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Get list of date dimensions in chronological order

I would like to get a list of views (any metric really) using the google analytics API. I used the metrics for screenPageViews and the dimension date. I do get the metrics, but they are not in ...
M4X_'s user avatar
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"@google-analytics/data": "^4.x.x" add metricAggregations array. Throw error "Cannot serialize object to proto3 JSON since its .$type is unknown."

I'm using "@google-analytics/data": "^4.7.0" to request ga report, in the request array, I add some payloads which can be mocked by GA4 query explorer, payloads are like dateRanges,...
stevetanus's user avatar
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Migrate Google Analytics Embed API to GA4

I have a dashboard based on the Google Analytics Embed API (javaScript library) to present charts inside my platform with Analytics UA results from my website. Basically, I was reading properties like ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Loop not working while pulling data from a Google Analytics 4 API - App Script (overcome 10K of rows limit)

I'm trying to retrieve data from a google analytics account. So far, the app script code is working. function runReport(sheetName, dimensionArr, metricArr, startDate, endDate, filters) { let ...
Herman K's user avatar
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"Request had insufficient authentication scopes." Google Analytics Reporting API v4

import React, { useEffect } from "react"; import { gapi } from "gapi-script"; import Login from "./components/login"; export default function App() { useEffect(() =>...
CatalinPCE's user avatar
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How to Add Google Global Site Tag Script to my Vuejs Application?

My client sends me a google analytics script to track traffic on the website(prod). It is a Global Site Tag (gtag.js) and he wants me to add it to the head section of the application. I did my ...
eşelk eşekll's user avatar
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Why do UI analytics libraries separate pageview events from other events?

Most UI analytics libraries (e.g googleAnalytics) seem to differentiate between tracking pageViews and other events. For example, this is from the Google Analytics page. The Google Analytics client ...
raneshu's user avatar
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Connect data to a google analytics session in javascript

On Google Analytics, in Javascript, is there a way to tie certain behavior to which session ID a user is on? For example, every time the user changes GA sessions, we want to show the user a different ...
Aarlo Stone Fish's user avatar
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Pull List Account structure Ga4 + export Google Sheets

I would like to pull my Account structure from GA4 in bulk. I have found several scripts but nothing works perfectly (info would be, account title, property ID & Stream ID). Google provides a ...
Tummy's user avatar
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Can anyone help me recreate this exact same request but with GA4 format instead of the UA ID method am currently using?

This is the request am making using the UA method of calling the V3 API, wrapped in a oath library for react. But it's getting deprecated starting June 2023 and I can't figure out how to recreate it ...
Sheru's user avatar
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How to trigger an event sending info to GA 4 in client side, using javascript?

Hello Everyone, I want to be able to trigger events and sending info to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), using javascript. Following this link developer google I am able to create tags and triggers but, I ...
Shila Mosammami's user avatar
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Apply error handling in react google analytics

I am using react-ga ( module in my React application, so that i can send events, to google analytics. I have read the documentation of react-ga and i cant find a ...
Theo Itzaris's user avatar
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Hello Analytics Reporting API v4; JavaScript quickstart for web applications

I am trying to make a functional connection to GA API according to the official docs - I did everything needed to ...
Joe Wu's user avatar
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Google Analytics Embed Api with new google login authorization flow -i.e Google Identity ( 2022 )

I have been trying to integrate google analytics embed api in my react application by using traditional gapi approach but I am getting this error from google "You have created a new client ...
Haris Ghori's user avatar
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Fetching Google Analytics Data using Vuejs

How can i fetch google analytics data using Vuejs. I search and tried but still can't figure it out how to fetch data. EDIT I tried this
Jelbert's user avatar
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