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while there is no line 16 but still giving error "line 16 : syntax error: unexpected end of line" [closed]

a=10 b=20 c=30 if [[ $a -gt $b && $a -gt $c ]] then echo "A is the greater number" if [[ $b -gt $a && $b -gt $c ]] then echo "B is the greater number" else echo &...
Gaddam Abhishek's user avatar
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Unfamiliar with CMAKE, possible error in configuration [duplicate]

I am trying to install ( for a post processing toolkit. I have downloaded and installed the required libraries to a build folder: #############################...
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pasting correct if statement (indented with '\t') in terminal (bash) gives syntax error

I get syntax error and a prompt 'Display all 2733 possibilities? (y or n)' when I paste the following in terminal in ubuntu 14.04. The lines are indented with '\t' characters. No errors if I replace '\...
Tuhin Paul's user avatar
30 votes
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CRONTAB syntax error

Herer is my CRONTAB file (Ubuntu 10.10): 57 1 * * 2-6 ET=`date --date 'yesterday'+%Y%m%d`;echo $ET Even The syntax color indicate that something is wrong. and there is this error: Subject: Cron &...
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