In the following align environment I use two columns of formulas, one left and one right-aligned. In the first line the left part is very long, and in the third line the right part is really long and is then forced to overflow the line and push the eq. numbering to the next line.
Is it possible to make the right part in the third line disregard the alignment, and just be right-aligned before the eq. numbering?
&b_k + H_k \leq E_g \cdot d^s_{g,k,j} + (1 - d^s_{g,k,j})\cdot (J+1), && \forall j \in T, \, k \in V, \, g \in G \\
&b_k \geq S_g \cdot d^s_{g,k,j}, && \forall j \in T, \, k \in V, \, g \in G \\
&d^s_{g,k,j} + d^s_{g',\ell,j} \leq 2 - u_{k,\ell}, && \forall j \in T, \, k, \ell \in V,\,g, g' \in G, \, g' < g