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How to CSS constrain object tag with SVG inside containing div

If you look at this example you will see that if you turn the phone into portrait mode an click one of the right most yellow boxes (to relocate the arrow) you will see scrollbars appear. I can prevent ...
McMurphy's user avatar
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Dynamically created SVG <imgae> element not rendered by the browser

Similar Dynamically created SVG elements are not rendered by the browser but my code already corresponded to their solutions. I am trying to use SVG markup in my HTML in order to render some texts. ...
Cyklon 3000's user avatar
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d3 axis labels and ticks are invisible

I am trying to view the axis labels of my d3 timeline chart. We are using v3 of d3 at work which can't be easily changed (there are many charts written this way) For some reason that I can't figure ...
Kyle Jensen's user avatar
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Transitioning SVG Line Position

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => { const hamburgerButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.hm-button'); const hamburgerLines = [ { closed: { x1: 13, ...
Jacob N's user avatar
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SVG Rendering Issues on iOS 18 Beta: Parabolic Graphs Breaking

I have an SVG file that primarily consists of paths and lines, used to render graphs within a Cordova application. After updating to the latest iOS 18 beta, I noticed that the parabolic graphs drawn ...
Santos's user avatar
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svg stops working when position in html page changes

I am using the svg widget below from this answered question Capture Signature using HTML5 and iPad to create a capturable signature. The code as is works but when I put content above it such as text ...
gatorreina's user avatar
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Image elements inside an svg element don't render on other browsers than firefox

I'm losing my mind over this a bit. Why does this render on firefox, but on other browsers such as chrome and edge it doesn't? <div className="row" style={{ position: "relative",...
mehawelm11's user avatar
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SVG element calculated position is wrong when svg is not its viewBox size

I have an svg map displaying countries. I want to create an svg element that gets the same position of the selected country as overlay an element. Thing is that it only gets the accurate position when ...
MasterNone's user avatar
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Wobble animation in text-path issue

I am trying to create an alert to broadcast via stream elements. I want the user's text, which is dynamic, to fit a path that draws a curve. Said text, I want it to have the wobble animation. If the ...
Iván Pérez's user avatar
5 votes
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html2canvas 1.4.1 screenshot error element using background-image:data:image/svg+xml;base64,

I use the html2canvas library to capture screenshots by passing in a className and saving the image file as a blob. However, when the image is saved or downloaded, there is an issue with elements that ...
a canh sad chim's user avatar
0 votes
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Positioning an input button and overriding SVG

If you make the beginning coordinates and ending coordinates of the Bezier curve equidistant, then you can duplicate Bezier curves. If you click the button, a second Bezier curve will appear under the ...
Speedlearner's user avatar
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SVG Component Rendering Inconsistently Across Browsers

I'm working on an SVG gauge component that works perfectly in Chrome but has rendering issues in Safari and Firefox. The gauge displays progress using a gradient fill and a rotating pointer. In Chrome,...
user26411203's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to modify the slope in svg shape

I have created one svg shape. I want the slope to start from middle. I tried,but I don't know how to make it. Can anyone please help me. <svg xmlns="" fill="none"> ...
Rural Smack's user avatar
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How to make svg and its path the exact same dimensions? [duplicate]

I have an issue with lots of my svgs where the container is bigger than the actual content. See gif below where I flick between hovering over svg and path in the Chrome inspector. As you can see the ...
Red Baron's user avatar
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Polyline renders in different thickness in Firefox and Chrome despite having the same stroke-width

I have an SVG Polyline that renders in two difrerent thickness in different browsers - Thicker for Chrome and thinner for Firefox. Would anyone know why? And how would I fix it such that the two have ...
Berry's user avatar
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