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How can I handle floating-point precision in C when dealing with numbers very close to zero or other edge cases

I wrote a program in C that calculates three points based on three points that are given. So we are given points A, B, C and calculate points A', B', C'. Now there are three ways that these points ...
Jakubito's user avatar
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Double multiplied with int has become less accurate in .NET Core

I was experimenting with this code block with different versions of .NET: using System; using System.Linq; public class Program { public static void Main() { ...
David Klempfner's user avatar
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Precision issues when converting double to float

JDK has a random method in ThreadLocalRandom: nextDouble(startInclusive, endExclusive) But no float version. Here I want to float version, this is my implementation: public static float nextFloat(...
FredSuvn's user avatar
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If Statement Cannot Evaluate Basic Floating-Point Problem

I was working through Bjarne Stroustrup's "Programming-Principles And Practice Using C++" book and I'm currently stumped by the 5th "Drill" question of Chapter 4. There is a series ...
Jconnors266's user avatar
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Rounding when ULP 1 - Java and C++

The reason of the question originated from differences in the results that I observed when computing std::exp(x) in C++ against Math.exp(x) in Java (with x of type double). I noticed that the ...
Albert's user avatar
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float/double is not working on qemu and spike for riscv-unknown-elf-gcc tool chain

float/double is not working on qemu for riscv-unknown-elf-gcc tool chain it is giving me exception trap_illegal_instruction I just tried running a simple program which has float in it, using riscv-...
Bheema Rohith's user avatar
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How much accuracy is lost due to representing time as a IEEE 754 binary64 number?

My python program has a busy loop. Within the loop, some delays are calculated in the following fashion: timeout_s: float = args.timeout_s timeout_end_s: float = time.time() + timeout_s while True: ...
KamilCuk's user avatar
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5 votes
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Determining the Upper Limit of Math.random() Output in Java

I'm seeking clarification on the upper limit of the numbers generated by the Math.random() method in Java. While I understand that the range of this method is "greater than or equal to 0.0 and ...
Brian Giroux's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Why is double printing the same value as float in C when they have different sizes?

I need to do calculations using π. When I checked precision of M_PI, it only printed 7 decimal digits. So I #defined my own MY_PI. But I am still facing the same problem. double should support 15-17 ...
EMS's user avatar
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How Can Calculators Display So Many Digits of PI?

I was playing around with the calculator on my phone and I discovered I can see arbitrary numbers of digits of pi on there. I know double precision floats only have accuracy up to ~16 digits so I ...
chixken_tendies's user avatar
7 votes
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strtod edge of denormals glitch

I have been looking at some code which had a weird optimisation fault and, in the process, stumbled upon a fault condition in strtod(), which has a different behaviour to strtof(), right on the edge ...
Martin Brown's user avatar
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3 answers

Cannot convert from double to float Error

I'm writing a simple program that converts pounds to kilos, but I'm a bit confused import java.util.Scanner; public class FiveTenOne { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner ...
Bernardo Costa's user avatar
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Performance of float vs double with GCC, Intel & MS C

I have seen the previous ancient x87 era thread on this and thought it was time to revisit it in the modern era of SSE2 & AVX. The results of my fairly simple C benchmark test were mostly what I ...
Martin Brown's user avatar
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How to unpack the TEDS ConRes type?

In a TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) Template, there are two data types described as ConRes. "Constant resolution. This is a custom data type for compressed floating point values that ...
Max Kielland's user avatar
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Double precision floating point. Why is the maximum exponent 1023

When we have a binary Intel processor and a double precision float represented by 64 bits of which 1 bit for the sign, 52 bits for mantissa and 11 bits for the exponent. I do not understand why the ...
Ma.Te.Pa's user avatar
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