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Get page views from google analytic 4 in React

I have a react nodejs project and have some products in my site. I setup Google Analytic 4 with package 'react-ga4', Now i simply want to get a number of views for every product. I searched and came ...
Marzieh Mousavi's user avatar
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Access Google Analytics API with OAuth credentials

I am attempting to use the Analytics Data API from a node project The API is accessed using the BetaAnalyticsDataClient I can find examples of using the client with a service account but not with ...
Robin's user avatar
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Google Analytics Data Api (GA4) Get Transccation with depended infromation

we are moved to GA4 and now i'm trying to get data from GA4, but i cant move some part of code $filters = ['dimensions' => 'ga:transactionId,ga:deviceCategory,ga:channelGrouping']; ...
Geriht's user avatar
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Manage user permission Google Analytics API v3

I'm using the Google Analytics API to add users to a Google Analytics account. I'm using the following POST endpoint to do so.${accountID}/...
Ethan Crabb's user avatar
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PHP Google Analytics Data API V1 (Beta) (GA4) : BetaAnalyticsDataGapicClient::runReport() must be of the type array

I am trying to fetch data from G4A using this guide: Here is my code: use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\...
Kaloy's user avatar
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Google Analytics Data API (GA4) Setup - Unable to Read Credential File Despite Correct Path

I have been facing a persistent issue while trying to set up the Google Analytics Data API (GA4) using the quickstart guide provided by Google (quickstart guide). The specific problem arises when I'm ...
Tommy Cunningham's user avatar
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Google Analytics API createProperty() missing array args

I am working with the Google Cloud PHP API. I am hooked up and everything works great when pulling admin info like accounts and properties. I am trying to create a basic property within an account ...
Zak's user avatar
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Google Analytics 4 - simple example of service account API usage in Java?

I've spent a few days trying to get an example of how to do the above - use a service account to non-interactively get Google Analytics metrics using the GA4 API from Java. The official example at ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Error Message "User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile" while Executing Google Analytics API Code

Hello StackOverflow community, I am currently working on implementing the Google Analytics API in PHP using the example code provided in this link:
Luis Miguel Molina Betancourt's user avatar
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Can not get "setPropertyId" in "Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_ReportRequest"

I have a GA4 account and propertyId created, I have created the service account and got the JSON file also. I am implementing a code in which I want to get the Google Analytics data for my PHP ...
always-a-learner's user avatar
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Is there a way to access GA4 data with PHP without composer?

Before GA4, I was able to get page views from UA via the old google api. That worked great. After we switched to GA4 though, we are no longer seeing new page views. It's my understanding I have to ...
user2662680's user avatar
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how to get all the keywords searched by users on google to come to your website through google analytics v4?

I want to get keywords listing that users searched through google search. To track the keywords searched by users on Google and have them appear in your website's Google Analytics (GA) data, you'll ...
Ans Asif's user avatar
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google analytic 4 (ga4) return Invalid JSON payload

I'm trying get data from google analytics api 4 (ga4), I send the request in postmen: my url: method: POST body: { "...
ari selil's user avatar
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Google Analytics Reporting v4 with streams instead of views

I've just created a new Google Analytics property and it now defaults to data streams instead of views. I had some code that was fetching reports through the API that I now need to updated to work ...
Julien's user avatar
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How to get Uinversal Analytics sales performance report using Google API (Node js)

I am trying to automate the UA (Universal Analytics) Ecommerce- sales Performance Report using Google API But i could not find the API for that can any help with this Need Ecommerce- sales Performance ...
naveen's user avatar
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