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Ckeditor drop down issue on Bootstrap modal (Open and close immediately on click)

I have opened ckeditor inside bootstrap modal but format and size drop down are not working properly. When I click on size or format drop down it opens and close immediately, I read that it is a bug ...
pise's user avatar
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intermittent ClassNotFoundException for JSP using eclipse

Running Eclipse Indigo, Tomcat 7 on Windows - running the web application on the ROOT context with eclipse wtp plugin I am getting this intermittent problem where eclipse cannot find the compiled JSP. ...
Dan MacBean's user avatar
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Simple way to return formatted XML output in JSP document (JSPX)

This was a problem when I tried to switch to XML-based JSP over 15 years ago, and it looks like it's still a problem. Using Tomcat 9, if I have a simple JSP page, the output is nicely formatted. <...
Garret Wilson's user avatar
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My Spring web is facing with net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING in chrome Environment: Client: Chrome 54 (latest) Server: CentOS 7, Tomcat 9.0.0.M11 Spring 4.1.1.RELEASE Web app WAS OK. But after ...
HungPV's user avatar
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Communication between Jasper and a different application

I have Jasper Reports Server (installed on and a separate Java/JSP application (installed on, and I am pursuing different options for generating reports. Option 1 (...
gordon613's user avatar
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Jasig CAS Authentication redirect loop

I have six applications and I am using Jasig CAS for authenticating them. Jasig CAS's Single Sign On is working really good for me. On the other hand, Single Sign Off is not working for me. When I ...
Skr's user avatar
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JSP tag attribute inherits variable from parent scope when null is passed in?

I encountered an issue recently where passing null into a custom JSP tag resulted in the tag going up the scope and resolving the variable to a variable of the same name in the parent JSP. Is this ...
MrColes's user avatar
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How do I specify that I want my jsp-config directive to apply to all JSP pages served in our application?

We are using JBoss 7.1.3.Final with Java 6. I would like to apply UTF-8 page encoding to all JSP pages served on our site, so I added this to our web.xml file <jsp-config> <jsp-property-...
Dave's user avatar
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Expression Language evaluated in Apache Web Server

I am having an Apache Web server 2.0 and Tomcat server 7.0. Web server directs the request to Tomcat server. Both web and tomcat application servers are directly accessible. When expression ...
Karthik MG's user avatar
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Using Static Nested Class in JSP Tag

I am having trouble referencing a static inner class in a JSP tag file. I am using Glassfish Jersey and Jetty 6.1.X. I am using JSP 2.0 and tagfiles, and I don't have any TagHandler classes or any ....
Tyrannoseanus's user avatar
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Including JSP calls in Call Hierarchy of Eclipse

How can I get Eclipse Call Hierarchy to support calls in JSP files? I am an avid user of the Call Hierarchy feature of Eclipse, as it helps me navigate and find all call sources of a method or other ...
ADTC's user avatar
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How to access parent attribute in a nested JSP Tag File?

I must be blind or using the wrong search terms because I cannot find a good answer on this. I have two custom JPS tag files. One will be nested within the other one. How can I access an attribute ...
user3311662's user avatar
6 votes
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How to precompile JSP files in Wildfly 10?

In older versions of JBoss AS, the Tomcat jasper JSPC compiler could be used to precompile JSP pages to ensure that they were all syntactically valid JSP files. According to
Eric B.'s user avatar
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Alert Message is not Displaying Properly

I want to display the below message in French Language eg: Rack(s) [...]ne peut pas être déclaré HS. but i am getting Rack(s) [...] ne peut pas e darHS . here some of the character is not ...
Vikash's user avatar
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Spring framework replacement for FlowAction

I recently inherited a very old code base (written in 2006) that uses the spring framework. Right now, the goal is to get it semi-functional, which I've almost done. However, there is some code I ...
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