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Questions tagged [json]

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data representation format that resembles JavaScript source and that is can be easily red by machines and edited by humans with some effort.

160 votes
1 answer

How to prettyprint json using jq standalone?

Currently, when I want to pretty-print a json file using jq, I use: cat file.json | jq . Yet I would expect for jq to accept a file name as argument without having to fallback on cat. The man page ...
k0pernikus's user avatar
121 votes
1 answer

jq - select an attribute beginning with a string

input json: [ { "id": "89", "hostname": "abcd" }, { "id": "89", "hostname": "babcd" } ] How to modify below filter to get on output only hostname beginning with "abcd"? $ jq ...
Chris's user avatar
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95 votes
8 answers

Using jq to extract values from column-oriented JSON and format in CSV

I have the below JSON file, with the data stored as columns enumerated by rank in an array: { "data": [ { "displayName": "First Name", "rank": ...
Kerim's user avatar
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89 votes
13 answers

How to parse JSON with shell scripting in Linux?

I have a JSON output from which I need to extract a few parameters in Linux. This is the JSON output: { "OwnerId": "121456789127", "ReservationId": "r-48465168", "Groups": [],...
user3086014's user avatar
79 votes
4 answers

Merge jq output into a comma separated string

I am trying to curl some URL which returns a json file, then I want to parse hosts from it and create a comma separated string. I have the first part working curl -s -u "admin:admin" -H "X-...
rp346's user avatar
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75 votes
2 answers

How to convert embedded (quoted) json string to json

I'm familiar with "jq" for parsing json. I work with one service that produces a json response where one of the properties is itself a json string. How do I convert that quoted value to a valid json ...
David M. Karr's user avatar
56 votes
4 answers

Setting jq output to a Bash Variable [closed]

I'm using curl to get JSON back from a rest api like this: content=$(curl -s -X GET -H "Header:Value" echo "${content}"| jq -r '.data.value' which produces the value I ...
jymbo's user avatar
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52 votes
1 answer

How to sort a stream of json objects by field value using jq

I'm starting with json that looks like this: { "object": "list", "data": [ { "id": "in_1HW85aFGUwFHXzvl8wJbW7V7", "object&...
alec's user avatar
  • 1,848
50 votes
8 answers

How do I count the number of occurrences of a word in a text file with the command line?

I have a large JSON file that is on one line, and I want to use the command line to be able to count the number of occurrences of a word in the file. How can I do that?
mythz's user avatar
  • 611
38 votes
7 answers

How to decompress jsonlz4 files (Firefox bookmark backups) using the command line?

There seems to be various JavaScript+browser specific ways of decompressing this, but isn't there some way to transform jsonlz4 files to something unlz4 will read?
l0b0's user avatar
  • 52.5k
33 votes
6 answers

parse one field from an JSON array into bash array

I have a JSON output that contains a list of objects stored in a variable. (I may not be phrasing that right) [ { "item1": "value1", "item2": "value2", "sub items": [ { "...
JpaytonWPD's user avatar
33 votes
6 answers

How to extract data from a JSON file

I have been searching for a solution for my question but didn't find a or better said I did not get it with what I found.  My problem is: I am using a Smart Home Control Software on a Raspberry Pi.  ...
Raul Garcia Sanchez's user avatar
29 votes
2 answers

jq - print "-" for null values

input json: { "id": "3885", "login": "050111", "lastLoginTime": 1529730115000, "lastLoginFrom": "" } { "id": "3898", "login": "050112", "lastLoginTime": null, "...
Chris's user avatar
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26 votes
6 answers

Bash variable substitution in a JSON string

I'm trying to create a JSON in BASH where one of the fields is based on the result of an earlier command BIN=$(cat next_entry) OUTDIR="/tmp/cpupower/${BIN}" echo $OUTDIR JSON="'"'{"hostname": "...
Guru Prasad's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

jq print key and value for all in sub-object

I found this Q/A with the solution to print all the keys in an object: jq -r 'keys[] as $k | "\($k), \(.[$k] | .ip)"' In my case I want to perform the above but on a sub-object: jq -r '....
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar

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