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bash var substitution inside json to use in curl

Team, I am unable to substitute values inside json(myjson) to use in curl command. any hint? JENKINS_USERNAME="svc-user" JENKINS_USER_TOKEN="xxxx" JENKINS_INSTANCE_FQDN="sham....
AhmFM's user avatar
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Pass the variable value to curl JSON

I am trying to create a JIRA ticket using curl POST method, but the variable substitution is not happening properly in TODAY_DATE variable. If i remove that it is working fine. ANy hint on how this ...
sabarish jackson's user avatar
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Not able to get the values in JSON from Variable

I have written small Shell/bash script, where I have some data in sampleData.txt file which I want to convert in Base64 and to pass it in variable $scriptPayload: value=$(cat sampleData.txt) echo &...
sandy's user avatar
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Bash variable substitution in a JSON string

I'm trying to create a JSON in BASH where one of the fields is based on the result of an earlier command BIN=$(cat next_entry) OUTDIR="/tmp/cpupower/${BIN}" echo $OUTDIR JSON="'"'{"hostname": "...
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