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Questions tagged [presentation]

Oral presentations: preparation of slides, preparation of the talk, delivery…

6 votes
2 answers

Conference gave me a talk instead of a poster, but my results don't feel ready

PhD student in Astronomy here, roughly 2 years or so from graduation. I'm going to a significant conference in my subfield this week, and my abstract was accepted for a talk! I initially expected to ...
arnbobo's user avatar
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30 votes
7 answers

How can slow thinkers learn to respond to questions?

I'm a postdoctoral researcher in STEM and I've always been a slow thinker. I need to slowly process research issues, theory or ideas with pencil & paper or on a whiteboard. I often need to have ...
student's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Need advice on printing a poster for a CS conference in USA [closed]

I am an international student, first time to present in an in person poster session. Unfortuantely, I didn't manage to print my psoter before my flight. The conference is in Atlanta, GA, USA. I asked ...
Dark_Witch's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Presenting a poster about work that has already been published

I am planning to participate in a conference for the first time. Are there any rules or conventions that prevent me from showcasing results that have already been published?
farmaceut's user avatar
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24 votes
7 answers

Expecting ad hominem criticism in a thesis defense: How to prepare well for this?

To be short, I have a bad relationship with my advisor. He told me my research ideas are wrong and that he was not convinced of them without giving reasons. I proceeded against his opinion and ...
Nadine's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What should be the affiliation of PhD student who submitted thesis but yet to defend, in a conference talk slides?

I have submitted my PhD thesis in mathematics but have yet to defend. I have a conference in the next month, a contributed talk on a topic different from the dissertation. I have prepared the front ...
Learner's user avatar
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1 answer

Lecturer interview presentation in the UK

I was shortlisted for a lecturer post in a research-intensive university in the UK. From the job description, I can see this post is teaching focused. The only research duty seems to be the ...
Mengxin Wang's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Job talk Q&A: handling the room vs. being respectful

I am seeking advice on how to handle questions during a job talk that diverts focus from the main presentation. Specifically, I'm concerned about questions that become lengthy (turning into manifestos)...
Ohad Dan's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Should thesis defense slideshow be shared?

As mentioned in Academia.SE, it is encouraged to share one's thesis manuscript and publish it online. What about a PhD defense slideshow? I am quite glad with the work we did on this presentation and ...
JKHA's user avatar
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Is ISIT conference on Linguistics and applied linguistics fake? [duplicate]

Is this conference fake? Or is it just not popular? I am a PhD student. I just found this conference and applied for me to do something useful while ...
Nelly Marutyan's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Is it bad that I gave the wrong answer to a question during a recorded talk?

I had to give an important talk about my field. Then during the talk a professor asked a question, he wanted me to give an example in a different situation. I tried to remember and told him the ...
user1620696's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you ensure that you'll get "credit" when your conference talk is cited?

I don't mean in the sense of ensuring that someone correctly cites your talk when they reference it in their own work, but rather that that citation actually ends up counting towards things like your ...
joshisanonymous's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What is the correct `seminar etiquette'? [closed]

I'm a new PhD student studying AI and I've never attended seminars before. When I attend the seminars held within my lab (a lab member presents a paper) now, I have a lot of questions about the ...
Bruce Murdock's user avatar
3 votes
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Defending my PhD thesis in interdisciplinary work (mainly social sciences) in a life sciences college

I am a PhD student in a life sciences college. My PhD project is in collaboration with another research institute specializing in Biomedical ethics and religion. So my PhD work happens to be more of ...
sasha's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Presenting unfinished research as a Master's student at a conference

I am currently in the second semester of my Master's and will be graduating in about a year. I submitted an abstract a few months ago for a conference in my field, and recently found out it has been ...
meeblestory_24's user avatar

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