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How to compare Clients IDs between 2 periods in Google Analytics?

On the Google Analytics platform, I want to find out whether the user who visited on 13/08/2020, also visited (Session > 0) another time between 13/08/2020 - Today or not. I went to the "User ...
John Owen's user avatar
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Error in R when connecting to Google Analytics API (Error in curl, Timeout was reached)

I was trying to directly pull GA data through R but it kept throwing the following error: Authentication complete. Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : Timeout was reached: [...
Wanyi Huang's user avatar
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Authentification Scope Problems with Google Analytics API request googleAnalyticsR

When I try to make a request for Google Analytics data -> Request Status Code: 403, Error: API returned: Insufficient Permission: Request had insufficient authentication scopes. options(...
karnager's user avatar
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authenfication into googleAnalytics using R

I apply googleAnalyticsR to use the Google-API. I create a project ans want to log in: library(googleAnalyticsR) library(googleAuthR) ga_auth(email="[email protected]") after login via ...
maniA's user avatar
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No Google Analytics History available for some client IDs

I use the GoogleAnalyticsR R library for calling the Google Analytics API to extract the client history for some Google Analytics clientID. This seems however like a general problem with either the ...
Tim M. Schendzielorz's user avatar
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Google analytics API: Only a few Segment id's returning data?

So i'm trying to get per page conversion rate i have this code that works as long as i have segment_id = "gaid::-1", a few other numbers work, but any number that is connected to Conversions ...
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Account authentication false access request during creating oauth token googleAnalyticsR

I have a problem with the creation of an oauth token for Google Analytics for a Shiny web app. When I run this script to create a token (like described here googleanalytics R Setup in the Video) ...
nasbar's user avatar
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Using filters with a list in R with Google Analytics package

I would like to extract a specific set of productskus from Google Analtics with several metrics included. My set of sku that I would like to extract are in a list. I cannot seem to get Analytics to do ...
Don Doe's user avatar
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Not able to export more than 1000 rows via googleAnalyticsR

I am using the library to export more than 6 months of data. The total amount of rows of my export in the interface is around 2000 rows. When I replicate the report via the package I systematically ...
chopin_is_the_best's user avatar
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could not find function "ga_clientid_activity" in GoogleAnalyticsR

What has happend to the following function in googleanalyticsR? could not find function "ga_clientid_activity"
nemja's user avatar
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Is there a way in R to separate adjacent rows in columns? [duplicate]

I'm trying to implement a cluster analysis of types of users on a website leveraging a unique visitor ID, pages viewed, and the number of times the page was viewed. My thought is to get clusters of ...
JAB's user avatar
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regular expression in a variable, how to handle special characters?

I'm trying to make API calls to Google Analytics and need to send regular expression as part of call using googleAnalyticsR package. regular expression can be sent because I have special charaacter() ...
Mehdi Zare's user avatar
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Resolve 500 server error with Google Core Reporting API

I am at a complete loss at this point on how to resolve my query issue. We have been using the R package, RGA, for about a year now without any problems. I have a script that has been fetching data ...
Jonathan Rummel's user avatar
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how to display the intersect of two columns with the corresponding date?

The three columns are date,secondpage and exit page. i want to display the common values in secondpage column and exitpage column with the correponding date. I have used intersect(col1,col2) but i ...
Shri Dharani's user avatar
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Google Analytics API - Currency from Google.Adwords in R

I use library "googleAnalyticsR" to download metric "AdCost" from Google Analytics API . As I know, the metric allow to transmit data ("Cost") from Google.Adwords. But the Currency is USD in Google....
Denis's user avatar
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