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Questions tagged [bar]

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custom label for significance (*) with its value in brackets

I need customized node near coords in such a way that the level of significance (*) with it value is shown in brackets. I tried for level of significance and its value in brackets that all went in ...
Ahmed Aafaq's user avatar
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Horizontal Bar chart: cut off top and bottom bars

I have the problem, that somehow the bars at the top and bottom are cut off when compiling them. The red one above with 421 and the blue one below which is 0 are not visible. I am quite new to latex, ...
developBeginner's user avatar
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Embossed bars in 2D bar plot

I like my bars to appear embossed as shown in Figure. Here's the MWE: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}{scale=0.3} \begin{axis}[width=12cm,height=...
Ahmed Aafaq's user avatar
2 votes
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How to define a "vnodash" command?

I would like to typeset the following sequent: A | Γ ⊢ B. I have tried, \documentclass{article} \begin{document} $A \mid \Gamma \vdash B$ \end{document} but \mid has a much greater height that \vdash....
user avatar
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apply bar or tilde to symbol only (ignore subscript)

\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} $ \bar{S_{i,k}} $ \end{document} What I want is to span the bar only over the letter S. Obviously, the solution to this is $\bar{...
SolidMechanicsFan's user avatar
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How to write this variant of Dirac slashed derivative?

I want to write: Can someone please help me with this?
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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Add citation levels, like in e-mails [duplicate]

I am writing a report, in which I would like to cite some text and theorems, and I am wondering if there is an easy way to add a left bar to these citations, like in e-mails or the code below, to ...
Le_Petit_Prince's user avatar
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Prettier \overline and \bar [duplicate]

This has bothered me for a long time but I really dislike the way \overline looks. It always looks too clunky and far away from the letter or number it's over, or sometimes too close. Similarly, \bar ...
4u9ust's user avatar
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Space bar on keyboards no longer working in LyX

The space bar on ALL my keyboards no longer works in LyX! In order to supply an appropriate space after each word, I can no longer simply press the space bar but have to press SHIFT + SPACE. WHAT has ...
Maxwell's user avatar
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How to draw a patch inside a bar to indicate hours in a day?

Problem I would like to indicate the time duration of an event as a colored patch inside a horizontal bar, the latest representing a 24-hour timeline (i.e. a 24 units long bar), that should help the ...
Ommo's user avatar
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How to fix the appearance of power (10^x) on axis, so it will be near or at the x axis

I am plotting a bar plot and the power (10^x) at x-axis located very far from the axis as shown in the figure below: I used the following codes to plot the figure: \pgfplotstableread{datahis.dat}\...
Eman Hasan's user avatar
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multiple bar in horizontal bar chart in latex

I am trying to show a performance comparison of the different machine learning models by multiple bars in a horizontal bar chart in latex. I have tried the following code: \begin{figure*}[!tbp] ...
Sultan Ahmed's user avatar
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Labels above error bars

Can someone help me to place these labels above the error bars? And is there any option to show the SDs besides the label? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{...
Bennet's user avatar
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How to shorten the section names in the miniframe navigation bar in a Beamer?

I'm having a problem with the navigation bar in a beamer. The following image shows that is overloaded with text. In a forum I found that a way to reduce the text is to put the text in the square ...
Sebastián Gómez's user avatar
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How to plot a chart with bars

I would like to know how I could plot a chart of this type in latex: Maybe tikz would be helpful in this case? What would this kind of code look like?
ImHackingXD's user avatar

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