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How to stop Rshiny refresh data before I finish multiple input selection (before I hit enter)

I have 1 input in Rshiny that needs multiple inputs: selectInput("selected_herd", "Select Herd", selected = herds_list[1], choices = herds_list, multiple = TRUE) In the ...
Ann's user avatar
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'Maximum call stack size exceeded' when using tsibble::fill_gaps() in a shinylive webr app

I am using shinylive (v0.2.0) to write a Shiny (v1.8.1.1) app to run in the browser (Safari v17.5, 19618. using webr. The app takes data where each row represents an event and counts the ...
Matt Ashby's user avatar
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How to load local csv files into shinyLive code block within a Quarto document?

I want to create a quarto document that contains a code block that uses shinyLive to run an interactive graph. At the moment, all the examples I have seen are either: using R's inbuilt dummy data or, ...
Matthew Nocete's user avatar
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Using Quarto, how to render a self-contained HTML file that contains shinylive-r code?

Description of issue I am trying to create a self-contained HTML file with Quarto, that contains a {shinylive-r} code block, but I am having issues with this. Is it possible to do this? Please see ...
Matthew Tansley's user avatar
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Using shinylive to allow deployment of R shiny apps from a static webserver yields huge files

I am testing this new-ish method of deploying R shiny apps on dumb web servers by leveraging the WASM technology. I have produced this simple app that doesn't need any data. Its only function is allow ...
Faustin Gashakamba's user avatar
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Static version of R Shiny app using shinylive package failing to preload packages using webR

I'm trying to create a static version of my app and set it up as the Github Pages website. Here's a link to my folder containing the static version of the app created by the shinylive package https://...
Dasha Semochkina's user avatar
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Plotly plot not rendered when rendering two plotly plots at once using shinylive for R

I've written a relatively simple demo Shiny app in R using bslib and plotly. In this app, when selecting an entry from the selectizeInput, two plotly plots are rendered, namely a scatter plot on the ...
vaely's user avatar
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A way for shinylive integration for serverless Quarto R Dashboard?

In recent months there's been significant development in Quarto Dashboards, and Shinylive integration in Quarto. However, I can't seem to find any resources on how to integrate Shinylive specifically ...
Giandomenico Bisaccia's user avatar
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Failed to render a Shiny app into HTML static file using the shinylive package [closed]

I was able to successfully render the simplest hello shiny app successfully, it worked fine and fast! # Copy "Hello World" from `{shiny}` system.file("examples", "01_hello&...
toxin's user avatar
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Shinylive app doesn't render leaflet map tiles

I am trying to move an r-Shiny app onto a website using the shinylive package. The app is exported to HTML and it is functional, except that a leaflet map that is embedded in the site does not render ...
SGE's user avatar
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shinylive does not read data from external sources

I have been trying to read .csv file from my computer or online sources to incorporate in shinylive, but the dashboard does not show anything at all. --- title: "Wine Data Analysis" format: ...
Majid Zaremehrjardy's user avatar
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Add text to loading screen of shinylive app (R)

Is it possible to add text under the loading animation in a shinylive app? (I want to tell users how long to expect the site to take to load.)
snaut's user avatar
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Is it possible to pre-install packages to shinylive app

Is it possible to pre-install packages in a shinylive for R app, instead of installing them with webr::install at runtime? (In my opionion, this has some advantages: It causes less requests to other ...
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