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Method Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag::extractPropNames does not exist

I've been working on updating my Laravel 10 app to version 11, and after switching back to the working branch, I now get this error. It's occurring wherever a blade file uses the @props directive. As ...
Tom's user avatar
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BindingResolutionException 'Target class [admin] does not exist.' in laravel 11 [closed]

i get this error when i tried to access the admin/dashbaord here is my web.php <?php use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; use App\Http\Controllers\TransactionController; use App\Http\Controllers\...
muili seun's user avatar
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How to hide a button in Laravel Blade?

I am working on a Laravel project, and I need to hide a specific button in the admin panel. The button is located in a Blade file that looks like this: <td> <button class="btn btn-...
Reda HAMIDI's user avatar
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Laravel Fortify add Page befor two-factor-challenge

i got the issue that the user is not gettting redirected to the two-factor-challenge page after he confirms which method he wants to get the TOTP code. if sms email or authentication app after ...
Doctorcreampie's user avatar
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Laravel 10 + Blade - Image and String under same input key not working

My Blade File - <input type="file" class="form-control" name="attribute_type_value[]"> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="...
Raiyan Islam's user avatar
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Livewire DataTable: `$this->data` is cleared during `dehydrating`, causing table rows to disappear

Title Livewire: $this->data is cleared during dehydrating, causing table rows to disappear Body I’m working with a modular Livewire component structure that involves a base component (BaseTable....
Mks's user avatar
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Property [nama_guru] does not exist on this collection instance

I’m working on a feature to display teacher data grouped by category (guru_category). Below is the code I’m using: public function showGuru(Request $request) { $search = $request->input('search'...
Moses Farrel Risgian's user avatar
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Intellisense is not working for Blade(PHP) files although VS Code is treating this file as Blade. How to resolve this issue?

I have been using laravel for doing some projects. But after opening the vs code, when I checked the blade.php files, there was no intellisense, but i checked the other php and css files, those are ...
Shahmaruf Siraj Mugdho's user avatar
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How to Login using the Middleware 'auth'?

I'm having problems with the authentication because in the following methods when it entries to the authenticate method, I receive True in my validation Log::info("", ['authenticated' => ...
Josue Sanchez Dominguez's user avatar
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check if variable has a certain value from external js file in Laravel Blade

Hi I'm brand new to Laravel and Blade (and kind of beginner to PHP) but not JS, so I've found how to do @if @else statements and I have an external .js file with a simple script that is returning a ...
Chobbit's user avatar
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Laravel 11 not saving data in to the database

I'm developing a Laravel 11 application that asks users to submit data, which is then saved to a database. My migrations have successfully created the necessary tables, but I'm having an issue. I can'...
MUGWANEZA MANZI Audace's user avatar
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php controller not giving info

I have a problem where I need a product list that is stored in a database to be displayed on my start.blade.php page, but an error shows: Undefined variable $products Here is all of my code: start....
Programmer3012's user avatar
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Undefined variable $tag?

I started to learn Laravel a couple a days ago but I have error in code somewhere where it says that $tag variable is undefined, my Blade template is below: @props(['tag','size'=>'base']) @php $...
Mislav Novalić's user avatar
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Undefined variable $data in Blade component despite passing data from controller

I am working on a Laravel project and I have a Blade component for displaying a data table. However, I am encountering an Undefined variable $data error when trying to pass data from my controller to ...
KOKO's user avatar
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Laravel Blade functionality not working on 20i Laravel server

I am working on a project as in intern, for a website management/creation company. I have created a web side application that will help with managing wordpress plugins and websites. My boss wanted to ...
owen's user avatar
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