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Generating SAS account token in powershell

"I generated a token using Azure and it’s working, but I need to create a correct script in PowerShell using the key. The stringToSign I generated is different from the one provided by Azure, and ...
piter22g's user avatar
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PowerShell "Assembly with same name is already loaded" on different Module Versions [duplicate]

I have a script that requires using two versions of the same module with conflicting assemblies: #Requires -PSEdition Core # main logic Install-Module -Name MyModule -RequiredVersion 2 -Scope ...
Daniel M.'s user avatar
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Powershell how to use azure vault secret value using yaml

I am new to yaml file, I am facing issues. error : "The term 'devkey' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program." I have variable group called ...
JasonM's user avatar
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Better way to deal with multiple foreach loops in Powershell?

Is there a better way in Powershell to handle multiple levels of returned values than nested foreach loops? I need to get a list of each of our Azure Virtual Desktop session hosts for further ...
theillien's user avatar
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Azure VM, extension script in powershell, how to pass as a parameter json object

I have a script in Powershell, I would like to run it as a script extension in Azure VM. The script is supposed to download various things, and the configuration would enter it as an object. I've been ...
Bartolini's user avatar
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Azure PowerShell command to list all Azure VM SKU Sizes enabled for Confidential Computing Azure ACC

Get-AzVMSize -Location "West US" The command above returns a list of all Azure VM SKU sizes in this format. Name NumberOfCores MemoryInMB MaxDataDiskCount ...
greg's user avatar
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Query resources in resource groups where tags are missing

I have got Azure resources within specific resource groups, however I do need to ensure that all resources have the following tags. Environment Cost_centre Department Owner Type So far it has ...
learner's user avatar
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Powershell 5 vs 7 different output [duplicate]

I have a strange case running something in Powershell 7 returns the expected result, but in Powershell 5 it doesn't unless you break op the line in multiple assignments Does anybody have an idea what ...
Edwin's user avatar
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Azure PowerShell: 404 Not Found when calling Microsoft.DomainRegistration/generateSsoRequest

I'm attempting to set up Cloudflare to host Azure domain names, following the process outlined in a Microsoft Q&A article. As part of this process, I need to generate an SSO request for Azure ...
Hayaaaaaa's user avatar
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Create Alert rule using New-AzScheduledQueryRuleConditionObject returns bad term

I'm trying to create a new Alert rule dynamically using DevOps pipelines and Powershell, but it's been really frustrating since documentation states some parameters are available to be passed in, but ...
holyshilo111's user avatar
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How to mock New-AzStorageContext in Pester

I would like to mock New-AzStorageContext to return a value that can be used as the DestContext parameter of the function Start-AzStorageBlobCopy. I have tried New-MockObject of Microsoft.WindowsAzure....
Tim Bassett's user avatar
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How to get Drive Item ID of a file from a user OneDrive using PowerShell Microsoft Graph

I'm trying to get a specific file's Drive Item ID from a user's OneDrive using Microsoft Graph. The sample script below is working, but it's really slow because it has to search the entire user's ...
aasenomad's user avatar
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Creating new azure web app with New-AzWebApp based on container image

My goal is to achieve something with powershell to automate the creation of an azure web app from powershell. New-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $WebAppName -Location 'West ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Invoke-AzAksRunCommand how to run aks-command pod with toleration

I'm trying to run: Invoke-AzAksRunCommand -ResourceGroupName myrg -Name mycluster -Command "kubectl delete pod --all -n myns;" but the temporary pod that Invoke-AzAksRunCommand will create ...
Emanuele's user avatar
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Update ADF trigger time for week days (Monday to Saturday) using azure PowerShell script

I wrote the following PowerShell script, but encountered an issue while setting weekdays from Monday to Saturday. The error I received was: ##[error]Exception setting "WeekDays": "...
avnish maddheshiya's user avatar

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