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How to merge 2 double arrays in c [closed]

I need to write a function that merges 2 double arrays together into a single array. How would I go about doing that? EDIT: I have 2 arrays that like this for example: double arr1[] = {3.75, 4, 2.6} ...
Nebelmonster's user avatar
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Given a double value x, why (signed long long)(x) != *(signed long long *)(&x)?

I wonder why the code below prints "wrong". double x = 0x8000000000000000; signed long long v1 = (signed long long)(x); signed long long v2 = *(signed long long *)(&x); printf( v1 == v2? ...
PkDrew's user avatar
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How can I handle floating-point precision in C when dealing with numbers very close to zero or other edge cases

I wrote a program in C that calculates three points based on three points that are given. So we are given points A, B, C and calculate points A', B', C'. Now there are three ways that these points ...
Jakubito's user avatar
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Datatype double declaration

I had a problem where, my answers were completely similar to the ones on the online judge, but they were deemed wrong. I fixed it after a lot of tinkering, but I dont understand what is going on. ...
stup's user avatar
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Why doesn't my manually entered double value match the expected value in C?

Question: As a beginner, i am curious about memory architecture and how values get stored in memory, so I tried this code. Nothing else. I'm trying to manually input byte values to create a specific ...
Nalan PandiKumar's user avatar
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What happens when the integer value with more than 52-bit of mantissa is stored in the double data type?

#include <stdio.h> int main() { double a =92233720368547758071; printf("value=%lf\n", a); int i; char *b = &a; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { printf("...
Nalan PandiKumar's user avatar
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why does not insert the (temp->rlink)->llink (circular double linked list)

I want to know why (*dlist)->llink is not x(lptint error) when i write &(temp->rlink) instead &x void lprintList(listPointer dlist) { listPointer temp = (listPointer)malloc(sizeof(*...
user24137190's user avatar
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Why is double printing the same value as float in C when they have different sizes?

I need to do calculations using π. When I checked precision of M_PI, it only printed 7 decimal digits. So I #defined my own MY_PI. But I am still facing the same problem. double should support 15-17 ...
EMS's user avatar
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calloc only return arrays of size 8 [duplicate]

I'm trying to create arrays of doubles in C, such that every array has d doubles in it (the user inputs d). I tried using calloc to allocate the memory for each array: double *vec; vec = (double*) ...
NivGeva's user avatar
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data type is double, but below decimal point is calculated 0

Code explain: When I input three number, each number is saved in list[]. And then, it prints average and standard deviation. Problem: standard_deviation value's below decimal point is calculated 0. I ...
Arin's user avatar
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strtod edge of denormals glitch

I have been looking at some code which had a weird optimisation fault and, in the process, stumbled upon a fault condition in strtod(), which has a different behaviour to strtof(), right on the edge ...
Martin Brown's user avatar
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Printing doubles with large precision with printf, compiling with GCC

When printing with printf in a C program and specify how much characters I want after the decimal point with %.20f, it only gives me 15 characters and the rest are 0. I compile with GCC with the ...
KamenPetkov's user avatar
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Accessing Double Pointers in C

Assuming these random methods void out_param_test(int *in, int **out) { int *temp = calloc(buffer_size, sizeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < buffer_size; i++) { temp[i] = in[i]...
alexrider07's user avatar
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Is Using double variable type instead of float a bad habit [closed]

I have to code C for my college exams and I have practice of declaring double variables instead of float variables. Is it a bad habit? Can they deduct marks for it? (we never exceed the float limit) I ...
Kasun's user avatar
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How to unpack the TEDS ConRes type?

In a TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) Template, there are two data types described as ConRes. "Constant resolution. This is a custom data type for compressed floating point values that ...
Max Kielland's user avatar
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