can I configure OpenIdDict for local token validation?

I use the library OpenIDDict (version 5.*) to work with the token. I have an authorization server that works with tokens. And there is also another regular service, now it works as a client. Sends a ...
Mnogoznaal's user avatar
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75 views Identity JWT Issue

I have tried to implement JWT token authorisation into my system but it's not working. I'm new to so please go easy on me. I can login fine and i do get the token as expected. But when I try ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Multiple authentication Identity - JWT

I have a project where the web is authenticated with an identity and I want to use JWT for APIs. What changes should I make to use both at the same time? services.AddAuthentication(options => ...
YA3H's user avatar
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how I can manage the users permission to access the pages in ASP web application when using External API

I have a front-end project where I get all the data from an External API. How I can manage users permission to access the app pages? When the user logs in, I get the bearer token and a list of user ...
Ameera Test's user avatar
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Official documentation for JwtBearer middleware/configuration via appsettings.json?

Starting with NET 7, one can configure JWT validation values in appsettings.json, e.g. as mentioned in this blog post (section Simplified configuration for the JwtBearer middleware): "...'s user avatar
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How do I configure accessToken lifetime in ASP.NET Core 8 Minimal API using new IdentityApi endpoints?

I've just started working on a new ASP.NET Core 8 Minimal API. I'm trying to play with some new features regarding identity. I'm using the class below to register auth services. internal static class ...
bartusko_'s user avatar
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How to switch Authenticate Scheme at runtime based on request header

I'm trying to change an existing web API to allow switching between IdentityServer and JWT based authentication. Both forms of authentication work on their own when set to be the ...
Chris Gilbert's user avatar
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Why Authorize attribute not working with this Configuration?

Thats how my Jwt configuration looks like: services.AddIdentity<User, Role>() .AddEntityFrameworkStores<DatabaseContext>() .AddDefaultTokenProviders(); services ....
Bidzina Goginashvili's user avatar
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Role Based authorization not working after JWT is added to .Net Identity

After adding Jwt authentication to the Web API, it seems okay if I do not specify roles in the Weather Forecast Controller method. After I specified Roles, only JWT authorisation works. I tried ...
AJ Raj's user avatar
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Authentication with Identity, OpenID & JWT

Yeah, I know I'm asking for a lot. So basically what I want is this: I want to use the built-in (local) authentication routines using Microsoft Identity. I also want to authenticate against an OpenID-...
Rhywden's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core Identity with JWT

Problem: I have implemented aspnet identity using JWT token authorisation I have followed all instructions which has been presented and for some reason I cannot get it to work and cannot see any ...
Green Bicycle's user avatar
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How to change Identity User to JWT Token

I have a project written in ASP.NET 4.5.2 MVC. Here Identity is used. Now I will move this project to new ASP.NET Core 6 and here I want to work with custom user and JWT token for users. How can I ...
Elchin's user avatar
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How to combine Identity.Application and JWT authentication using IdentityServer4?

How to configure IdentityServer4 and authentication to use both Identity.Application (for IdentityServer4 endpoints) and JWT (for API requests)? Trying to implement ASP.NET 6 application, that ...
Vlad Barkovsky's user avatar
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How can I use a service to configure another service?

I'm configurating a AuthenticationService in my application, with JwtBearer . I abstracted the JWT configuration to a service, to use it throughout the application. So, that's my code. builder....
Lucas Bustos's user avatar
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Custom JWT issuance using ASP Data Protection

I'd like my ASP application to be able to issue its own JWT tokens that authorize specific actions to otherwise-unauthenticated users. An example might be, say, exposing an unauthenticated endpoint ...
Matthew Haugen's user avatar

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