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Permission denied when writing file in volume mounted in Docker

I want to a accomplish a relatively simple task, which is to be able to read and write from a samba share that is attached to docker. I have several services sharing the same volume, they are mostly ...
Ícaro Lorran's user avatar
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NGINX proxy manager with blue/green deployment approach

I am trying to implement a zero downtime deployment approach using the blue/green approach. We manage our nginx config through the Nginx proxy manager (link), and this where I am stuck. What I have ...
atvt's user avatar
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AdminClient clientId=adminclient-1 Node 1 disconnected. Apache Kafka y Spark

I'm running a Docker Compose setup with Spark and Kafka, but I'm encountering connectivity issues when Spark tries to connect to Kafka. My docker-compose.yml file includes services for both Kafka and ...
Leynder Sánchez's user avatar
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Docker Flask Service: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flask' When Running Container, but Works Manually

I am trying to build and run a Flask-based Python service (task_manager) using Docker and Docker Compose, but I'm encountering a persistent issue. When I run the container via docker-compose up --...
Paul-Jason's user avatar
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Containerized Webpack setup is not responding to file changes from mounted volume

I have a setup in which the changes of files in mounted volume is not being caught by Webpack. I have checked inside the container and the changes are happening to the file but Webpack is not catching ...
Peiman Shokouhian's user avatar
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Zammad google callback redirecting to another website (bet8k)

I have an instalation of Zammad 5.2.x made with docker compose and actualy when we try to add an account in channels-google, after the consent screen finishes it goes to an outside url instead of back ...
Jorge Vieira's user avatar
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docker mit apache + phpfpm exit code1 [closed]

I have a website that I would like to host in a php-fpm environment and Apache. The host page.conf looks like this. <VirtualHost *:443> #LoadModule http2_module modules/ ...
Paddymaster's user avatar
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couldn't find package "PACKAGE_NAME" on the "npm" registry

I am trying to build an docker image for one of the web apps. I have tried building the docker image in my local and also successfully pushed it after building the image. The issue I am facing is more ...
mangesh's user avatar
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Using Environment Files in Docker-Compose

I've looked this up in StackOverflow and asked ChatGPT, but cannot seem to get an answer. The situation is that I have a PHP application that uses MySQL and phpMyAdmin. I want to execute SQL on ...
David's user avatar
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Next.js docker compose - passing environment variable during build time

Next.js app bundles the env variables during build time. That's why I need to pass env variables as args and used them during the build stage. Now as part of the CD/CI pipeline I want to pass args ...
MiguelG's user avatar
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Unable to access my server after pushing to ec2

I have dockerize my server app with nginx and ssl configuration. Below are what I am doing I use github actions to run my workflow: I have my Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml setup below FROM node:16-...
Samuel's user avatar
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Exception while building the MVN package for docker Compose

Caused by: jakarta.persistence.PersistenceException: [PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException: Unable to ...
VIGNESH REDDY's user avatar
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Docker install composer in container [closed]

I want to deploy my Laravel project with docker on the server. (locally it works fine) I follow the following steps: 1. docker-compose build app 2. docker-compose up -d 3. docker-compose exec app ...
jorge arellano's user avatar
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How to approach hardcoding in my open source project [closed]

My open source project is a generator that creates Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files by analyzing your project with just one command. Repository: Issue: https:...
currenjin's user avatar
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DevOps small project on my own server: nuxtJS + laravel is docker-compose a good way? [closed]

I was wondering about how to establish CI/CD on my project. What is the best practice for that? I have server where project works without docker containers. Laravel covers backend (REST API) NuxtJS ...
Mykola Yatsenko's user avatar

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