Protecting Young People Online: Collaboration, Not Prohibition ARACY opposes the proposed ban on social media for children under 16. Instead, we advocate for evidence-based, inclusive approaches that balance safety with young people's rights. Social media provides critical opportunities for connection, creativity, and community—especially for vulnerable groups like LGBTQIA+ youth and those in remote areas. Let’s prioritise: ✅ Engaging young people to identify problems and co-design digital safety solutions. ✅ Investing in evidence-based online safety measures, digital literacy, and parental supports. ✅ Collaborating with mental health organisations, platforms, and young people on protective measures. ✅ Addressing broader mental health challenges like family violence and economic insecurity. Bans risk isolating young people and driving them to unsafe spaces. Together, we can create a safer, empowering digital future where all children and young people can thrive. Read more in our submission to the Senate: Today is the only day you can make a submission. Go here for more info: #SocialMediaBan #ValuedLovedandSafe #Healthy #MentalHealth Michelle Rowland MP Anthony Albanese Dr. Anne Aly Anne Hollonds Department of Social Services (DSS) Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
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PROJECT ROCKIT ReachOut Australia Beyond Blue headspace Suicide Prevention Australia Black Dog Institute LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Prevention United