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How can I cache a web page and show that page if there is no internet?

I'm using the package webview_flutter to load webview in the app. What I want to achieve is to show a cached webpage if there is no internet. How is that possible in Flutter using webview? Here's my ...
Febin Johnson's user avatar
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Flutter - Handling WebView back press in PopScope's onPopInvokedWithResult method

I am using the following version of Flutter: Flutter 3.24.4 Dart 3.5.4 I am using the PopScope for WebView. How I can implement the WebView backpress in onPopInvokedWithResult method? I recently ...
Maverick's user avatar
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How to get callback from Angular WebApp through WebViewFlutter? and Issues with Polyfills and Syntax Errors

I'm building a Flutter app that uses WebView to load an authentication form developed in Angular. Once the signup form is completed, I need the response from the Angular app to be returned to Flutter ...
Febin Johnson's user avatar
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Why does the Flutter WebView package require you to use ".postMessage()"?

I have the Flutter WebView package in my pubspec.yaml. The webview has a JavaScript channels feature. You can a define a Dart function with a name like Foo for example. But for that function to handle ...
Ryan Tshovu's user avatar
8 votes
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"Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Method does not override any method from its superclass" error after updating Xcode

After updating my macOS version to 15.0 and updating Xcode to Version 16.0, my application can't get compiled and shows me this error: Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Method does not override any ...
Harry.R Jafari's user avatar
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Widgets with Webview are overflowing

When I create a structure with webview and SingleChildScrollView on a simple page, when I scroll the html gets mixed up with other widgets. Expected results Webview widget scrolls within itself ...
VolkanUstekidag's user avatar
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Flutter android Webview from HTMLString stays blank until interaction then shows content

i have the Problem that the webview in android stays blank (black or white depending on android theme) until some interaction, be it touching the screen, rotating the device or using the volume ...
matrixPill's user avatar
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Flutter detects touch as touch while scrolling in webview

I have a webview widget that displays a YouTube video in Flutter. The video opens without any problems, but when the page is scrolled by touching this widget, the video starts at the first touch. How ...
VolkanUstekidag's user avatar
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Text copying not working in flutter webview

I am trying to display an HTML data in webview. You can copy a single word in IOS, but no copying is triggered in Android, why is this?
VolkanUstekidag's user avatar
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How to maintain separate web storage for multiple sessions in Flutter InAppWebView?

I'm developing a Flutter app where I need to display multiple instances of a web app (WhatsApp Web) using the flutter_inappwebview package. The goal is to have each instance use separate web storage ...
pavan kalyan reddy's user avatar
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Flutter WebView: How to Keep Microphone and Camera Active When App is in Background?

I'm developing a Flutter app that utilizes a WebView to access webpages needing microphone and camera functionality. Everything works fine when the app is in the foreground, but the microphone and ...
Ashish Tandon's user avatar
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How to Properly Embed a Static Next.js Export in a Flutter WebView?

I am attempting to export a Next.js web application as static files and embed it within a Flutter app using a WebView. Here are the steps I have followed: In next.config.js, I added output: 'export' ...
J J's user avatar
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Send JS function to Webview JS from Flutter

I have below function to return some data to JS side and It's a Map (However the flutter_inappwebview encodes the map after I return It), I do this by addJavaScriptHandler of flutter_inappwebview, But ...
Reza Aslejeddian's user avatar
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Flutter web: Handling Javascript callback from WebView

I'm using flutter_inappwebview 6.0.0 in my Flutter app. It targets Android, iOS and Web. For the Web part, I'm stuck on a problem. I have a screen on the Web part which embeds a Stripe payment Intent ...
eoinzy's user avatar
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why does safari asks for permission for using microphone on every page load?

I am working with a react web view with Flutter for Mac and it uses the user's microphone. The react app opens in Safari. But it requests for microphone permission on every page load! Is there any way ...
alpha_N1618's user avatar

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