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alternate ideas for working with dynamically named html elements

I am creating .jsp page elements dynamically by looping through a table (say table tquestions with columns question_id and question_txt) using a <c:forEach> loop and creating label elements ...
warrenjb's user avatar
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Java Maven+Spring Project: JSP Webpage 404 Error

I've been having issues getting my JSP webpage to display on my browser when I execute my Spring Boot project. I'm using Spring MVC to map my JSP with an application properties file and a main ...
CheeseBalls's user avatar
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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A null comparator has been passed to RowSorter using <display:table> in JSP

I have some code like this: <sql:query var="task_work"> Select * from tasks </sql:query> <display:table name="${task_work.rows }" sort="list" id="...
Ugito's user avatar
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JSP not showing data passed by JAVA Servlet [duplicate]

I am just a fellow newbie practicing Hibernate integration with JSP and Servlet. The problem arose when I tried to fetch data from the database. As usual I have the entity class with all the getters ...
FireDrop6000's user avatar
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how to retrieve item from Cart

I am buliding an online bookstore with JSP and servlet which allow the user to view books and add to cart then process to checkout, but when I add an item to my cart and then I click on view cart it ...
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How to make a data to be displayed whenever the JSP page is opened and not show empty data when data is actually present in the database? [duplicate]

I am trying to send partyList from to addParty.jsp. Whenever addParty.jsp is opened, the partyList isn't displayed readily and no records are seen. It just shows You have not ...
Paridhi's user avatar
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Why uploading a file my file object is null in Struts 2?

I'm trying to fix this code, uploading an image file using Struts 2. When I debug, I verified in my action class, my variables descriptor, descriptorContentType, and descriptorFileName are all coming ...
Andre Forte's user avatar
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Can not find the tag library descriptor for "" [duplicate]

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ taglib uri="" prefix=&...
user28427951's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why doesn't this Oracle Java web app tutorial seem to work anymore?

I've been doing web stuff for a long time, but I'm new to Java and particularly to its use in web applications. Because I learn best by doing, I'm currently working through a dated tutorial by Oracle, ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Dropdown search using a combobox in a JSP, MYSQL Java Web Project on Apache Netbeans [duplicate]

So far I could make a form which contains a combobox which successfully brings from the DB a list of users from a table as options to choose in a combobox. However, I was asked to add a search section ...
Chris Cars's user avatar
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Server not able to find some of JS files in JSP application

I have JSP web application hosted on wildfly sever, it was working even after recent deployment. Today application seems broken and server not able to find some JS files. This is my file structure, ...
Veerendhar Reddy's user avatar
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Getting No static resource WEB-INF/views/login.jsp even I have this file located in my Springboot webapp directory [duplicate]

I'm trying to create an application that user can login and be redirect to home page(which display a successfull login information) My project directory look like this click here for image of ...
Wu Hongyan's user avatar
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unable to retrive the data from database using servlets [duplicate]

I created a Java Dynamic Project using ecllipse with Servlets, JSP and Mysql where i tried to retrive the data from database but while running it getting the below error. org.apache.jasper....
spt's user avatar
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records are duplicated while adding two different accounts once

I want to add two accounts. For that I will make use of the account dropdown. Every time I select an account number the site and container description is populated automatically. After that I will ...
ackbNow's user avatar
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Java Sql Query display on jsp [duplicate]

I am creating the front end with jsp and I have an input. This input allows user to type in a sql query. (there is no validation at this point of time). Let's say on submit, it goes to a controller ...
Ducati rider's user avatar

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