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Istio failover to external service when internal service is unhealthy

Need to failover/redirect to external service (which is not in Mesh) when internal service is unhealthy (is in Mesh). External Service - Internal Service - abc.svc.cluster.local Tried ...
Aaryan Mehta's user avatar
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Understanding the "%DURATION%" field in Envoy access logs

This is an example of logs for an inbound request from my Envoy Proxy instance (which is in fact the Edge Proxy, aka ingress pod, in my OpenShift installation with Istio enabled): [2024-12-13T09:38:04....
Alexander Ishmuradov's user avatar
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Istioctl install command fails because timeout getting minimum supported Kubernetes version

I installed istioctl on my Mac and am trying to run this command from the terminal istioctl install --set profile=demo -y However this is the immediate response: Error: check minimum supported ...
Space Cadet's user avatar
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How to parse Vec<u8> as Duration for Envoy ProxyWASM self.get_property ABI in Rust?

I am trying to do a POC with Proxy Rust SDK to extend envoy. I am able to parse the property Vec<u8> returned by http_context.get_property(["cluster_name"]) as utf8 string in Rust. if ...
fearKing's user avatar
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Istio Authorization Policy

We're trying to deploy a service that uses an authorizationpolicy. The authorizationpolicy is the following apiVersion: kind: AuthorizationPolicy metadata: labels: app: ...
Lucas Abreu's user avatar
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Method to increase incorming request size in envoy proxy

Description: I am getting the below error when the incoming request size is greater than 300 MB. The istio proxy sidecar container throws the below error and doesn't allow the request. How to increase ...
sakthivel C's user avatar
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Why is traffic not routing 100% to nginx-v2 in Istio VirtualService?

I just got into Istio to manage traffic for my nginx application. My goal is to route 100% of traffic to nginx-v2 and 0% to nginx-v1. Below are the steps I took and the configurations I applied: ...
Typewriter's user avatar
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Not able to create websocket connection to istio

I have app running on behind istio gateway and proxy running as sidecar, when i make the connection request from chrome websocket client or wscat or python websocket-client and my requests reaches the ...
Raghvendra Garg's user avatar
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RBAC: Access Denied when deploying Kubeflow using already hosted Istio

We're deploying Kubeflow on an EKS cluster that already has both istio 1.23 and cert-manager installed on it. We therefore skipped istio and cert-manager installation and used option 3 from oauth2 ...
Lucas Abreu's user avatar
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Configuring Istio for HTTPS WebSocket Connection

I'm trying to configure Istio to enable HTTPS over a WebSocket connection. I'm using the default Istio sample as a starting point. Below is my current configuration: Service: apiVersion: v1 kind: ...
user28457808's user avatar
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How to bind a localhost port to a service via a Gateway without Host header

in our organization, we have a lot of services that hardcode sending requests to something like localhost:12345 from our previous service mesh solution. This pattern is in broad enough codebases that ...
abhishekmukherg's user avatar
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gRPC behind Istio Gateway

I'm having trouble debugging why my gRPC servers cannot be reached behind an Istio gateway. Here's how to reproduce: # Use enough resources for Istio. minikube start --memory=16384 --cpus=4 # Set up ...
handle's user avatar
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Supporting multiple environments/instances on GKE/Istio for a NextJS Web App

Deployment Setup GKE Cluster with Istio Service Mesh on GCP Spring Boot based APIs running on the GKE cluster. NextJS Web App (Mostly CSR with some SSR) ASK: We are wanting to support having ...
RookieDev's user avatar
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How Istio mTLS works with Prometheus

I am trying to make prometheus work with istio with mesh wide Strict mTLS enabled. From the istio documentation, istio certs has been shared with prometheus container and update scrapping job to use ...
Manidhar Vutla's user avatar
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Go lang tests in local mac [closed]

I am trying to run Go lang test of this file go test -run TestRemoteJwks remote_jwks_test.go ...
kiran25's user avatar

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