I'm trying to submit a form to a website not my own (salesforce.com with their web-to-lead function) and I'm doing it through a javascript modal window.
Basically once all the entries are tested and made sure there are no errors, I use this:
if(error_count == 0) {
type: "POST",
url: "[salesforce url]",
data: "first_name=" + first_name + "&last_name=" + last_name + "&email=" + email + "&firm=" + firm + "&[salesforceid]=" + AUM + "&[salesforceid]=" + custodian + "&[salesforceid]=" + custodian_other,
error: function() {
success: function () {
If tested the form without using javascript and the url works, so I'm thinking maybe the way javascript handles the url is the issue?
The issue: the data is not getting successfully submitted to Salesforce. Again, regular HTML form works, javascript doesn't. So I've identified it as a javascript issue.