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Actions is currently unavailable for your repository, and your Pages site requires a Jekyll build step. To continue building your site on pushes, [closed]

Build and deployment Actions is currently unavailable for your repository, and your Pages site requires a Jekyll build step. To continue building your site on pushes, you need to enable Actions. Learn ...
KIRAN KUMAR K's user avatar
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List differing Commits in PR does not work in GitHub Action

I am trying to list commits that are differing between the main branch and my current branch in a script that's also being utilized by a GitHub action: $ git log --pretty="format:%h" --right-...
Jazzschmidt's user avatar
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local gitea runner service can not find gitea server

when i run the command actions/checkout@v4 i get an error I a gitea docker container running on ubuntu. this is the docker compose file: services: gitea: image: gitea/gitea:latest ...
Kobi O's user avatar
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Git not committing, gpg stuck in database_open waiting for lock

When I attempt to commit in Git through R, I continuously get revoked access. The error is: gpg: Note: database_open 134217901 waiting for lock (held by 9857) .. I have pushed. I have pulled. I have ...
Will's user avatar
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Github action powershell exit codes and error action preferences

I am trying to get the latest tag from git in a Github Action workflow (runs-on: windows-2022). - name: Get the latest tag from Git shell: pwsh run: | try { ...
Victor's user avatar
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GitHub Pages 404 error despite successful deployment

I'm having an issue with deploying my GitHub Pages site. Despite successfully deploying my project using GitHub Actions, my Pages site is showing a 404 error at the URL:
jbyrd's user avatar
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How to Trigger GitHub Actions Workflow on Tag Push to Specific Branch

I have a GitHub Actions workflow configured for my master branch. When a commit is pushed to the master branch, it automatically triggers a deployment to the staging environment. However, I want to ...
Aaqib Shaikh's user avatar
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Is there a proper way to run a GitHub Action pull_request event when there are conflicts with the base branch?

There's this unanswered GitHub communities discussion about GitHub Actions pull_request events not being triggered when there are conflicts with the base branch set in the PR. The GitHub Actions team ...
Roy Gal's user avatar
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Automatic sync of selected files in a monorepo to separate repos

I am failing to set up an Actions workflow to run upon a push to a monorepo and sync files to target repos in the same account. It is supposed to read JSON from a GitHub variable which defines the ...
marko-36's user avatar
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List path to modified files in the latest git commit on GitHub

name: DBexecute - AD on: push: paths: - 'upload_REMOTEHOST/**/' # This will detect changes in any subdirectory under upload_REMOTEHOST jobs: setvars: runs-on: group: "...
Ashar's user avatar
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workflow_run determines wrong gitversion

So I recently started making the switch from DevOps to GitHub for our repositories and CI/CD. But I'm running into some issues, and I'm not sure how to fix it. We have a "build" workflow ...
Nimesco's user avatar
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github actions for a repository and its submodule avoiding infinite loop

I have a github repository A which uses another github repository B as a submodule. Both of which has their own github action. Repo B can be run independently with its actions, and whenever I run repo ...
RAHenriksen's user avatar
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Git actions/checkout "ambiguous argument 'HEAD^'"

This is my first time using git actions. I want to create different filetypes of the same text using pandoc. Since I'm using free runtime for this (and there may be more actions to come) I want to ...
GH-MK's user avatar
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Run notification when status changes from previous run of the workflow on the same branch

In a Github Workflow, we are currently running a notification action whenever the workflow fails. But we want to also get a notification when the problem get fixed. In github actions terms: when the ...
vokimon's user avatar
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github powershell checkout action fails intermitently with Authorization error: ***

Below is my complete simplistic testcase GitHub powershell windows workflow that fails for a particular repo and not for all repos. name: Testcheckout - AD on: workflow_dispatch: jobs: setvars: ...
Ashar's user avatar
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