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tkinter listbox selection error when switching tabs

I have a tabbed interface with listboxes on each tab. When changing tabs, the first selection on the new tab errors out (index error) but any selection after that is recognized correctly. I've ...
Starscream's user avatar
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Python Tkinter how to set and highlight a listbox selection

I have a listbox which I want to set according to data from elsewhere in my program options = tk.Variable(('Active', 'Inactive', 'OOC')) ttk.Label( self, text='Status', ).grid(row=4, column=0, ...
David Shaw's user avatar
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How do I maintain full file path but only display basename in a sortable python listbox?

I am trying to only display the basename of a file in a python listbox but maintain the full file path somehow. I know how to only display the base file name but the problem is the listbox is sortable ...
Ohtis's user avatar
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Having some trouble subtracting a number value when removed from a listbox via a remove button

I've tried different combinations to try to get values to be subtracted when I order a meal and have successfully gotten the items to be removed from the listbox but have yet to get the items value to ...
Brock's user avatar
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Python // Freezing Tkinter Window

coming from an amateur level of javascript I just started messing around with python and tried to write a small script that checks if a lock file (selected by the user) exists over and over again and ...
Rob's user avatar
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how do i make a window panned tkinter GUI

here is my code. with it I can open and play an album of lovely music, which displays the tracks on the vertical black left hand pane. I have been trying to make said window "pannable" so i ...
NMW81's user avatar
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How do I add Listbox as a panedWindow Tkinter GUI?

Can someone show me how I can add a listbox to panedWindow? Take this code for example: can the left-hand window be made into a listbox? from tkinter import * m1 = PanedWindow() m1.pack(fill=BOTH, ...
NMW81's user avatar
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Tkinter: How to delete items in listbox from a different window Tkinter

I'm still very new to python and this is a practice project of mine I'm creating a task managing app using Tkinter. I'm working with JSON files if it makes any difference. so i have a listbox that is ...
Natalija Prošić's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to change an item in a list forever?

I have a program in tkinter which I have a list in it and I transferred the list items to a list box. when I run it, there is a list box and you're able to change the items by pressing buttons and ...
Hooman Mirzaei's user avatar
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Tkinter: Listbox not populating from function call, populates from list

I have a function that creates a list, and another that's supposed to populate a tkinter listbox with the items from that list. When a radio button is clicked the contents of the listbox should update....
Sabresong's user avatar
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TypeError: 'StringVar' object is not iterable -- tkinter ListBox()

I'm building a Python version of a popular party game, and I'm using tkinter to build the setup GUI with player name and game preferences.When I run the code the window opens and looks right except ...
Sabresong's user avatar
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Why does my Listbox print the whole list in one line?

I create a list by appending dictionary entries containing display_name, browse_name and node_id of OPCUA server nodes. When I print the list, all the elements are on one line. I have no idea why. ...
till12mann's user avatar
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Why does Tkinter lag only the first time a listbox is populated with a large number of lines?

My application, written for Python 3.12.0, loads a large number (around 6,000+ lines) of text lines into a Tkinter Listbox like this: self.listbox.delete(0,tk.END) self.listbox.insert(tk.END,*...
the_endian's user avatar
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Python Tkinter Listbox event curselection() trails selection value

I am programming a GUI using a Listbox as a file selection pane. Originally I was using <Double-1> as my event trigger, but decided to switch to <Button-1>. Long story short, I find there ...
Tom Smith's user avatar
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TKinter : filter a dataframe by listbox objects

I'm trying to create a small application to directly download data according to several criteria via TKINTER. I'm having trouble with one element in particular, namely the "Listbox" widget. ...
Ezaan's user avatar
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