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Spin up MySQL container via docker-compose.yaml, database is created, but tables are not

I want to spin up a MySQL container via my docker-compose.yaml, which looks like this: services: mysql: image: mysql:oraclelinux9 container_name: mysql_quartz ports: - "3306:...
user842225's user avatar
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Docker Compose - The ImageField field in Django cannot upload images when I migrate the database from sqlite3 to MySQL in Docker Compose

I have the Article model in Django blog app File /backend/blog/ class Article(models.Model): class Status(models.TextChoices): DRAFT = 'DF', 'Draft' PUBLISHED = 'PB', '...
Khanh Phan's user avatar
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How do I run debezium with Confluent platform?

I have an EC2 machine with mysql DB (not containerized). Now I want to stream CDC events to Confluent-managed Kafka. I am using this docker compose file to start the connect platform on the same host. ...
m_m's user avatar
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Consistent Access Denied error when trying to connect to MySQL DB with PDO [duplicate]

I'm newbie to PHP and I'm trying to get started with it. I have been following this guide to create a PHP boilerplate for future projects using Docker (I didn't want to use XAMPP cause I like to make ...
TripleA's user avatar
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Cant run EntityFrameWork on Docker-compose using api

I'm trying to run a .NET API with MySQL as the database, using Entity Framework to set up the database (so from API -> MySQL migrations). The API seems to run well, and I think MySQL is also ...
Fede Woodward's user avatar
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Database Conflict in Multiple Docker Compose Setups

I have two LAMP stacks for each of my laravel app branches. Each branch is in a different folder. The setups run in a container with the following docker compose files: 1) version: "3.1" ...
CoolMathematician's user avatar
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Problem connecting springboot to mysql with docker-compose

I am developing a small application using springboot with maven and a mysql db. I created a Dockerfile that's working but when I try to do docker-compose up the connection from app to db is refused. ...
Andrea Internullo's user avatar
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Docker-Compose MySQL and WordPress Environment Variable Issue

I'm setting up a local development environment for a WordPress project using Docker Compose, including WordPress, MySQL, and Adminer containers. Here’s my docker-compose.yml file: version: '3.8' ...
Brian's user avatar
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Running on docker-compose: mysqli::real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES)

The configuration below works just fine on my local machine: My docker-compose.yml file: networks: mynet: name: mynet driver: bridge services: mydb: container_name: ...
amiry jd's user avatar
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While trying to run docker app from docker compose file I am getting the error : 00342: Could not obtain connection to query metadata

below is my dockerfile --- version: "3" services: myapp: image: ports: - "9090:8080" mysqlserver: ...
Ashish Bajpai's user avatar
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cannot connect laravel with mysql inside a docker container [duplicate]

I have laravel 11 application and it works fine. I want the application to run inside docker and I have the following docker file set up for the laravel app: FROM php:8.3-fpm RUN apt-get update &&...
crawlingdev's user avatar
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mysql in docker. Can't create thread to handle bootstrap

I have the following simple project . ├── Dockerfile ├── docker-compose.yml └── init.sql where the Dockerfile is FROM mysql:8.0-debian RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y locales \ ...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
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MySQL docker image is not creating database when is executed with docker-compose

I'm new with docker. I have some issues when I run an image from docker-compose. It's a very simple thing but it's given me headaches. When I run the image with docker run, any problem. It works. But ...
Dani Pardo's user avatar
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Connection refused when using Sequelize with MySQL running on Docker [duplicate]

I am building a dockerized API with MYSQL. I have already set up a network between the two services but Sequelize is returning a connection refused error. Here is my Dockerfile for the API FROM node:...
Emerson Lima's user avatar
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Deploying Spring Boot application with MySQL using Docker Compose throws a Liquibase error

Tech stack: Java 17, Spring Boot 3.3.2, MySQL 8.0.27, JPA, Liquibase, Docker I'm trying to deploy Spring Boot application with MySQL using Liquibase as schema migration tool. Here images, containers ...
Musni's user avatar
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