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How to merge 2 double arrays in c [closed]

I need to write a function that merges 2 double arrays together into a single array. How would I go about doing that? EDIT: I have 2 arrays that like this for example: double arr1[] = {3.75, 4, 2.6} ...
Nebelmonster's user avatar
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C++ double type: is comparison by == valid if comparing against the previously set value

What I mean is: I have a situation that I have two fields in the structure of type double, where both may be set there through some evaluation, but in some situations the second of them can be equal ...
Ethouris's user avatar
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What is the difference between using (double) versus multiplying by 1.0 when type casting an integer to a double?

I was wondering what the difference is between converting an integer to a double using double versus multiplying the integer by 1.0 int a = 4 int b = 3 double c = 1.0 * a / b double d = (double) a / ...
NoxAtra's user avatar
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Given a double value x, why (signed long long)(x) != *(signed long long *)(&x)?

I wonder why the code below prints "wrong". double x = 0x8000000000000000; signed long long v1 = (signed long long)(x); signed long long v2 = *(signed long long *)(&x); printf( v1 == v2? ...
PkDrew's user avatar
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How to properly convert between types in Cython?

I have a function which looks like cdef double __test_func(double x, double y, double z): return (x-y)/((2*x-y)*y)**(0.5*z) def test_func(x, y, z): return __test_func(<double>x, <...
Hojin Cho's user avatar
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Convert Currency amount to cents without going through floating point

Consider this function: function DollarsToCents(dollars: Currency): Integer; begin result := Trunc(dollars * 100); end; The expression dollars * 100 will get converted to an Extended, I believe, ...
dan-gph's user avatar
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opencv/modules/core/src/matrix_wrap.cpp:72: error: (-215:Assertion failed) 0 <= i && i < (int)vv.size() in function 'getMat_'

Can you help me with this bug? a and b are 2-double array and are defined with rows and cols. a is a given matrix: cv::resize(a,b,cv::Size(newrows,newcols),0,0,INTER_CUBIC); I can compile, but got ...
user28186790's user avatar
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Reading doubles (numbers) in and out of Excel cells

I'm reading in values from an Excel sheet and have the user checking those numbers/text and hitting save again if they are correct. It works well for any text and numbers, except for my discount being ...
Chris Peh's user avatar
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How can I handle floating-point precision in C when dealing with numbers very close to zero or other edge cases

I wrote a program in C that calculates three points based on three points that are given. So we are given points A, B, C and calculate points A', B', C'. Now there are three ways that these points ...
Jakubito's user avatar
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Double values for triangle angles returning as NaN if 2+ side lengths are the same

I'm trying to write a program that will calculate the angles of a triangle using the side lengths (via the Law of Cosines, Law of Sines, and Triangle Sum Theorem). It works just fine if all the side ...
oxiiacid's user avatar
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Double multiplied with int has become less accurate in .NET Core

I was experimenting with this code block with different versions of .NET: using System; using System.Linq; public class Program { public static void Main() { ...
David Klempfner's user avatar
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In what range does incrementing and decrementing Java doubles work?

I'm writing a Java class that tracks a fractional number, but needs to be able to increment and decrement it. Using a double for this number seems to work fine for small values, but I'm trying to ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
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Precision issues when converting double to float

JDK has a random method in ThreadLocalRandom: nextDouble(startInclusive, endExclusive) But no float version. Here I want to float version, this is my implementation: public static float nextFloat(...
FredSuvn's user avatar
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If Statement Cannot Evaluate Basic Floating-Point Problem

I was working through Bjarne Stroustrup's "Programming-Principles And Practice Using C++" book and I'm currently stumped by the 5th "Drill" question of Chapter 4. There is a series ...
Jconnors266's user avatar
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Datatype double declaration

I had a problem where, my answers were completely similar to the ones on the online judge, but they were deemed wrong. I fixed it after a lot of tinkering, but I dont understand what is going on. ...
stup's user avatar
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